This United States Army Veteran Was Homeless but He Got the Hand Up He Needed

All of our military personnel risk their lives every day to keep us safe; however, when they retire, the mental scars of war don’t easily heal. Veterans have fought hard for us but sometimes their life is not perfect and they may need some help in return. United States Army Veteran Jim Wolf has struggled with poverty and alcoholism for decades. When the army veteran was approached by Dégagé Ministries regarding a makeover, he agreed to participate in a physical transformation.

Homeless United States Veteran Jim Wolf Gets A Makeover.

Dégagé Ministries then worked with a local video producer, RobBlissCreative, to help break down stereotypes about the homeless. His transformation is amazing and towards the end of the video, he looks like a businessman and appears ready to turn his life around.

Watch Jim Wolf, a homeless veteran getting a makeover.


If you would like to donate to Dégagé Ministries, please visit their website to make a contribution. There are a variety of other organizations that support veterans, both mentally and physically. These organizations provide vet centers, financial assistance, healthcare, housing, education benefits, and more. Some of these organizations are the Department of Veterans Affairs, Wounded Warrior Project, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Disabled American Veterans.

The Department of Veterans Affairs is the largest provider of support for veterans. They provide healthcare, disability compensation, education benefits, home loans, and more. The Wounded Warrior Project is a nonprofit organization that provides free programs and services to wounded veterans. Veterans of Foreign Wars is an organization that helps veterans with employment, education benefits, housing assistance, and more. Disabled American Veterans is an organization that provides free assistance to veterans with disabilities.

These are just a few of the organizations that exist to help veterans. There are many more out there, and they all provide vital services to those who have served our country. If you know a veteran in need, reach out to one of these organizations or any other support organization for help. Remember, our veterans have sacrificed for us, and now it’s our turn to help them.

H/t: Huffington Post

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