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It doesn’t matter what type of politician you are, memes will be unleashed at every opportunity. Some memes are flattering and others are downright mean but it’s safe to say the right and the left have their own opinions. With Joe Biden as the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee for the 2020 presidential election, there isn’t a better time for Joe Biden memes.
We have the highest respect for Joe Biden but poking fun at politicians is always fun. For that reason, we’ve scoured the web for some of the best political memes and I hope you enjoy them! Don’t forget to vote!
1) Let the Joe Biden memes begin!

“Obama: Any good ideas in how to defeat isis? *Biden raises hand* Obama: Besides assembling the Avengers? *Biden lowers hand*”

“I applied to be Trump’s Chief of Staff. Joe…”
3) Joe Biden and Obama showing the love in memes.

“Obama: Joe, why are you still holding my hand? Biden: I wanna freak Mike Pence out. Obama: But why? Biden: Just roll with it.”
![51 Joe Biden Memes - "Biden: So you're the new guy? Pence: Yup, I'm Mike. Biden: Well Mike, don't you ever [censored] touch my drum set."](https://i1.wp.com/winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/joe-biden-memes-04.jpg?fit=720%2C665&ssl=1)
“Biden: So you’re the new guy? Pence: Yup, I’m Mike. Biden: Well Mike, don’t you ever [censored] touch my drum set.”
5) Gotta love Joe Biden memes.
![51 Joe Biden Memes - "Joe: *disguises voice* Can I speak with Ms. Tinkle? First name Ivana? Trump: Guys...Ivana Tinkle. Anyone? Ivana Tin...Hey, wait a min...JOE?!? Joe: Haha eat a [censored] *click*."](https://i0.wp.com/winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/joe-biden-memes-05.jpg?fit=720%2C720&ssl=1)
“Joe: *disguises voice* Can I speak with Ms. Tinkle? First name Ivana? Trump: Guys…Ivana Tinkle. Anyone? Ivana Tin…Hey, wait a min…JOE?!? Joe: Haha eat a [censored] *click*.”

“Dispatcher: 911 please state your emergency. Joe: I’d like to report a home invasion. Dispatcher: Can you describe the invader? Joe: A large orange man with tiny hands. Dispatcher: Joe we’ve been over this.”
7) Always playing pranks with Joe Biden memes.

“Biden: *whispers* Don’t tell him! Obama: Uh no, Donald. I don’t know how that whoopie cushion got there.”

“Biden: I feel like we should do something for him. He seems lonely. Obama: For the last time, Joe. Bernie Sanders is not the guy from Up.”
9) Finally, more Joe Biden memes!

![51 Joe Biden Memes - "Biden: I found a cool new apartment for us downtown. Obama: Joe...Michelle and I are-. Michelle: [covers Obama's mouth] are so excited!"](https://i1.wp.com/winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/joe-biden-memes-10.jpg?fit=720%2C720&ssl=1)
“Biden: I found a cool new apartment for us downtown. Obama: Joe…Michelle and I are-. Michelle: [covers Obama’s mouth] are so excited!”
11) Funny Joe Biden and Obama memes.
![51 Joe Biden Memes - "It is so [censored] great to finally pass this [censored] health care! The protestors can kiss my @$$ and go [censored] themselves! [censored] do I feel good today! The cameras, Joe. Shut up!"](https://i1.wp.com/winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/joe-biden-memes-11.jpg?fit=720%2C534&ssl=1)
“It is so [censored] great to finally pass this [censored] health care! The protestors can kiss my @$$ and go [censored] themselves! [censored] do I feel good today! The cameras, Joe. Shut up!”

“Biden: I’m going to leave him a dictionary of fake words in your office. #covfefe.”
13) Get a load of these Joe Biden memes.

“Good Joe. The food goes there. Not your foot.”

“Joe Biden has added a new policy to appeal to Bernie voters.”

“Joe: Hey Barack, why does Trump wanna ban pre-shredded cheese. Barack: Joe, please. Joe: TO MAKE AMERICA GRATE AGAIN. Barack: I swear to God.”

“I know Joe called and ordered 500 pizzas to be delivered on January 21st, but you need to cancel that order.”

“Joe: IDK about you and Michelle, but I’m taking my curtains with me. Barack: Joe we have to-. Joe: Taking all the bath towels too.”

“Igor, come we have work to do! Yesh, mashter…To the laboratory, then!”
19) I endorse these funny Joe Biden memes.

“I’m endorsing you, Joe. For what?”

“Biden: In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall…Obama: This doesn’t make you Green Lantern, Joe.”
![51 Joe Biden Memes - "This is a big [censored] deal."](https://i1.wp.com/winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/joe-biden-memes-21.jpg?fit=720%2C655&ssl=1)
“This is a big [censored] deal.”

“It was at this moment Barack regretted letting Joe Biden choose his own outfit.”

“Jack Nicholson impression? You’re doin’ it pretty well, actually.”

“Joe: Let’s record a mixtape and call it JoeBama.”
25) Invading your personal space with Joe Biden memes.

“Joe: *whispers* I left a bag of Cheetos in the bathroom. Obama: Why? Joe: In case he needs to powder his nose. Obama: Joe…”
![51 Joe Biden Memes - "Malarkey because you can't say [censored] on live TV."](https://i2.wp.com/winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/joe-biden-memes-26.jpg?fit=720%2C409&ssl=1)
“Malarkey because you can’t say [censored] on live TV.”

“Me: Joe, about halfway through the speech, I’m gonna wish you a happy birth– Biden: IT’S MY BIRTHDAY! Me: Joe. Happy birthday to Joe Biden, my brother, and the best vice president anybody could have.”

“Biden meets Ryan before the debate.”
29) Let’s not forget Joe Biden and Pence memes.

“Joe: Now when they say u are in the presidential cabinet, that does not mean u are literally inside a cabinet. Pence: Why would I think that thou- Joe: I’M TRYING TO HELP YOU.”

“Obama: Don’t discuss Titanic with Joe. DiCaprio: Why? Obama: He’s still upset. He thinks you couldn’t fit on that door, and I don’t disagree.”

“Ok so if chocolate cows don’t exist, explain chocolate milk…Joe, go sit down.”

“Biden: Okay, on three I’m gonna wring Trump’s doorbell. Obama: What should I do? Biden: You light the bag on fire.”
33) Joe Biden memes that kick @$$.
![51 Joe Biden Memes - "Paul Ryan works out? I kicked his [censored] anyway!"](https://i2.wp.com/winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/joe-biden-memes-33.jpg?fit=720%2C1084&ssl=1)
“Paul Ryan works out? I kicked his [censored] anyway!”

“Biden: Pence isn’t getting the Trans Am. Obama: Joe, that’s your car. He doesn’t get it. You own it. Biden: You’re God damn right I do.”

“Obama: Joe please stop trying to sneak up on me during press conferences. Joe: … Obama: Joe I can hear you humming the Jaws theme.”

“Remember those phony ‘Space Force’ plans I left in your desk? Yeah? He found them.”
37) A resurgence in Joe Biden memes.

“Joe Biden is running for president. Realizing that his running could lead to a resurgence in memes.”

“Joe: So ur gonna put the dead fish in the wall and patch it up… Worker: Yes, sir. The Irish stink bomb. Joe: And remember, snitches, get…? Worker: …Stitches? Joe: LOL attaboy.”

“I swear to God if your memes aren’t as dope as Biden’s you’re fired.”

“Biden: This is takin forever and build-a-bear is gonna close soon. Obama: Joe let me finish my speech or you’ll get no TV for a week. Biden:”
41) Playing pranks again with Joe Biden memes.

“Biden: I tinted all the mirrors orange. Obama: What? Biden: He won’t be able to see himself. Obama: Joe… Biden: He’ll think he’s a vampire.”

“Joe: I’m going to ask Donald Trump if he wants something to eat. Barack: That’s nice, Joe. Joe: And then I’m going to offer him knuckle sandwiches.”

“I told him I was calling from Time magazine.”

“Joe: I told Trump he was full of $#!t today. Obama: That was a construction worker with an orange hat Joe.”
45) Joe being Joe with memes.

“Biden: What if we paint the Mexican flag in the office. Obama: Joe, no. Biden: I already ordered the paint. Obama: Joe.”

“Is there where I make the gaffe, or do we want to wait ’til later?”

“Biden: <whispers> Not Slytherin…Not Slytherin. Obama: Joe, this isn’t– Biden: …Not Slytherin… Obama: You know what, Gryffindor.”
48) Oh no! We’ve almost reached the end of Joe Biden memes…

“Obama: Why won’t he be here? Biden: I told him he needed a political science degree from Trump University. Obama: Dammit, Joe.”

“I will not speak unless spoken to.”

“Biden: I wonder if I’ll still get free ice cream when I’m no longer VP. Obama: Joe, we have bigger problems. Biden:”

“Joe: *whispers* You’re just butthurt no one wants to make memes about you. John: *sobs*.”
I hope you enjoyed these funny Joe Biden memes!

“Hail Hydra.”
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