Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you already know how strange living in 2020 has been. With so much anxiety tied to infectious diseases like COVID-19, laughter truly is the best medicine and a great way to relax even if only for a short time. For that reason, we also like to poke fun with hypochondriac memes but rest assured, it’s all in good fun.
When looking up symptoms on WebMD and Mayo Clinic websites, it’s enough to scare anybody as one of the causes they list is usually cancer. For that reason, it’s always recommended to get medical attention from a doctor or health professional instead of searching on Google. But please enjoy the following 67 hypochondriac memes and remember…laughter is the best medicine!
1) Let the hypochondriac memes begin!

“A lump!”

“Have all the diseases according to WebMD.”

“I don’t always go on WebMD but when I do, I learn I’m going to die soon.”

“I am feeling sick. I should look up my symptoms online. I have brain cancer.”
5) Hypochondriac memes and Anti Cootie Spray go hand in hand.

“Anti Cootie Spray.”

“Anxiety: What if this happens? Me: It won’t. Anxiety: But what if it does? Me: You got me there.”

“I can physically feel being in love sometimes. WebMD: That’s foot cancer, you’re dying.”
8) Hypochondriac memes and the causes of a tummy ache.

“Being a hypochondriac: Causes of a tummy ache. Oh my gosh…I’m going to die.”

“Me: I have a headache. WebMD: It’ll be your last one. Me: But, but, but…”
10) Funny hypochondriac memes for veteran players.

“WebMD is for new, inexperienced, and fake hypochondriacs. Veteran players hang out on the Mayo Clinic website.”

“Me on WebMD.”

“Google diagnosis. I have a rash…Aids! My eyes look a bit strange…Blind forever! I keep getting headaches…Brain tumor! Stomach pains…Cancer! I’m going to die.”

“When my doctor’s professional opinion doesn’t match up with WebMD: I don’t trust like that.”

“My doctor explaining to me that Google is not a good source of medical information. Me and my fourteen terminal diseases.”
15) Hypochondriac memes for nervous systems.

“I don’t have a nervous system. I am a nervous system.”

“When you feel a sudden chest pain: Today’s the daaaaay!”

“When I’m feeling sick, I Google my symptoms and usually find out that I have cancer.”

“When your friend starts coughing: Just look at the flowers.”
![67 Hypochondriac Memes - "Me whenever I get a random ass sharp pain and think 'this is finally it' but then it goes away and I have to continue living this stupid [censored] life. Wack."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/hypochondriac-memes-19.jpg?resize=720%2C723&ssl=1)
“Me whenever I get a random ass sharp pain and think ‘this is finally it’ but then it goes away and I have to continue living this stupid [censored] life. Wack.”
20) Sore throats and hypochondriac memes…

“*gets a sore throat* Searches for symptoms of throat cancer.”

“You do to the doctor once a year, whether you’re sick or not? Son, where I come from that’s called being a hypochondriac.”

“Me: Goodnight. Brain: Pssst. Me: What? Brain: What disease do you think we have?”
23) Also making hypochondriac memes popular since 1998.

“Google – Creating hypochondriacs since 1998.”

“Googling your symptoms when you don’t feel well is the most efficient way to convince yourself you’re dying.”
25) Minor headaches and hypochondriac memes.

“*has a minor headache* WebMD saying you may have brain cancer.”

“I hate having a cold. It’s bad enough to be sick, but anyone could have a cold. I’d like to have a good illness. Something different, impressive. Just once I’d like to be able to say, ‘Yeah, I’m not feeling so good; my leg is haunted.'”

“WebMD. Better information. Better health. I have all the things.”

“Headache. Normal person: I didn’t sleep well. Medical student: I have an intracranial hematoma.”

“Here’s to all the ER nurses who convinced me I’m not dying after medical websites convinced me I was.”
30) Sneezing and hypochondriac memes.
!["Holy [censored]. I sneezed. Time to go to the ER because I'm an [censored]."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/hypochondriac-memes-30.jpg?resize=720%2C504&ssl=1)
“Holy [censored]. I sneezed. Time to go to the ER because I’m an [censored].”
31) Hypochondriac memes for 2020.

“I have a hypochondriac family member that is freaking out because she got a cold and thinks she has the Coronavirus but luckily I convinced her it’s probably cancer.”

“When I eat trigger foods and it turns out okay I just imagine my guts being like…I’ll allow it.”

“If a friend thinks those symptoms aren’t real, find another friend.”

“I’ll just check WebMD for my symptoms. Aaand I’m dying.”
35) Hypochondriac memes hitting 25 emotions at once.

“Me when I’m chilling and then randomly get hit with 25 emotions at once.”

“Me: What is this? WebMD: Time to say goodbye.”

“Me: It’s just a cough. Parents: It’s just a cough. The doctor: It’s just a cough. Google: Goodbye friend.”

“Nobody: WebMD: You are already dead.”

“Nobody: WebMD: Congratulations you have cancer.”
40) Hypochondriac memes when your left arm hurts.

“Left-arm hurts. Oh god, I’m having a heart attack.”

“Let’s see which illness I have today!”

“Has anyone sued WebMD for always thinking they have cancer yet? I have a bruised toenail out of nowhere and I’m assuming it’s cancer. #webmd #cancersucks”
43) Take one of these hypochondriac memes and call me in the morning.

“Me making sure I alternate between my six regular doctors so they don’t think I’m a hypochondriac.”

“Me: *has low iron* Also me: *stands up* My body: I’m gonna teleport you to the shadow realm.”
45) Hypochondriac memes when your back hurts a little.

“My back hurts a little. Let me Google it and see what’s up. I have a brain tumor.”

“No probably a coincidence. 100.0 fever. That converts to sepsis in hypochondria degrees.”

“Not sure if my back hurts or my kidneys are failing…”

“No one: *silence*. Hypochondriac people: I am once again asking for your medical support.”

“Pain in chest: I’ve lived a good life. Headache won’t go away: Brain cancer. Arm aches: Call the ambulance. Muscle twitch: It’s a damaged nerve. Has bad breath: Time to go to the dentist.”
50) Hypochondriac memes when you can’t breathe.

“A patient constantly screamed ‘I can’t breathe!’ I came in and said ‘When you scream like that, it means you CAN breathe.’ Without missing a beat, she feebly whispered ‘I…can’t…breathe.'”

“Red flag symptoms of mental illness: This is fine. Slight headache: This is not fine!”
52) Gotta love funny hypochondriac memes!

“I’m a self-diagnosed hypochondriac.”

“So this little guy and my dog got tapeworms. They are being treated but now I feel as I have contracted one. I’m a hypochondriac, so yeah.”

“Sometimes when I read the side effects for my chronic illness meds, I just feel like ‘May the odds be ever in your favor’ should be printed somewhere on the label.”
55) Hypochondriac memes when you’re coughing badly.

“You start coughing badly: Panik. You remember you are a heavy smoker and it’s probably just cancer. Kalm.”

“Stiff neck in the morning? Meningitis.”

“Me: I don’t feel well. Let me check WebMD. Me after checking WebMD: *crying*”

“Not sure if I have a headache or brain cancer.”

“‘I hate the attention I get from pretending to be sick,’ said no hypochondriac, ever.”
60) This hypochondriac meme checks out…

“A hypochondriac when they get a random chest pain: This is it. This is how it ends.”

“When you thought you were dying but it was just gas.”

“I don’t understand why people say I’m a hypochondriac…My gynecologist says I have issues!”

“I went to WebMD. I have every symptom for all conditions and diseases.”
64) Oh no! We’ve almost reached the end of hypochondriac memes…

“When doctors don’t know what’s wrong.”
65) Hypochondriac memes for random headaches.

“Me whenever I check WebMD for having a random headache: Elder Gods, I have come to seek counsel. The realms are in crisis.”
66) Does Jennifer Lawrence also enjoy hypochondriac memes?

“Have you always been hypochondriac? I don’t know what that means, but it sounds like a disease, which means I have it!”

“No, you’re not a hypochondriac, you’re just very proactive about your health.”
I hope you enjoyed these funny hypochondriac memes!

Please share these hypochondriac memes with your friends and family.