61 Funny Parenting Memes That Any Parent Will Relate To

Parenting is something many couples dream about but let’s face it, parenting is no easy feat. Thinking back to our younger years, we’d all like to think that we were little angels and our parents had it easy but parents of past generations had their own struggles to deal with. But at least their struggles weren’t shared with funny parenting memes!

How did they cope? Who knows but one thing is for sure, they most likely didn’t have funny memes to offer some laughter therapy. As modern parents, count yourself lucky because you now have 61 of the best funny memes at your disposal!

1) Let the funny parenting memes begin!

61 Funny Parenting Memes - "When a mom walks into playgroup with full makeup, a blowout, and nice clothes: We don't do that here."

“When a mom walks into playgroup with full makeup, a blowout, and nice clothes: We don’t do that here.”


61 Funny Parenting Memes - "Me accepting my award for being the 'Meanest Mommy Ever'."

“Me accepting my award for being the ‘Meanest Mommy Ever’.”

3) Relatable parenting memes.

61 Funny Parenting Memes - "Actual photo of me and my snacks when my kid falls asleep and I can eat them in peace."

“Actual photo of me and my snacks when my kid falls asleep and I can eat them in peace.”


61 Funny Parenting Memes - "Before kids. After kids."

“Before kids. After kids.”

5) Alexa, can you show me funny parenting memes?

61 Funny Parenting Memes - "Alexa, please shout 'YOU'LL HAVE MORE FUN IF YOU PLAY TOGETHER NICELY!!!!' every 5 minutes for all waking hours."

“Alexa, please shout ‘YOU’LL HAVE MORE FUN IF YOU PLAY TOGETHER NICELY!!!!’ every 5 minutes for all waking hours.”


61 Funny Parenting Memes - "Anytime I try to do anything...meanwhile, in the living room..."

“Anytime I try to do anything…meanwhile, in the living room…”

7) Parenting memes for modern parents.

61 Funny Parenting Memes - "Me as a parent today. I'm NOT doing that! That can freak off! I'm NOT doing crap!!!"

“Me as a parent today. I’m NOT doing that! That can freak off! I’m NOT doing crap!!!”


61 Funny Parenting Memes - "When the baby finally goes down for the night."

“When the baby finally goes down for the night.”


61 Funny Parenting Memes - "Bathroom break. They will find you."

“Bathroom break. They will find you.”


61 Funny Parenting Memes - "When you've been home alone all day with your crabby kids and your spouse walks through the door. Toodaloo mothaf***as."

“When you’ve been home alone all day with your crabby kids and your spouse walks through the door. Toodaloo [censored].”

11) Parenting memes about the lack of sleep.

61 Funny Parenting Memes - "Before the baby's born: We've read all the books, taken all the classes, we are ready! After the baby's born: [Sobbing] I really underestimated how hard it is to not eat and not sleep."

“Before the baby’s born: We’ve read all the books, taken all the classes, we are ready! After the baby’s born: [Sobbing] I really underestimated how hard it is to not eat and not sleep.”


61 Funny Parenting Memes - "The best way to infuriate a mom is to open the second box of something when there's still a box of the same thing already open."

“The best way to infuriate a mom is to open the second box of something when there’s still a box of the same thing already open.”

13) Funny parenting memes are like snacks for a parent’s brain.

61 Funny Parenting Memes - "'Can I have a snack?' - My kids, while they're eating."

“‘Can I have a snack?’ – My kids, while they’re eating.”


61 Funny Parenting Memes - "I cut the crust off my daughter's PB&J and I swear to god I heard her whisper that I'm her b***h now."

“I cut the crust off my daughter’s peanut butter and jelly and I swear to god I heard her whisper that I’m her b***h now.”


61 Funny Parenting Memes - "Dad found the ultimate way to keep his kid busy."

“Dad found the ultimate way to keep his kid busy.”

16) Funny parenting memes that are full of…

61 Funny Parenting Memes - "Diaper looks full..."

“Diaper looks full…”


61 Funny Parenting Memes - "Me: Do you have to poop? Toddler: No. Me: Are you sure? Toddler:"

“Me: Do you have to poop? Toddler: No. Me: Are you sure? Toddler:”


61 Funny Parenting Memes - "I don't know who gave my child a whistle but I will find you and I will kill you."

“I don’t know who gave my child a whistle but I will find you and I will kill you.”

19) Take out the parenting memes and drink some more!

61 Funny Parenting Memes - "When you feel so mad that you want to roar, take out the wine and drink some more!"

“When you feel so mad that you want to roar, take out the wine and drink some more!”


61 Funny Parenting Memes - "When you finally lose your shit and your kids look at you like they aren't the ones that did this to you."

“When you finally lose your shit and your kids look at you like they aren’t the ones that did this to you.”

21) Funny parenting memes that will make you want to gag.

"When you find a long-lost sippy cup that had milk in it."

“When you find a long-lost sippy cup that had milk in it.”


"First week of school: Sandwich cut in a cute shape, sliced fruit, encouraging note. Last week of school: Handful of croutons wrapped in foil."

“First week of school: Sandwich cut in a cute shape, sliced fruit, encouraging note. Last week of school: Handful of croutons wrapped in foil.” If you enjoy these parenting memes, don’t miss these equally funny school memes.


"My kids getting ready to poke my last nerve. If my calculations are correct...in about 2 minutes, you're going to see some serious crap."

“My kids getting ready to poke my last nerve. If my calculations are correct…in about 2 minutes, you’re going to see some serious crap.”

24) Funny parenting memes for exhausted parents.

"When your kid has been telling you a story for like 6 hours."

“When your kid has been telling you a story for like 6 hours.”


"When you have a day without the kids and you plan to do a bunch of important stuff."

“When you have a day without the kids and you plan to do a bunch of important stuff.”

26) Baby Shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo. Parenting memes, doo doo doo doo doo doo.

"Her: I bet he's thinking of other women. Him: Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo. Baby sha...Goddammit."

“Her: I bet he’s thinking of other women. Him: Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo. Baby shark…Goddammit.”

27) Relatable parenting memes.

"Hey Janice, yeah can I call you back in eleven years?"

“Hey Janice, yeah can I call you back in eleven years?”


"How I dried my hair before kids. How I dry my hair after kids."

“How I dried my hair before kids. How I dry my hair after kids.”

29) These parenting memes are 100% germ-free.

"Hung out with my kids in a fast-food play area. Now I just need to go home, burn my clothes, and bathe in bleach."

“Hung out with my kids in a fast-food play area. Now I just need to go home, burn my clothes, and bathe in bleach.”


"I had a second child to make sure my first would always have a friend. I didn't realize what I actually did was make sure my first would always have someone to drive them f***ing bonkers."

“I had a second child to make sure my first would always have a friend. I didn’t realize what I actually did was make sure my first would always have someone to drive them f***ing bonkers.”

31) Shower thoughts and parenting memes.

"If parenthood has taught me one thing it's that it is possible for a kid to shower for 40 minutes without getting clean."

“If parenthood has taught me one thing it’s that it is possible for a kid to shower for 40 minutes without getting clean.”


"Me when I'm about to change my baby's dirty diaper, but they begin grunting again. Imma let you finish."

“Me when I’m about to change my baby’s dirty diaper, but they begin grunting again. Imma let you finish.”


"How it looks. How it feels."

“How it looks. How it feels.”

34) Funny parenting memes…just try it.

"Me, when my kid takes one look at dinner and says he doesn't like it: Just try it."

“Me, when my kid takes one look at dinner and says he doesn’t like it: Just try it.”


"Me when my kids are being extremely loud. Me when my kids are being extremely quiet."

“Me when my kids are being extremely loud. Me when my kids are being extremely quiet.”

36) Parenting memes = no sleep.

"When you're trying to look nice, but you haven't slept in years."

“When you’re trying to look nice, but you haven’t slept in years.”


"How many of you have ever felt personally victimized by your toddler?"

“How many of you have ever felt personally victimized by your toddler?”


"*Mary Poppins voice* Ok, children! Time to go! [15 minutes later] *Batman voice* I said let's go."

“*Mary Poppins voice* Ok, children! Time to go! [15 minutes later] *Batman voice* I said let’s go.”


"Me, cooking for my family alone. Me, cooking as my kids hang off of me in the kitchen."

“Me, cooking for my family alone. Me, cooking as my kids hang off of me in the kitchen.”

40) Parenting memes for anger management?

"Me: I'm trying to enroll my 4yo in a class. Receptionist: Ballet? Art? Soccer? Little Swimmers? Me: Anger management."

“Me: I’m trying to enroll my 4yo in a class. Receptionist: Ballet? Art? Soccer? Little Swimmers? Me: Anger management.”

41) Funny parenting memes that tell it like it is!

"Look, we gotta stop acting like it's a bad thing to call our kids a$$holes. Like my daughter just dead a$$ death glared me while pouring her juice on the floor after I said not too. Come on. That makes her an a$$hole. Don't shame me."

“Look, we gotta stop acting like it’s a bad thing to call our kids a$$holes. Like, my daughter just dead a$$ death glared at me while pouring her juice on the floor after I said not to. Come on. That makes her an a$$hole. Don’t shame me.”


"A mother's work is never done. Unless she proclaims loudly that she is 'done with this $hit', in which case you should probably give her at least an hour."

“A mother’s work is never done. Unless she proclaims loudly that she is ‘done with this $hit’, in which case you should probably give her at least an hour.”

43) Every parent has struggled with parenting memes like this one…

"When you have to move your kid's car seat into another car."

“When you have to move your kid’s car seat into another car.”


"My husband and me as my kid performs 'Baby Shark' in our living room."

“My husband and me as my kid performs ‘Baby Shark’ in our living room.”

45) These parenting memes are dangerous!

"When my mother-in-law tries to judge my parenting, I remind her she did this."

“When my mother-in-law tries to judge my parenting memes, I remind her she did this.”


"Now that you're a mom how many nice things do you have? Me: $-1300."

“Now that you’re a mom how many nice things do you have? Me: $-1300.”

47) Going to the beach with parenting memes.

"Packing up for the beach pre-kids. Packing up for the beach post-kids."

“Packing up for the beach pre-kids. Packing up for the beach post-kids.”


"Parent: Please try not to get any water outside the tub. Kid:"

“Parent: Please try not to get any water outside the tub. Kid:”

49) Parenting memes speaking the truth!

"Parenting in public. Parenting at home."

“Parenting in public. Parenting at home.”


"When people think they know how to raise my kids better than I do: Go f*** yourself."

“When people think they know how to raise my kids better than I do: Go f*** yourself.”


"Poop before or after diaper change? ...Or during!"

“Poop before or after diaper change? …Or during!”

52) Getting ready with funny parenting memes.

"Getting Ready: Before kids VS After kids."

“Getting Ready: Before kids VS After kids.”


"My kid, when I say, 'Stop, you're gonna get hurt!' 10 seconds later..."

“My kid, when I say, ‘Stop, you’re gonna get hurt!’ 10 seconds later…”

54) Forget “sleeping in” with parenting memes.

"When you have kids, 'sleeping in' is just lying in bed trying to figure out what that crash was."

“When you have kids, ‘sleeping in’ is just lying in bed trying to figure out what that crash was.”


"Kid: [sobbing] Something happened to my toy, Daddy! It's not making sounds anymore! You:"

“Kid: [sobbing] Something happened to my toy, Daddy! It’s not making sounds anymore! You:”

56) Spicy parenting memes.

"'Spicy' to adults: Piquant. With kick. 'Spicy' to children: Anything more flavorful than a lukewarm spaghetti noodle with nothing on it."

“‘Spicy’ to adults: Piquant. With kick. ‘Spicy’ to children: Anything more flavorful than a lukewarm spaghetti noodle with nothing on it.”


"Taking a picture with your kid: Expectation VS Reality."

“Taking a picture with your kid: Expectation VS Reality.”

58) Oh no! We’ve almost reached the end of funny parenting memes…

"When you tell your kid it's bedtime but your husband tells him he can have 5 more minutes: I'll kill you."

“When you tell your kid it’s bedtime but your husband tells him he can have 5 more minutes: I’ll kill you.”

59) Funny parenting memes for the best mom ever.

"Me when my kid tells me I'm the best mom ever: Yes, I know."

“Me when my kid tells me I’m the best mom ever: Yes, I know.”


"The 'I ain't f***ing napping anymore and I'm going to make your life a living hell' chapter was conveniently left out of What to Expect: The Toddler Years."

“The ‘I ain’t f***ing napping anymore and I’m going to make your life a living hell’ chapter was conveniently left out of What to Expect: The Toddler Years.”

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61) I hope you enjoyed these funny parenting memes.

"There is nothing quite so beautiful as a child's voice or a sunrise, though I prefer never to enjoy them at the same time."

“There is nothing quite so beautiful as a child’s voice or a sunrise, though I prefer never to enjoy them at the same time.”

It’s okay, parenting isn’t that bad. Go on, eat your emotions… 🙂

Parenting woman eating chips.

Being a parent is tough but these memes are even tougher and guaranteed to make you laugh. Please share these funny memes with your friends and family.

Last update on 2025-03-26 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API