He Was Taking Video With His Drone Until THIS Came out of Nowhere. I Never Expected That!

Wedge-Tailed Eagle Takes Out a Drone in Mid-Air Like a Boss.

Drones are awesome for capturing breathtaking video of scenic landscapes or amazing events like humpback whales ‘bubble net’ feeding. Most times, everything will be fine until you cross into an animal’s territory such as territory guarded by birds of prey like Eagles.

Adam Lancaster of Melbourne, Australia, is an experienced drone videographer. He was able to capture this incredible 15-second clip where an Eagle felt the drone was encroaching on its turf. Using its talons, the eagle effortlessly “punches” the drone and sends it flying downward and the drone didn’t stand a chance.

Watch this wedge-tailed eagle take down a drone in Australia…


According to the owner of the drone, “Eagle was fine – she was massive and used talon’s to ‘punch’ the drone out of the sky. Hung around overhead so I got a really good look. Eagle’s health was my main concern also.”

Please share this incredible video of a wedge-tailed eagle taking down a drone with ease with your friends and family.

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