43 Legendary Hero Quotes That Will Inspire You

Heroes have always captivated our imaginations, inspiring us with their bravery, perseverance, and selflessness. Whether it’s a historical figure or someone we know in real life, heroes embody the best qualities of humanity. They remind us of our own potential to make a positive difference in the world. For me, my true superheroes were my mom and dad. But, regardless of who are your superheroes, I’m sure many of these hero quotes will resonate with you.

Hero quotes have the power to motivate, inspire, and challenge us to be better versions of ourselves. Today, we’ll explore some of the most iconic hero quotes of all time. The following quotes can teach us about courage, resilience, and compassion. Read on to discover some of the most memorable quotes from heroes throughout history. Enjoy!

I hope you enjoy these hero quotes…

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." - Christopher Reeve

1) “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” – Christopher Reeve

2) “Real heroes are all around us. They face challenges with fear and grace.” – Robert Carey, Daddyisms

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3) “Anyone who does anything to help a child in his life is a hero to me.” – Fred Rogers

4) “Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the power they are graced with.” – Brodi Ashton

5) “To be heroic is to be courageous enough to die for something; to be inspirational is to be crazy enough to live a little.” – Criss Jami

Hero Quotes by Storm Lake St. Mary’s

6) “But one major thing a hero is to me is someone who helps, listens, and heals.” – Storm Lake St. Mary’s, The Hero Within

7) “A hero is someone who tries to lift up your head when you are discouraged.” – Storm Lake St. Mary’s, The Hero Within

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8) “A hero is someone who can distinguish and act upon between the peripheral and the essential – between what is merely desirable and what must be done.” – Frank J. Williams, Lincoln as Hero

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9) “Hard times don’t create heroes. It is during the hard times when the ‘hero’ within us is revealed.” – Bob Riley

Conquer your fears…

"He who says, 'I know no fear,' is no hero. No man knows courage unless he does know fear, and has that in him which is superior to fear, and conquers it." - Lyman Abbott

10) “He who says, ‘I know no fear,’ is no hero. No man knows courage unless he does know fear, and has that in him which is superior to fear, and conquers it.” – Lyman Abbott

11) “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” – Joseph Campbell

12) “Heroes are made in the hour of defeat. Success is, therefore, well described as a series of glorious defeats.” – Mahatma Gandhi

13) “To be heroic may mean nothing more than this then, to stand in the face of the status quo, in the face of an easy collapse into the madness of an increasingly chaotic world and represent another way.” – Mike Alsford

14) “Heroism is endurance for one moment more.” – George Kennan

15) “I prefer a real villain to a false hero.” – Killer Mike

16) “In the heat of battle, heroes emerge, sometimes from the most unlikely of sources.” – Brian Herbert

17) “A hero is born among a hundred, a wise man is found among a thousand, but an accomplished one might not be found even among a hundred thousand men.” – Plato

18) “It doesn’t take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle.” –

19) “Heroes are just people who demonstrate the courage to step through their fears and follow their hearts.” – Ray Madaghiele, Ray of Hope: Inspiring Peace-Insights on Chaos and Consciousness While Bicycling Across America

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Hero Quotes on Life

"A hero is a man who does what he can." - Romain Rolland

20) “A hero is a man who does what he can.” – Romain Rolland

21) “My belt holds my pants up, but the belt loops hold my belt up. I don’t really know what’s happening down there. Who is the real hero?” – Mitch Hedberg

22) “A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson

23) “Heroes are not giant statues framed against a red sky. They are people who say: This is my community, and it’s my responsibility to make it better.” – Tom McCall

24) “Nothing is given to man on earth – the struggle is built into the nature of life, and conflict is possible – the hero is the man who lets no obstacle prevent him from pursuing the values he has chosen.” – Andrew Bernstein

25) “Hero or victim? it’s all in the perspective.” – Noah Blumenthal, Be the Hero

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26) “A Hero is a person who says yes to the adventure.” – Kendra Levin, The Hero Is You

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27) “The prudent see only the difficulties, the bold only the advantages, of a great enterprise; the hero sees both; diminishes the former and makes the latter preponderate, and so conquers.” – Johann Kaspar Lavater 

28) “A hero is someone who puts others first before himself and cares for the welfare of those around him before even thinking about his own self.” – Chrissy Yacoub, Hope’s Haven

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29) “The real hero is always a hero by mistake; he dreams of being an honest coward like everybody else.” – Umberto Eco

Hero quotes on the true nature of a hero…

"The hero sees values beyond what's possible. That's the nature of a hero. It kills him, of course, ultimately. But it makes the whole struggle of humanity worthwhile." - John Gardner

30) “The hero sees values beyond what’s possible. That’s the nature of a hero. It kills him, of course, ultimately. But it makes the whole struggle of humanity worthwhile.” – John Gardner

31) “Some heroes are made in a moment. Others are defined by a lifetime.” – John F. MacArthur, Twelve Unlikely Heroes:

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32) “A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.” – Bob Dylan

33) “The only difference between a hero and the villain is that the villain chooses to use that power in a way that is selfish and hurts other people.” – Chadwick Boseman

34) “A true hero is not someone who thinks about doing what is right, but one that simply does what is right without thinking!” – Kevin Heath

35) “Those who say that we’re in a time when there are no heroes, they just don’t know where to look.” – Ronald Reagan

36) “To be a hero or a heroine, one must give an order to oneself.” – Simone Weil

37) “True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.” – Arthur Ashe

38) “Don’t wait for any hero to save you, become one.” – Matshona Dhliwayo

39) “A hero. You want to be one of those rare human beings who make history, rather than merely watch it flow around them like water around a rock.” – Dan Simmons

Have the strength to stare down your fears…

"We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up...discovering we have the strength to stare it down." - Eleanor Roosevelt

40) “We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up…discovering we have the strength to stare it down.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

41) “When your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home.” – Tecumseh

42) “A real hero is someone who gets up even when he can’t.” – Jared Leto

43) “You cannot be a hero without being a coward.” – George Bernard Shaw

Please share these hero quotes with your friends and family.

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