If you’re a fan of Gordon Ramsay, you know that he’s not one to hold back when it comes to giving critiques. For that reason, a lot of words are censored in this article because he certainly likes to drop an F-bomb now and then! And while his no-nonsense approach may not be for everyone, it’s certainly resulted in some hilarious Gordon Ramsay memes!
You’ve probably seen Gordon Ramsay’s shouting matches on Kitchen Nightmares but Hell’s Kitchen is when I first saw him. The celebrity chef has made a name for himself by being outspoken and brutally honest and it’s those reasons why these 39 memes are so funny. Enjoy!
1) Let the Gordon Ramsay memes begin!

“This is a really tough decision. Because you’re both crap.”

“I am 40 years of age and I’ve never, ever, ever, ever met someone…I believe in as little as you.”
3) Gordon Ramsay memes when the beef is undercooked.

“The beef is so undercooked that it is starting to eat the salad.”
![39 Gordon Ramsay Memes - "Bread: Disgusting. [toasts it] Delicious. Finally, some good [censored] food."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/gordon-ramsay-memes-04-720x745.jpg?resize=720%2C745&ssl=1)
“Bread: Disgusting. [toasts it] Delicious. Finally, some good [censored] food.”
5) Gordon Ramsay memes when the chicken is undercooked.

“This chicken is so uncooked that a skilled vet could still save him.”

“This crab is so undercooked it just told me its name is Sebastian.”
7) Gordon Ramsay memes when the dish is unprepared.

“This dish is so unprepared Russia is calling it the Olympics.”

“There’s enough garlic in here to kill every vampire in Europe.”
![39 Gordon Ramsay Memes - "When I find myself in times of trouble Gordon Ramsay comes to me speaking words of wisdom: Get your [censored] together!"](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/gordon-ramsay-memes-09-720x699.jpg?resize=720%2C699&ssl=1)
“When I find myself in times of trouble Gordon Ramsay comes to me speaking words of wisdom: Get your [censored] together!”
10) Gordon Ramsay memes when the fish is raw.

“This fish is so raw he’s still finding Nemo.”
![39 Gordon Ramsay Memes - "You [censored] donkey!"](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/gordon-ramsay-memes-11-720x537.jpg?resize=720%2C537&ssl=1)
“You [censored] donkey!”

“Garlic bread.”
![39 Gordon Ramsay Memes - "You give me them anemic bits of [censored], I'll [censored] throw them [censored] your ass sideways."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/gordon-ramsay-memes-13-720x405.jpg?resize=720%2C405&ssl=1)
“You give me them anemic bits of [censored], I’ll [censored] throw them [censored] your ass sideways.”

“Gordon Ramey’s grandma when he’s trying the cookies she baked him.”
15) Nothing beats Gordon Ramsay memes!

“I want those eggs beaten like an Asian guy on a United Airlines flight.”
!["What if Gordon Ramsey voiced a GPS? Great job, you missed the bloody exit you [censored] disgrace."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/gordon-ramsay-memes-16-720x1040.jpg?resize=720%2C1040&ssl=1)
“What if Gordon Ramsey voiced a GPS? Great job, you missed the bloody exit you [censored] disgrace.”

“Just whipped up some case ideas. Call me gourd on ram see. OMG, I hate people.”

“This kleftiko is so undercooked the Cypriots are bound to start a revolution.”

“This lamb is so undercooked it’s following Mary to school.”
20) Gordon Ramsay memes for lasagna lovers.

“What is this? Lasagna. If that’s a lasagna then I’m the bloody Pope!”

“My gran could do better! And she’s dead!”
!["Parents with their youngest child: Oh dear, oh dear. Gorgeous. Parents with their oldest child: You [censored] donkey."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/gordon-ramsay-memes-22-720x519.jpg?resize=720%2C519&ssl=1)
“Parents with their youngest child: Oh dear, oh dear. Gorgeous. Parents with their oldest child: You [censored] donkey.”

“This pizza is so disgusting, if you take it to Italy you’ll get arrested.”

“You’ve put so much ginger in this it’s a Weasley!”
25) The many faces of Gordon Ramsay memes.

“Gordon Ramsay in Hell’s Kitchen. Gordon Ramsay in Kitchen Nightmares. Gordon Ramsay in MasterChef. Gordon Ramsay in MasterChef Junior.”
!["Roses are red, death is our fate, you used so much oil, the U.S. wants to invade the [censored] plate."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/gordon-ramsay-memes-26-720x702.jpg?resize=720%2C702&ssl=1)
“Roses are red, death is our fate, you used so much oil, the U.S. wants to invade the [censored] plate.”

“This crab is so undercooked I can still hear it singing ‘Under the Sea.'”

“This soup is dry.”

“The squid is so undercooked I can still hear it telling Spongebob to piss off.”
30) Gordon Ramsay memes when the steak is raw.

“That steak is like my favorite Lady Gaga song, raw, raw, raw raw raw.”

“The chicken you cooked is so raw PETA is trying to save it.”

“This food is so frozen it just started singing ‘Let It Go.'”
!["I wouldn't trust you running a bath...Let alone a [censored] restaurant.](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/gordon-ramsay-memes-33-720x720.jpg?resize=720%2C720&ssl=1)
“I wouldn’t trust you running a bath…Let alone a [censored] restaurant.

“This water is burnt.”
35) Gordon Ramsay memes when you feel like an idiot sandwich.

“What are you? So I’m not leaving until you laugh. An idiot sandwich.”

“When you’re about to take a bite in a restaurant and Gordon Ramsay walks in with a camera crew.”

“Where’s the bloody lamb sauce.”
!["Who [censored] up this meal? Me. It's delicious!"](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/gordon-ramsay-memes-38-720x1431.jpg?resize=720%2C1431&ssl=1)
“Who [censored] up this meal? Me. It’s delicious!”

“You added so much salt and pepper on this dish that I can hear the food singing ‘Push It.'”
I hope you enjoyed these Gordon Ramsay memes!
“What are you? An idiot sandwich.”
Please share these funny memes with your friends and family.