Daylight savings time, that moment when clocks jump forward and so do your tiredness levels. Losing an hour of sleep in spring doesn’t sound like much but when you have to wake up early on Monday for work is usually when reality sets in. And you can bet that Daylight savings memes are a thing.
If you fall into the category of people that wish the terms “spring forward” and “fall back” would go away, then these 30 memes are for you!
1) Let the daylight savings time memes begin!

“All I want to know is which candidate will get rid of daylight savings time.”

“And just like that, all the clocks were right again.”

“I blame daylight savings time for my recent lack of productivity.”

“Brace yourselves. The posts about daylight savings time are coming.”
5) Daylight savings time memes have gone to the dogs!

“Changing the clocks does not change feeding time. Signed Dogs Everywhere.”

“Current mood: Can I have my hour of sleep back?”

“Daylight savings time. Clock in the car will finally be correct.”

“I don’t know what daylight savings time is and at this point, I’m too afraid to ask.”

“Spring forward, fall back. Why the heck are we still doing this?”
10) Happy daylights savings time memes!

“Happy daylight savings, everybody! Enjoy having less sleep and it being a Monday – Also screw you. Lots of love, life.”

“I refuse to observe daylight savings time. Feed me now or suffer the consequences.”

“If you forget about daylight savings, you’re gonna have a bad time.”

“I’ll turn back my alarm clock when I find where it landed in the yard.”

“I’m not turning my clock back on Sunday. The last thing we need is an extra hour of 2020!!!!”
15) Time traveling with daylight savings time memes.

“Is daylight savings time a form of time travel?!?”

“If it got dark any earlier, we wouldn’t have to get up at all.”

“It’s run-to-church-slightly-late Sunday: The day the clocks go forward.”
18) Spring forward with daylight savings memes…

“Just a reminder that you lose an hour of your life this weekend listening to people remind you to ‘spring forward’.”
19) …or fall back with daylight savings memes.

“Not sure if all my electronic devices adjusted for daylight savings time or none of them did.”
20) Either way, hope you’re enjoying these daylight savings memes.

“Raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimized by daylight savings time.”

“Regular Monday VS Monday after daylight savings time.”

“Remember, it’s spring forward, fall back, and why the hell are we still doing this?”

“Daylight savings. All the appliance clocks in my house are showing the correct time again.”

“Spring forward? How fricking far did you move it?”
25) Daylight savings memes when you have to change the clocks!

“The clock in my stove and in my car display the correct time again!”

“This new daylight savings time is too confusing. You were supposed to die an hour ago.”

“Waking up after daylight savings. Trying to figure out what time it really should be. Giving up and falling back to sleep.”
28) Oh no! We’ve almost reached the end of daylight savings memes…

“Wunce agin dese stoopy hoomins lose an hour uv sleep insted uv losing an hour uv werk.”

“You lose an hour! And you lose an hour and you lose an hour. Everybody loses an hour.”

“You’re not turning back time this weekend. You’re springing ahead, morons, Cher this!”
I hope you enjoyed these funny daylight savings time memes!

“Daylight savings time translation: Tired for a week.”
Please share these memes with your friends and family.