Graduation is a time to celebrate accomplishments and look forward to the future. For many people, it’s also a time to take stock of what has been accomplished and what still needs to be done. If you’re graduating this year, are you looking for the perfect graduation captions to post on your social media? Well, look no further!
Whether you’re graduating from high school, college, or another stage in life, we scoured the web for the best graduation captions to help you share your accomplishment with loved ones on social media. I hope you enjoy the following 93 graduation captions and I’d like to personally congratulate you on your accomplishments!
Let the graduation captions begin!

1) “It’s about damn time.”
2) “Just a sleepy and tired graduate.”
3) “I’ve already forgotten everything.”
4) “I always believed that you are going to be successful in whatever you do and graduation is just the beginning of your many more success stories to write.”
5) “Am I finally eligible for a nap now, yes?”
6) “And so the adventure begins.”
7) “This is the beginning of the rest of my life. So that’s fun!”
8) “Behind you, all your memories. Before you, all your dreams. Around you, all who love you. Within you, all you need.”
9) “The best views are the hardest to climb.”
10) “Braver, stronger, smarter, and about to be a lot less broke. Happy graduation to me!”
11) “I can nap now, yes?”
12) “Cap and gown, but make it a robe and sweats.”
13) “Celebrating life.”
14) “Congrats on getting through the easy part of life.”
15) “Congratulations to our dearest child. Today we are so much proud of you. We wish and hope that one day you will reach the apex of success.”
16) “The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future.”
17) “Doing the graduation walk from the bedroom to the kitchen.”
18) “Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself.”
19) “It’s the beginning, not the end.”
Graduation captions are perfect for Instagram!

20) “Graduation is an exciting time. It’s both an ending and a beginning: it’s warm memories of the past and big dreams for the future.”
21) “The best feeling in the world is to know that your parents are smiling because of you.”
22) “I finally got my degree in success!”
23) “Formal apology to the Class of 2021 for mocking that Zoom graduation.”
24) “Go forth and set the world on fire.”
25) “Just a girl who decided to go for it.”
26) “Got my BA, and nothing can stop me now…Well unless it’s the IRS.”
27) “Here’s the cap and gown to prove I’m like smart and stuff.”
28) “Graduation day is an important day, it is a milestone that signals the future is coming and is yours to take.”
29) “Guess I was able to make a few of those 11:59 deadlines.”
30) “I am so happy for you on your graduation, you are a very handsome and brilliant young man, I pray for your good future ahead.”
31) “I have no clue how I managed to do it.”
32) “Head towards your dream.”
33) “Here the adventure begins.”
34) “High school was so last year…”
35) “I can’t believe I did it.”
36) “If it excites you and scares you at the same time, it probably means you should do it.”
37) “And this is the part where you find out who you are.”
38) “It wasn’t always easy or pretty, but I sure had fun in the halls.”
39) “I’m just shocked I was able to stay awake during those virtual lectures TBH.”
Funny captions for high school or college graduates.

40) “Last, but not least, I express my gratitude to Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.”
41) “Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words, and your faith stronger than your feelings.”
42) “I’d like to thank coffee for allowing me to get to this point.”
43) “Looking at my final grades, I don’t need a ceremony outside to get some vitamin Ds.”
44) “A lot of your successes, you owe to the ones who gave you your wings to fly.”
45) “We made it to graduation somehow.”
46) “May your cap fly as high as your dreams.”
47) “Is it just me, or is it hotter in here by one degree?”
48) “My diploma sends many thanks to all the coffee and ramen noodles for their invaluable contribution.”
49) “Let the new adventures begin.”
50) “Nobody said it was easy.”
51) “Not letting anyone or anything stand in my way.”
52) “And, now, it’s time to take a very, very, very long nap.”
53) “Oh, how I’ve waited for this day. Welcome to being an adult.”
54) “OMG – Oh My Grad!”
55) “Once you become fearless, life becomes limitless.”
56) “One day, you will look back and see that all along you were blooming.”
57) “Onward to new adventures where I get paid instead of doing the paying.”
58) “The passionate, the beautiful, and the young at heart.”
59) “I personally would like to thank *myself* for getting to this point.”
Share these funny captions with friends and classmates!

60) “Sadly missed the opportunity for my graduation stage fall to go viral.”
61) “School is out forever!”
62) “See mom and dad, I told you I wasn’t just partying.”
63) “Shoutout to passion and Purell for getting me through the final stretch.”
64) “Congratulations! Your sincere efforts, hard work, and all those sleepless nights have just paid off, my darling. I wish you all the best, keep working hard, and make us proud. Happy graduation!”
65) “You’ve got the skills to pay the bills!”
66) “The smell of opportunities.”
67) “Started from the bottom, now we here.”
68) “Starting off to a new adventure.”
69) “I still wonder what I did all these years.”
70) “Don’t stop until you’re proud.”
71) “Straight outta College!”
72) “Studying was a pain, but dementors were the worst. “
73) “Thanks, Nike. I just did it.”
74) “The tassel was worth the hassle.”
75) “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
76) “The best thing about virtual graduation: BYOB.”
77) “There is no elevator to success, you need to take the stairs.”
78) “This is the beginning of everything you want.”
79) “Though our branches grow in different directions, our roots remain as one.”
Short graduation captions that get straight to the point.

80) “Time to make the magic happen.”
81) “Onward to new adventures where I still don’t get paid to learn stuff.”
82) “Today is a good day to have a good day.”
83) “Tomorrow will be a new chapter in my life. This book is getting very interesting.”
84) “The two most important mothers in my life: my real ma and my (diplo)ma.”
85) “Ugh, do I have to?”
86) “We love a ~socially distanced~ commencement.”
87) “Welcome to Full-time Adulting!”
88) “What feels like the end is often the beginning.”
89) “Whatever you do, do it well.”
90) “Woof, welcome to the real world.”
91) “The world is my oyster.”
92) “Wow, this was so unexpected. I didn’t expect to get this degree. So I’d like to thank the Academy…”
93) “May your dreams fly higher than your graduation cap.”
I hope you enjoyed these funny graduation captions!
Please share these funny graduation captions with your friends and family.