37 Hysterically Relatable Crush Memes You Can’t Help But Share – Ultimate Collection for Love-Struck Hearts

Ah, the sweet torture of having a crush! It’s an experience we’ve all been through, and if there’s one thing that unites us all, it’s the ability to laugh at ourselves during these heart-fluttering moments. Welcome to our collection of crush memes that perfectly capture the rollercoaster of emotions, we go through when we’re smitten with someone special.

Whether it’s the butterflies in your stomach, the nervous anticipation of talking to your crush, or the inevitable overthinking that follows, these relatable and hilarious crush memes are sure to bring a smile to your face and remind you that you’re not alone in your romantic escapades. So, sit back, let your guard down, and enjoy this collection of 37 memes that’ll have you nodding along in agreement and maybe even sharing a few with your friends (or dare we say, your crush?).

1) Let the crush memes begin!

"Being single is annoying but dealing with boys is literally twice as annoying so like...???"

Being single is annoying but dealing with boys is literally twice as annoying so like…???”

2) Memes when your crush gives you butterflies.

"When your crush comes online. 11:59. 12:00. 12:01. And suddenly gets offline."

“When your crush comes online. 11:59. 12:00. 12:01. And suddenly gets offline.”

3) Crush memes when you’re happy to see him or her even for just a second.

"When your crush calls you for the first time."

“When your crush calls you for the first time.”

4) Memes when you try to act normal when you see your crush.

"Your crush is coming! What do I do?? Act natural!"

“Your crush is coming! What do I do?? Act natural!”

5) Memes for that crush that gives you that feeling of excitement!

"Date someone who gives you the same feeling as when you see your food coming at a restaurant."

“Date someone who gives you the same feeling as when you see your food coming at a restaurant.”

6) When he treats you like a princess.

"How does he treat you? Me:"

“How does he treat you? Me:”

7) When mixed signals get in the way.

"Dudes be like...Let me send her mixed signals right quick."

“Dudes be like…Let me send her mixed signals right quick.”

8) When you feel like flirting with a restraining order.

"Me flirting with my crush: Go away? That's a weird name."

“Me flirting with my crush: Go away? That’s a weird name.”

9) When you have the best friends ever.

"When your friends help you text your crush back."

“When your friends help you text your crush back.”

10) Memes about that crush you can’t get enough of.

"Friends: You better not be with that guy. Me with that guy:"

“Friends: You better not be with that guy. Me with that guy:”

11) When being single is a blessing in disguise.

"Getting into a relationship may seem like a good idea but so was getting on the Titanic and look what happened there.

“Getting into a relationship may seem like a good idea but so was getting on the Titanic and look what happened there.

12) When you’re a hot mess…

"If I'm going to be a mess I may as well be a hot mess." - Mindy Kaling

“If I’m going to be a mess I may as well be a hot mess.” – Mindy Kaling

13) When you can’t get enough of your crush.

"Have u ever just watched someone move or talk or laugh and ur like wow how the [censored] is everything you do so hot."

“Have u ever just watched someone move or talk or laugh and ur like wow how the [censored] is everything you do so hot.”

14) When you try to act natural but instead act weird.

"Friend: Here comes your crush, act natural. Me:"

“Friend: Here comes your crush, act natural. Me:”

15) Cute crush memes that make you smile.

"Hey you, yes you! You look cute when you smile."

“Hey you, yes you! You look cute when you smile.”

16) When life just seems out to get you.

"When you're going home thinking about the test you failed, how ugly you are, and how your crush likes someone else."

“When you’re going home thinking about the test you failed, how ugly you are, and how your crush likes someone else.”

17) When things don’t quite look like they seem.

"How I think I'm smiling when I see my crush! How I actually look like!"

“How I think I’m smiling when I see my crush! How I actually look like! True story.”

18) When you’re ready for a relationship.

"I will love you until I forget who you are."

“I will love you until I forget who you are.”

19) When you’d put everything on the line for love.

"If I was your coworker, I'd sexually harass you."

“If I was your coworker, I’d sexually harass you.”

20) Crush memes where you wish there was an ‘Unsend’ button.

"When you're juggling WhatsApp convos and you accidentally send a weird text to your crush instead of your friend."

“When you’re juggling WhatsApp convos and you accidentally send a weird text to your crush instead of your friend.”

21) When you’re obsessed but can’t help it.

"Me: It's just a crush, no big deal. Also me: *checks their likes, follows, recent posts, tags, and horoscope*."

“Me: It’s just a crush, no big deal. Also me: *checks their likes, follows, recent posts, tags, and horoscope*.”

22) When you’re trying to get him out of your head!

"Me: I don't like him. Me: I don't like him. Me: I don't like him. Me: I don't like him. Him: Hi. Me: Sweet Jesus why are you perfect?"

“Me: I don’t like him. Me: I don’t like him. Me: I don’t like him. Me: I don’t like him. Him: Hi. Me: Sweet Jesus why are you perfect?”

23) When karma does its thing.

"One day when you're 35 u will run into the boy who broke your heart when u were 19 at the grocery store and laugh because he's bald."

“One day when you’re 35 u will run into the boy who broke your heart when u were 19 at the grocery store and laugh because he’s bald.”

24) When you’re up for the challenge.

"Over 7 billion people in this world and you think I'm gonna chase someone who doesn't even want me? Hahaha. That's exactly what I'm gonna do."

“Over 7 billion people in this world and you think I’m gonna chase someone who doesn’t even want me? Hahaha. That’s exactly what I’m gonna do.”

25) Al Borland can fix crush memes.

"When your crush says her ex broke her heart and it can never be fixed."

“When your crush says her ex broke her heart and it can never be fixed.”

26) When your whole world shatters…

"When you see your crush flirting with someone else."

“When you see your crush flirting with someone else.”

27) When you take a chance and make the first move…

"I sent a message to my crush and it says 'Seen.'"

“I sent a message to my crush and it says ‘Seen.'”

28) When you’re obsessed with him.

"Me showing my best friend our texts trying to hide the ones of me being obsessed with him."

“Me showing my best friend our texts trying to hide the ones of me being obsessed with him.”

29) When you just couldn’t wait…

"I'm sorry I watched an episode without u although I promised I'd wait."

“I’m sorry I watched an episode without u although I promised I’d wait.”

30) Memes when you haven’t met your crush yet.

"Studies show you already meet your soul mate before age 21. Me:"

“Studies show you already meet your soul mate before age 21. Me:”

31) When you love knowing that they care.

"When your crush tags you in a meme that you have seen 2 days ago."

“When your crush tags you in a meme that you have seen 2 days ago.”

32) When your texting…

"Texting: Heyyyyy. Hi. Friendzoned."

“Texting: Heyyyyy. Hi. Friendzoned.”

33) When he finally says those 3 words you’ve been wanting to hear.

"Me: *awe I think I like him* Him: I like you. Me:"

“Me: *awe I think I like him* Him: I like you. Me:”

34) When you do care after all.

"This be me after saying I don't care."

“This is me after saying I don’t care.”

35) Funny memes when your crush is single.

"When your crush doesn't have a partner: I volunteer!"

“When your crush doesn’t have a partner: I volunteer!”

36) When you’re being awkward.

"When you start getting attached to somebody and you don't know how to act."

“When you start getting attached to somebody and you don’t know how to act.”

37) When you like them so much.

"When your crush posts a new selfie."

“When your crush posts a new selfie.”

I hope you enjoyed these crush memes!

Will Ferrell Crush GIF by filmeditor - Find & Share on GIPHY

“I feel really warm when I am around you.”

Please share these crush memes with your friends and family.”