Ah, college life – days of late-night cramming, sipping coffee to stay awake for class, exams, and projects galore. I have fond memories of my college days and I’m not afraid to say that it was one of the best times of my life (so far!) Whether you’re a current university student or fondly remember your former days as an undergrad as I do, chances are that you’ll relate to the sometimes funny (and often frustrating) realities of earning a degree.
From long nights of studying for classes to struggling through all-nighters for finals, college life is an enduring test of strength and resilience. To help us laugh at some of these moments and appreciate the simpler pleasures along the way, we’ve collected 31 memes that capture what college life is all about! Enjoy!
1) Let the college memes begin!

“Applies for financial aid. I gotcha a dollar.”

“*doesn’t check grades* *doesn’t check bank account* *pretends everything is ok* This is fine.”
3) Choose college memes when you need a laugh.

“Choose a major you love and you’ll never work a day in your life because that field probably isn’t hiring.”

“College in a nutshell: You answered 18 of 18 correctly, but unfortunately you need 19 of 18 correct to pass this quiz.”
5) College assignment memes written with student tears.

“Do you like my paper, professor? I wrote it with my tears.”

“*During Math Test* My answer: 28. Answer choices: 17, 19, 26, 36. Me: Well 26 is closer to 28, so that must be the answer.”
7) Before and after college memes.

“Me, fall semester: Wakes up at precisely 6 am each morning, uses a planner, color codes notes, interacts with peers, and has an overall positive outlook for the future. Me, spring semester: Lying face down on the floor surrounded by overdue assignments, fiber one brownie crumbs stuck to my face, not sure if it’s Wednesday or Sunday, waiting for the sweet release of death.”

“First week of school vs. Second week of school.”

“The 4 stages of a morning lecture.”
10) 100% relatable college group project memes.

“When I die, I want the people I did group projects with to lower me into my grave so they can let me down one last time.”

“If college has taught me anything, it’s how to be a successful procrastinator and how to steal a parking spot.”

“Imagine if they had parent/teacher conferences at college: Mom: How’s my son doing? Professor: I have never seen this man in my life.”

“In Indiana, a 94-year-old woman has worked at McDonald’s for the past 44 years. And she’s almost finished paying off her student loans.”

“Moffitt Library Starter Pack.”
15) Living the college life with memes…

“Living the college life: Cold pizza for breakfast. Cereal and milk for dinner.”

“Me starting my first semester of college vs. Me starting my last.”

“Move-in week in a college town, and the freshmen have high hopes.”

“My week in a nutshell: Monday. Monday Two. Monday Three. Monday Four. Friday. Saturday. Pre-Monday.”

“I’m not sure how many problems I have because math is one of them.”
20) Time for college application memes?

“Summer’s over?”

“Person at my university took this photo. The walking debt.”

“If robbers ever broke into my house and searched for money, I’d just laugh and search with them.”

“Seeing all the freshman girls dressed up for 8 am class: That will go away.”

“So much knowledge in one room. So much debt…”
25) College memes that sum up college life.

“When it’s the last week of class and you realize you’ve done nothing all semester.”

“This person probably has to study for finals.”

“When u are graduating and u don’t even remember what u studied.”

“What I learn from group projects: The information. How to work with other people. How to do entire projects on my own. How much I hate people.”
!["When you do bad on a test: I was a little off my game today but I'm still the [censored] and I'm just ready to go home and eat."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/college-memes-29.jpg?resize=720%2C720&ssl=1)
“When you do bad on a test: I was a little off my game today but I’m still the [censored] and I’m just ready to go home and eat.”
30) Funny college memes about the trials and tribulations of writing essays and increasing word count.

“Me writing essays: Oh right, the poison. The poison for Kuzco. The poison was chosen specially to kill Kuzco. Kuzco’s poison.”

“When your books are expensive and you don’t have a discount code. Please?”
I hope you enjoyed these college memes!
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