In 1861, the abolitionist Julia Ward Howe penned the timeless lyrics of ‘The Battle Hymn of the Republic.’ Drawing inspiration from the patriotic melody of “John Brown’s Body,” Julia was moved to modify the lyrics after hearing the song performed by an infantry troop during a review.

The opening lines resound with conviction:
“Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord,
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored,
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword,
His truth is marching on.”
Numerous artists have lent their voices to this iconic song. However, one particular rendition, performed by a choir aboard a plane, struck a deep chord within the hearts of many.
As the passengers disembarked from their flight, the captain made an announcement: an Army private was accompanying the remains of a World War II soldier back to Houston. With the private exiting the plane first, a choir onboard spontaneously burst into song. The high school choir began passionately singing ‘The Battle Hymn of the Republic.’
A woman, moved by the emotional moment, managed to capture the scene on camera and shared the poignant clip online. Within moments, the video went viral, resonating with people across the nation. It served as a reminder of the gratitude we owe to the courageous men and women in the military. We live in peace because they made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our country. We should honor our fallen soldiers not only on Memorial Day but every day throughout the year. Their heroism will forever be etched in our collective memory.
Watch this viral video of a high school choir singing “Glory Hallelujah” as the remains of a soldier are carried off the plane…
The rendition of ‘The Battle Hymn of the Republic’ by the choir on that plane encapsulates the enduring power of this song and its ability to evoke profound emotions. It stands as a testament to the unwavering patriotism and the profound respect we hold for those who serve and protect our nation. May we always remember their valorous deeds and honor their memory.
Please share this viral video of students honoring fallen soldiers with a rendition of “Glory Hallelujah” with your friends and family.