This Rescuer Put a Duck onto the Water for the First Time and the Duck’s Reaction Was Priceless

Rescued Ducks Go for Their First Swim in a Lake and Love It.

Ducks love being in the water; however, just like everything in life, there is a first time for everything. For these ducks, it was their first swim. Ducks need a helping hand once in a while and the group at the Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary saved a group of ducks and felt they were ready to experience water for the first time.

Initially, the rescued ducks appeared a little apprehensive and almost looked like they are building up their courage before taking that first plunge. The group of rescuers then decide to herd them together towards the water. When the ducks take that first plunge, they love it and keep coming back for more!

Watch these rescued ducks get their first swim…


I think it was a good first experience for the ducks and they instinctively knew what to do once they were in the water. Please share these adorable rescued ducks taking their first swim ever with your friends and family.

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