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First, let’s get one thing out of the way. Depression is no laughing matter and over 322 million people around the world live with some form of depression every day. It can affect adults at any time during their lives. Depression memes are not meant to ridicule people with depression, they’re meant to offer a small distraction and let people forget about any issues or problems in their lives, even if only for a second.
When people are sad, helping bring a smile to their face can make all the difference in their day. Whether you live with depression today or worked through a difficult period in your life in the past, laughter can be the best medicine. My goal is to find some of the funniest happy memes and hope that some of these 61 depression memes make you smile.
1) Let the depression memes begin!

“Depression memes: Achieve your dreams.”
2) Depression memes from Twitter.

“Having friends is cool but have you ever cut everyone off and disappeared for 6 months.”

“All of your friends secretly hate you. None of your friends think about you enough to hate you.”

“Do you play any sports? I run away from my feelings.”

“My anxiety thinking that everyone hates me. My depression telling me no one cares enough about me to hate me.”

“Emotions are gross. How do I uninstall them.”
7) Depression memes to make you smile.


“Brain: Hey whatcha doing. Me: Nothing just relaxing. Brain: Would u like to think about all of your failures. Me: What no. Brain: And away we go.”
9) Funny depression memes.

“I don’t struggle with depression memes. Like at this point I have it down. I’m good at depression.”

“Can’t be depressed if you’ve never known happiness.”

“Me celebrating going 2 days without a mental breakdown.”
12) Depression memes from Twitter.

“When’s Chicken Soup For People Without A Soul coming out?”

“When you deal with being sad by listening to sad music.”
14) Funny depression memes about social media.
![61 Depression Memes - "[pressing my face up against a phone screen filled with beautiful rich people for a third consecutive hour] Why am I sad."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/depression-memes-14.jpg?resize=720%2C334&ssl=1)
“[pressing my face up against a phone screen filled with beautiful rich people for a third consecutive hour] Why am I sad.”

“Director: So what makes you think you could be a quality actor? Me: I’ve tricked everyone around me into thinking I’m not clinically depressed.”

“I’m going to study at 5. I’m going to study at 6. I’m going to study at 7. I’m going to study at 8. I’m going to study at 9. Why are you like this.”

“My emotionally damaged ass attempting to console someone: Let me help you dry those tears.”

“When everyone describes you as ‘chill’ but you’re on the verge of a mental breakdown and mask it by acting unbothered about everything.”

“When you finally find the person who ruins your life.”

“When you find someone who is just as dead inside as you are.”

“Me, choosing a terrible coping skill. Going to bed at 4 am. Crying in the bathroom. Hate sex. Taking and deleting 50 selfies. Writing shitty poetry. Staring at the wall for 3 hours. Binging 2000+ calories, punching shit.”

“When you’re hanging out with friends and your social battery dies.”

“I have only 2 moods: I have crippling depression. I have crippling depression.”
24) Depression memes are meant to be funny and make you smile.

“Hey there demons, it’s me, ya boy.”

“How do u deal with your problems?”
26) Memes about depression that hit home.

“If you sleep till noon you only have to pay for 2 meals instead of 3.”

“I’m so stressed that relaxing makes me more stressed because I’m not working on what’s making me stressed.”

“I’m an overly emotional unemotional clingy but distant private person who likes to overshare at any moment and I’m tryna figure how that works.”
29) Tired about depression memes that is…

“In some personal news, I’m thrilled to announce that I’m tired all day no matter how much sleep I get.”

“Other people: Insults. Me: Already hating myself.”

“Me: *Is nearly exploding from stress*. Me: Ah yes It’s the perfect time to begin the TV series I’ve watched 6 times already.”

“Disappointment Island: I’m coming home, I’m coming home, tell the world, I’m coming home.”

“You know. The entire house is a laundry basket if you’re depressed enough.”

“When your life is aimless and you have no passion or big ambitions and ur depressed AF but still tryna act chill and go w the flow.”

“Long night? Yaaaawnnn. Nah, I slept like 13 hours last night. How can you sleep for so long and still be tired? Depression memes!!!”
36) Memes about depression can also be cute.

“Me looking at myself in the mirror every morning to remind me that I’m a badass bitch who’s a little sad sometimes and that’s okay.”

“When you make a negative comment about yourself seeking validation but they agree with you.”

“Making plans when you’re in a good mood vs when the day comes and you actually have to go.”

“Me: Everything is going well and I’m finally happy with life. Crippling depression memes:”

“Me burning incense and sage fully knowing that I’m the bad energy in the room.”

“Me when I’m on the verge of tears in public and I’m doing everything I can to hold it in and act like nothing is wrong at the same time.”
42) Depression memes from Twitter.

“I think I cried more in 2018 than I did during my first year of life.”

“Me. My mental illness acting up at 3 am.”

“Mentally healthy me buying food that requires prep and attentive cooking knowing that depressed me is gonna starve.”
45) Depression memes from Twitter.

“If I had a stalker they would be so bored. Like bitch, you’ve never been in bed all day. Are you ever going to leave? Do you have any plans? No?”

“When your mom asks who was crying in the bathroom last night.”

“My depression memes coming to greet me unexpectedly on a decent day. Beep beep you sad fuck.”
48) Depression memes from Twitter.

“Me on the outside vs me on the inside.”

“Person: Hey wanna hang out. Me: Sorry can’t I’m on a tight schedule today. 6 am to 8 am: Crying. 8 am to noon: Overthinking. Noon to 2 pm: Stressing but not doing anything about it. 2 pm to 5 pm: Eating my feelings and crying. 5 pm to 6 pm: Regretting every decision I’ve ever made.”

“Quiet work only please (crying permitted).”
51) Depression memes don’t cost a thing.

“Why is being alive so expensive. I’m not even having a good time.”

“When you recognize a new emotional problem you have that you don’t have the time, energy, or motivation to solve.”

“Roses are red, romance is dead, every day I suffer from existential dread.”
54) Depression memes from Twitter.

“Listen, frozen meal instructions, never in the history of owning microwaves have I known the wattage of any microwave.”

“My secret talent is getting tired without doing anything.”
56) Classic depression memes.

“Depression memes: Self-destructive tendencies, self-isolation, depression naps, bad coping methods, bad eating, and sleeping habits. Me. My mental health.”
57) Depression memes from Twitter.

“Once I fix my sleep schedule, start eating healthy, get physically fit, beat depression memes, stop procrastinating, learn how to do taxes, get mentally strong enough to make phone calls, then it’s over for you bitches.”
58) We’ve almost reached the end of depression memes…

“Should you leave your house tonight? No. No, but in yellow.”
59) Depression memes to make you smile.

“Smile more. Me: I am.”

“When somebody asks me how I’m doing, but I also don’t want them to feel sorry for me. I’ll probably be sad for the rest of my life. But besides that, I’m good.”
61) I personally hope you enjoyed these depression memes.

“Look, someone stole my identity. Maybe they will make something out of my life.”
Please share these memes with your friends and family.