Being a father is one of the best joys in life but the relationship between a father and his daughter(s) is one of the most special. It shouldn’t matter whether it’s a married dad or a single dad, little girls look up to their father and their bond is unique and the love they share is wonderful.
No time to go through the list? Watch this video of father and daughter illustrations by artist Snezhana Soosh instead!
Ukrainian artist Snezhana Soosh has created beautiful and heartwarming images of the beautiful moments that fathers and daughters share. She posts them to her Instagram account and here is just a small sample of the beautiful images she produces.
1) 221b Baker Street by artist Snezhana Soosh

Dads love to support their daughter’s curiosity…even if dad is afraid of spiders 🙂
2) Big moose. little moose by artist Snezhana Soosh

Dads are always there to teach you, inspire you, and make you smile every step of the way.
3) Hoola hoop by artist Snezhana Soosh

Dads love to play and have fun.
4) Daddy’s girl by artist Snezhana Soosh

Dads are always there to help with anything.
5) Afternoon nap by artist Snezhana Soosh

A warm and cozy place in her dad’s arms.
6) Taking washing day seriously by artist Snezhana Soosh

Dads feed their daughter’s imagination and creativity.
7) She loves puppet theater by artist Snezhana Soosh

Dads always know how to make their daughters smile.
8) Stay by me

Dads are always there to love and protect their daughters.
9) Bed. king size

No matter what, dads always make sure their daughters are comfortable…even if dad isn’t.
10) Walking high above the world

Dads always make sure their daughters always feel like they are on top of the world.
11) hm…

Dads love to play games with their daughters and inspire them at the same time.
12) Sleep, my little one. I am here

Dad is and will always be her superhero.
13) Tea time, dada

No matter how busy they are, dads always make time for their daughters.
14) Baggage overweight

When dads have to go away on business, it’s never easy to be apart even if only for a short time.
If you enjoyed these illustrations as much as I did, please make sure to visit Ukrainian artist Snezhana Soosh’s Instagram page for more. Please share these heartwarming illustrations showcasing the beautiful relationship between a father and his daughter by artist Snezhana Soosh with your friends and family.