The first car for many kids was the red and yellow plastic Little Tikes car. It wasn’t peddle-powered but instead relied on kids to propel themselves by pushing with their feet just like the Flintstones cartoons. My niece and nephews all had one and there were moments where I wished I could fit into it because it looked like so much fun!

Well, for those people like me that wished there was an adult-sized Little Tikes car, Brothers John and Geof Bitmead of the United Kingdom built a real-life Little Tikes car that is street legal and rides at speeds of up to 70 MPH! It was built from a Daewoo Matiz and extensively modified to look just like a bigger version of a Cozy Coupe car.
Watch this street-legal Little Tikes car tackle the open road…
Here are some of our favorite YouTube comments regarding the Little Tikes Cozy Coupe car:
- “Why hasn’t this been featured on Top Gear?” – 2259Ben
- “But will it drift?” – noli9999
- “WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE!!!!! Now I can live my childhood dream !!!!” – Danny Caracciolo
- “Where do I sign? I want one!” – liquidalloy
- “I love it, this is brilliant.” – MindzLiberal
- “I want this car.” – san okematu
- “Would be nice to drive this thing in California, not the UK.” – PsychoJosh
- “This is one of the best things about the UK, that you can get something completely bonkers like this road legal. It’d never happen here in Australia.” – TheLongDark
- “Wait is it legal to drive this on the road?” – Connor Bland
- “Smart!” – Corona may
The brother built the car to raise funds for a charity and it was later sold on eBay for an undisclosed amount. Please share this unbelievable roadworthy version of a Little Tikes Cozy Coupe car with your friends and family.