He Stole Her Wallet While Grocery Shopping. When She Confronts Him, He Breaks Down in Tears…

Woman Pays for Groceries of Man That Stole Her Wallet.

Getting involved in a robbery or finding out that someone stole something valuable from you can be highly unnerving. The first reaction might be to call the police but one woman handled it very differently and the outcome couldn’t have ended any better.

Jessica Eaves was grocery shopping in Guthrie, Oklahoma, when she noticed her wallet was gone. She found the man she suspected stole her wallet and confronted him. She said, “I think you have something of mine. I’m gonna give you a choice. You can either give me my wallet and I’ll forgive you right now, and I’ll even take you to the front and pay for your groceries,” or she would call the police, according to The Huffington Post.

The man agreed and gave her back her wallet and broke down in tears. As they walked to the checkout, he explained that he was embarrassed by what he did and apologized.

Eaves, a mother of four and leader of the Christian outreach team at the First Christian Church paid $28 for his groceries. The man was appreciative and told her, “I’m broke, I have kids, I’m embarrassed and I’m sorry.”

Watch Jessica Eaves explain her grocery store incident where she confronts a thief…


H/t: Reshareworthy

Jessica said she was prompted to do what she did by scripture that she thought of. She said, “As I saw him, a scripture came to me from Luke, which basically says ‘If someone should take your cloak, you should give them your shirt as well.'”

Here is our favorite YouTube comment from the video, “Jessica Eaves Grocery Store Incident Confronts Thief About Wallet Pays For Groceries – Credits Jesus” by WeNeedASavageNation:

  1. “Amen!!! God is a awesome God!!!” – Rozemarrie HoneyBee

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