Seventy-Four Percent of Moms Admit to Doing THIS in Front of Their Kids. OMG!

Let’s face it. If you’re a parent, you’ve done this at least once in front of your kids: swear like a mother! In fact, according to a recent study by Kraft, 74% of moms admit to swearing in front of their kids and the company decided to poke a little fun on Mother’s Day. The other 26% are simply full of sh*t.

Swear Like a Mother Mothers Day Commercial Kraft.

Kraft created a commercial entitled ‘swear like a mother’ starring Melissa Mohr, author of ‘No products found.‘ and you can’t help but laugh. She gives advice about how to substitute family-friendly words instead of dropping f-bombs but maybe she needs a little more practice herself. Overall, the swear like a mother commercial is hilarious and I’m sure the majority of moms will relate.

Watch this hilarious Mother’s Day commercial entitled ‘swear like a mother’ for Kraft Macaroni & Cheese!


Parenting styles differ between moms and dads but the overall message is that we all know that being a mom isn’t easy so don’t be so hard on yourself. I’ll be super nice to my mom on Mother’s Day because I gave her a run for her money and she probably felt like cursing more than she did! Celebrating Mother’s Day in 2020 and 2021 has certainly been different due to COVID but please remember to give thanks to our moms!

No products found.

Here are some of our favorite YouTube comments from the video, “This mother’s day, #SwearLikeAMother​ | Kraft Macaroni & Cheese”:

  1. “Kraft Macaroni and Cheese presents Second World War.” – Matthew Gutierrez
  2. “This is so funny.” – DarkPollux
  3. “Whos watching for 2019 Mother’s Day?” – King Jeremy
  4. “Nobody should swear in front of their kids. Therefore this video is a bad influence.” – Mike H

Please share this hilarious Mother’s Day commercial from Kraft with your cursing friends and family! Happy Mother’s Day to all the mother’s out there!

Last update on 2025-01-15 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API