No matter how many times you get a glimpse of an animal in nature, it’s always an exciting moment. Animals are instinctively great parents and they will care for their young just as well as humans.
An Alaskan man knows this all too well as he was blessed with a family of lynx kittens on his porch. After hearing strange noises outside, he looked out and found a mama lynx and her seven kids playing on his porch.
When photographer Tim Newton heard noises on his porch, he took a look and found a lynx kitten.

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As he approached, he noticed the lynx kitten was looking at his brothers and sisters playing on the porch.

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They were all having a good time.

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Looking on while his brothers and sisters are playing.

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Look at the size of those paws!

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Proud mama looking after her kittens while camouflaged behind some bushes.

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After a few minutes, she joined her kittens on the porch which was a perfect opportunity for a family photo.

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It’s also a blessing to get so close to these majestic animals.

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Getting ready to pounce!

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This mama lynx has her hands full with her 7 rambunctious little kittens.

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“Come back here right MEOW!”

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The kittens played for almost an hour and enjoyed every minute of it.

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“Tag, you’re it.”

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Look at those gorgeous eyes!

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Taking a much-deserved break after all the playing.

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Such a precious and happy moment to share some time with a mama lynx and her family.

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It’s not every day you get so seen an entire family of lynx on your porch or deck. Thankfully, this incredible moment was captured by photographer Tim Newton while looking out his porch window. You can also purchase these and other fabulous lynx prints at Fine Art America.
Please share this beautiful family of lynx playing on an Alaskan family’s porch with your friends and family.