There are many covers of Leonard Cohen’s ‘Hallelujah’ but possibly none as beautiful as this one sung by Kaylee Rogers. A young girl with autism and ADHD, Kaylee Rogers doesn’t let her disabilities define her. She memorized the entire song despite having ADHD and proves that she rises above her challenges and lets nothing stand in her way.

This talented girl from Donaghadee, Ireland belts out a moving version of Hallelujah accompanied by her fellow students from the Killard House Special School in Northern Ireland. Kaylee Rogers has an incredible voice and her heartfelt rendition will move you to tears.
Watch as Kaylee Rogers, a 10-year-old girl with autism sings a powerful version of ‘Hallelujah’ perfectly…
I had goosebumps the entire time and little Kaylee Rogers has so much more joy to give to the world. Please visit Kaylee Rogers’ website or YouTube channel to learn more about this talented little girl.
Here are some of our favorite YouTube comments for the video, “Official Video Killard House Special School Choir Hallelujah” by Kaylee Rogers:
- “How is it possible?? Your voice is soooo beautiful and I can’t stop listening to this song it’s unbelievable ?????” – Sayf Chaudhry
- “As a father with an autistic daughter I just want to thank you for doing what you do your an inspiration to my daughter and it means the world to me that she has such a great example of overcoming her fears and doing what she’s passionate about.” – Zach Fulkerson
- “All these beautiful children belong to the one and only, God, the Lord, our Savior. God bless them. Amen. ??
” – cobrasvenomouspoison
- “I’m gonna let everyone in on a secret. If you want to have a great day everyday, start it as I do. Before I ever get out of bed, I listen to this song. It will fill your heart with joy. After that, nothing can bring you down. Thank you Killard house school and especially thank you Kaylee Rogers and your classmates for letting your light shine down on this old man’s heart. God bless each and every one of you ?” – benny brown
Please share this wonderful moment when a young girl named Kaylee Rogers sings ‘Hallelujah’ perfectly with your friends and family.