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An important milestone for some people is getting married and it’s the perfect way to start your life journey with your soulmate. But like anything in life, there will be ups and downs and that’s what makes husband memes relatable and funny for wives…and husbands too!
We scoured every corner of the interweb to find some of the best and funniest husband memes just for you! I hope you enjoy the following 65 funny memes and if they make you laugh, please share them with your husband!
1) Let the husband memes begin!

“I don’t always pay attention to what my husband says but when I do, he’s usually wrong.”

“Anytime I ask my husband to do anything…He suddenly has to poop.”
!["You are sexy as [censored]."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/husband-memes-03.jpg?resize=720%2C1080&ssl=1)
“You are sexy as [censored].”

“I asked him if he loved me. He said if there was a zombie apocalypse he would protect me. He then spent 4 hours explaining the various weaponry and shelter he would use if such an incident did occur.”
5) Do as your wife told you, read these funny husband memes.

“If at first, you don’t succeed…Try doing it the way your wife told you.”

“Women be like…I love how warm your body is.”
7) Gotta love funny cheating husband memes.
!["I'm the [censored] your husband's sleeping with."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/husband-memes-07.jpg?resize=720%2C946&ssl=1)
“I’m the [censored] your husband’s sleeping with.”

“My husband complains that I treat him like a child so I gave him a sticker for standing up for himself.”

“Dear husband, I am awesome and you are welcome. Love, your wife.”

“Did your husband behave badly? Go shopping!!!”
11) Amazing husband memes just for you!

“Do you even realize how amazing you are to me?”

“I don’t want to sleep like a baby. I just want to sleep like my husband.”

“Every time you talk to your wife, you should always remind yourself…This conversation will be recorded for training and quality purposes.”

“My husband’s face when I ask how everything went with the kids because I had to go out for an hour to run errands.”
15) Annoying husband memes or annoying wife memes?

“Find out wife has planted a GPS device in his car. Blames himself for not being at her beck and call 24/7.”
16) Share husband memes with love.

“My love for you has no depth. Its boundaries are ever-expanding. My love and my life with you are a never-ending love story. I love you.”

“Good morning, kiss for you!”
18) Happy husband memes?

“Happy wife, happy life. Nothing rhymes with a happy husband. Welcome to married life dumbass.”

“Has a degree in economics. Home economics.”
20) “These husband memes are great,” said no husband ever.

“Hon, I know where we keep everything in the house. I live here, remember? Said no husband ever.”

“Asked my husband how everything was going, he sends me this…”

“I love my husband like Sheldon loves physics.”
23) Annoying husband memes.

“Husbands: They do things to purposefully annoy you and then get confused why you’re annoyed.”

“I love being married to my husband. I can tell him anything because half the time he does not hear me.”

“If you can’t locate your husband, try the couch.”
26) Bringing on the funny husband memes.

“When I’m mad at my husband, but he brings me food.”

“I just want you to know, that when I picture myself happy, it’s with you.”

“Kids catch you in the kitchen…’What’s in your mouth?’ and I am standing there like, nothing…”
29) Funny husband memes!

“I know my husband is someone who wants to do a lot of things but he’s trapped in the body of a person who wants to sleep.”

“Leaves the toilet seat up because he cleaned the toilet.”

“Love is when you sit beside someone doing nothing yet you feel perfectly happy.”

“The face you make when your husband asks to see how much you’ve spent.”
33) Gotta love funny husband memes.

“I love you more than bacon.”

“Good morning handsome. I love you, babe.”

“My husband’s response to our kids’ most unreasonable demands: ‘I’ll allow it’.”

“You never listen to me, you only hear what you want to hear. Sure, I’ll have a beer.”
37) More annoying husband or wife memes.

“Dear love of my life, I just want you to know how much I’ve enjoyed annoying you all this time, and how excited I am to keep doing so in the future.”

“Other couples VS Us.”

“You + Me = Awesome.”

“Love my husband? Pppsshhh. I love money and power! Bill is just a conduit to fuel more of that to me. Love my husband, LOL!”

“My reaction when my husband asks ‘When did this new dog get here??'”
42) Annoying husband memes created with love.

“I really love my husband but I feel the urge to beat him up every time he chews food.”

“Wife: Shall we try a different position tonight? Husband: Excellent idea. Wife: Ok, you stand at the sink, wash dishes, and I will lie on the sofa and watch TV.”

“If she’s mad at you just tell her the three words every woman wants to hear: ‘I was wrong’.”

“So, you love your husband. Tell me again in 5 minutes just to remind me.”
46) More annoying husband memes.

“Sorry I annoyed you with my love.”

“I love my spouse because A) He puts up with me and 2) He puts up with me.”

“Texts from wife: Where r u. Me: Kitchen. Wife: Can u feed the cat. Me: I mean garage. Wife: Bring in the laundry. Me: Bathroom. Wife: Clean toilet. Me: Idaho. Wife: Get potatoes.”

“I told my husband that I would be ready in 5 minutes. It might have taken a little longer than 5 minutes, but when I came out, I saw this…”
50) Funny husband memes for a job well done.

“When the husband makes a big deal because he did the dishes…Once.”

“‘I think I’m getting sick.’ The most dreaded words a wife can hear from her husband.”

“My husband thinks I’m crazy. But I’m not the one who married me.”

“I love you this much.”

“When you thought you were done arguing with your man but then you hear him mumble something under his breath.”
55) Getting things done with funny husband memes.

“Asked my husband to do laundry…I am not made to be folded.”

“My husband told me to pick up some oil. Now I know how guys feel in the tampon aisle.”

“When you try to hug her but she is still mad at you.”

“I just want you…That’s it. All your flaws, mistakes, smiles, giggles, jokes, sarcasm. Everything. I just want you.”

“Welcome to marriage.”
60) And even more annoying husband memes.

“When your husband tells you you’re doing it wrong.”

“Whenever we ask our married friend if he wants to go to the bar with us: I shall allow it…”
62) Oh no! We’ve almost reached the end of funny husband memes…

“Wife: *shares incredibly important information* Husband: I think I got it. But just in case…Tell me the whole thing again, I wasn’t listening.”

“Women, if you want to strike a bit of fear into your man, just smile really big and ask, ‘Notice anything different?'”

“If you want to piss off your wife, go to the kitchen and close all the jars really tight.”

“When you’re trying to be mad at your husband, but you know in his own weird way he’s a good man and you are a little crazy sometimes.”
I hope you enjoyed these funny husband memes!

Please share these funny husband memes with your soulmate!