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On New Year’s Eve or even New Year’s Day, many of us choose a New Year’s resolution. Losing weight, quitting cigarettes, or basically anything that challenges us to be a better version of ourselves for the New Year. Getting fit seems to be popular and staying motivated with gym memes is just one way to reach a goal.
All the money in the world can’t buy you good health so healthy eating and regular exercise go a long way to having a long and healthy life. If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to get fit, I hope you enjoy this compilation of some of the best workout memes on the web!
1) Let the gym memes begin!

“A well-built physique is a status symbol. It reflects the hard work you’ve put in. You can’t steal it, you can’t borrow it and you cannot hold onto it without constant work. It’s from dedication, discipline, self-respect, and dignity.” – Ashley Horner

“When you and your gym partner are the hardest in the gym.”

“When gym bae shows up with someone bigger than you.”

“Before Christmas dinner vs after Christmas dinner.”
5) Good advice from gym memes.

“The best part of jogging on a treadmill is when you jog past the treadmill and go lift weights instead.”

“Build yourself. It’s more than just lifting weights. The commitment, the dedication, the consistency. It challenges you and builds character for becoming the best version of yourself.”

“When Christmas is over and you gotta go back to being fit again.”
8) Funny gym memes for ladies.

“Come to the gym with me! Let’s get them summer bodies! Me:”

“Gym companies on the 1st of January 2020:”
10) Gym motivation memes.

“Current situation.”
11) Gym life memes.

“Damn man you’re always in the gym! Why are you always working out? Me:”

“I was at the gym today and heard this middle-aged guy running on the treadmill next to me whisper ‘Speed. I am speed.’ And he started running faster. Speed 100.”
13) December gym memes.

“December, also known as ‘last chance to enjoy an empty gym.'”

“‘Why did you marry her?’ Because she squats.”
15) Gotta love funny gym memes.

“Do cardio they said. It’ll be fun they said.”

“Does refusing to go to the gym count as resistance training?”

“How I feel when I walk in the gym and it’s empty.”
18) It’s time for gym life memes.

“1st-26th December: Festive. 27th-31st December: Confused, full of cheese, unsure of the day of the week. January etc. Fat.”

“Girl in gym yelling at me to stop staring at her. Me with -3.25 vision in both eyes.” If you liked this, don’t miss these cat memes.
20) More funny gym memes.

“Gym rule #1: Do not make eye contact while using this machine.”

“2009 vs 2019.”

“If I had a dollar for every time my gym partner said they would show up on time.”
23) Motivational gym memes for ladies.

“Halle Berry: Finally got them! Halle Berry getting abs at 53 is inspiring me to wait until my 50s to get them.”
24) More gym life memes.

“When you have no life and do double days at the gym: Hi, me again.”
25) You don’t want to mess with her and these gym memes!

“Her boyfriend is making all the sandwiches.”

“When the holidays are over and you gotta go back to chicken and rice every day.”
27) Treadmills are like that. Welcome to gym memes.

“How I feel when it’s only been 47secs on the treadmill: Don’t forget. You’re here forever.”

“How’s the diet going? Me:”

“I need a friend like this to stop me from cheating on my diet.”
30) Motivational gym memes and quotes by Bruce Lee.

“If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” – Bruce Lee
31) Gym memes for ladies.

“I’m currently in training to be your hottest ex-girlfriend.”

“When it took 6 days to get rid of the soreness in your legs and you realize you’re hitting legs again the next day: I am ready to get hurt again.”

“January: This is gonna be the year I get on that workout and healthy eating grind. December:”
34) Relatable gym memes.

“Just got to the gym. Left my headphones.”

“Lifehack: Wear a trainer shirt at the gym and inappropriately touch anyone you want.”

“You lift too? Did we just become best friends?”

“I like to lift. Lifting is my favorite.”

“Me going back to the cardio section of the gym this week like, ‘Hello. It’s me.'”

“That face you make when guys at the gym scream with every rep.”
40) Get excited for good workout songs and gym memes.

“My face when a good song comes on during my workout!”
41) Don’t skip leg day and enjoy the rest of these gym memes.

“That one dude at the gym who always skips leg day.”

“How people look at the gym when they’re waiting for you to finish your set.”
43) Chicken, rice, and gym life memes.

“Plain chicken and rice again? My favorite.”
44) Leg day gym memes.

“Post-leg day selfie…”
45) Motivational gym memes.

“Fuck how much you’re benching, squatting, or deadlifting. The biggest lift is actually lifting yourself up and going gym. That $#!t is hard sometimes.”

“Gym sign in Australia: Are you fat and ugly? Just be ugly. A fat woman got pissed and they had to apologize.”
47) Funny gym memes for ladies.

“When someone says, ‘You’re a girl, you shouldn’t be lifting heavy.'”

“Sunday carbs don’t count. Those are the Lord’s carbs and He wants you to be happy.”
49) Gym memes are also a few of my favorite things.

“Sweat drops on muscles and veggies with chicken, dumbbells and water, and heart rates that quicken. Bright colored running laced up with strings, these are a few of my favorite things.”

“Gym teacher: My paralyzed grandpa could run faster than you! Also gym teacher:”
51) Transform yourself this year with motivation from gym memes.

“That look people give you when they see you for the first time after your transformation.”
52) Funny gym memes for ladies.

“When the gym is full of ripped guys and you’re the only girl…”

“Tired at the gym. A fit girl walks in. Energy levels over 9000!”
54) More leg day gym memes.

“When I train legs, I make them my bitch for an hour. Then for the next 2 days, they make me theirs.”
55) Workout memes and fast food don’t mix.

“When you’re trying to stay healthy, but your demons still haunt you.”

“Me trying to not gain 20 pounds over the holidays.”
57) Relatable gym memes.

“When someone stands directly in front of you at the gym.”

“Two things I like: 1) Weightlifting. 2) Not cardio.”

“When ur homie who just started lifting says he wants to try gear: Get ready everyone, he’s about to do something stupid.”
60) Motivation and workout memes.

“Me walking into the gym for the first time in 3 years while ‘Eye of the Tiger’ blares through my headphones.”

“How I wanted to end the year vs How I’m actually ending the year.”
62) Gym and memes work better together too.

“We push each other to get better. We could never be as good alone as we are together.”
63) Oh no! We’ve almost reached the end of gym memes…

“Gym Problems 101. How to tie the strongest knot ever. Step 1. Put headphones in your pocket. Step 2. Wait one minute.”

“When your bicep is larger than her waist. #fitcouplegoals.”
65) Workout memes = Fit people.

“Why do I respect fit people? Because fit people with a physique is much more than how good they look. A well-built physique is a status symbol. It reflects you worked hard for it. No money can buy it. You cannot inherit it. You cannot steal it. You cannot borrow it. You cannot hold on to it without constant work. It shows dedication. It shows discipline. It shows self-respect. It shows dignity. It shows patience, work ethic, passion. That is why it’s attractive, to me.”
I hope you enjoyed these motivational gym memes!

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