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In terms of holidays, none are as special and bring a family together more than Christmas. The Christmas season is a time to get together with friends and family but it can get hectic at times. Make the holidays stress-free by taking the time to laugh and smile and think of us as your holiday headquarters for some of the funniest Christmas memes.
We did the heavy lifting for you and compiled some of the best funny memes you’ll ever find. Make Xmas even merrier by sharing some of these funny memes with your friends and family during the Xmas holidays. Enjoy!
1) Let the funny Christmas memes begin!

“Christmas shopping? Ain’t nobody got money for that.”

“I don’t always give presents on Christmas but when I do, it’s because I took an arrow to the knee.”
3) Funny Christmas memes featuring our favorite elf!

“Me at 12:01 a.m. on November 1: Santa’s coming!”

“The tree has been up for five minutes.”

“Made this so when my boss shouts at me through his office door, it’s more festive.”
6) Brace yourselves. Funny Christmas memes are also coming.

“Brace yourselves. Christmas is coming.”
7) Funny Christmas decorating memes.

“When you can’t afford Christmas decorations.”

“My cat forgets what a Christmas tree is every year and it’s wonderful.”
9) Are Christmas memes technically birthday memes?

“Celebrated Christmas before the birth of Christ.”
10) Funny then and now Christmas memes.

“Christmas when you were 8 years old vs. Christmas now.”
11) Funny “Christmas Vacation” memes!

“Hallelujah! Holy s#!t! Where’s the Tylenol!”

“Coffee!!! I need more coffee!!!!”
13) Let’s include inappropriate dirty “Christmas memes” for good measure.

“Come sit on Santa’s lap and we can talk about the first thing that pops up!”
14) Dirty Christmas memes when you’re broke.
!["Congratulations, you're broke. Merry [censored] Christmas."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/christmas-memes-13.jpg?resize=720%2C561&ssl=1)
“Congratulations, you’re broke. Merry [censored] Christmas.”

“Christmas cookies? No, I haven’t seen any Christmas cookies.”
16) Funny Christmas Grumpy Cat memes.

“Dashing through the no.”
17) Also, define inappropriate dirty Christmas memes.

“Dear Santa, define naughty.”

“When Christmas decorations finally go up…”
19) Funny Christmas cat memes!

“I destroyed your other gifts because I’m the only one you need.”

“What do you mean Santa’s got enough reindeer.”

“Don’t blame the holidays. You were fat in August.”
22) More dirty “Christmas Vacation” memes!

“Hey, Griswold! Where do you think you’re gonna put a tree that big? Bend over and I’ll show you.”
23) Funny Christmas memes with Buddy the elf and the Grinch.

“I’m either buddy the elf or I’m the grinch. There is no in-between.”

“Every mom on Christmas while you opening up that gift they swore they weren’t getting you.”
25) The reality of funny decorating memes.

“Christmas Tree: Expectation vs reality.”

“I find your lack of Christmas spirit disturbing.”
27) Funny Christmas shopping memes.

“XMAS shopping for relatives like you get a candle! You get a candle! Everybody gets a candle!!”

“Your gift is in the litter box.”

“Complains about how Christmas has become over-commercialized. Buys thousands of dollars worth of presents.”
30) Funny Christmas decorating memes.

“He sees you when you’re sleeping.”

“How I feel putting sprinkles on Christmas cookies.”

“I try my best to shop for Christmas presents then I see something and think you know who would like that?? Me.”
33) One of my favorite funny “Christmas Vacation” memes of all!

“Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Kiss my @$$. Kiss his @$$. Kiss your @$$. Happy Hanukkah.”

“If you got this in your stocking, your childhood was awesome.”
35) Funny Christmas Eve memes.

“I’m dreaming of a white Christmas so the roads will be too dangerous to drive to your party.”

“Christmas is canceled! It seems after you told Santa you’d been good this year, he died laughing.”
37) Even AFTER the holidays, Christmas decorating memes are still funny.

“How it feels when you take down your tree and decorations…”

“It’ph Chriphtmaph.”
39) Funny Christmas cat memes.

“It’s so shiny. I must murder it.”

“I’ve seen your Facebook statuses. You’re getting a dictionary for Christmas.”

“I juanna wish you a merry Christmas.”
42) More inappropriate dirty Christmas memes!

“He came in like a wrecking ball.”

“Do you know what I got for Christmas? Fat. I got fat.”
44) Funny “Christmas Vacation” memes for a Merry Christmas!

“Merry Christmas. S#!tter was full.”

“The last a Christmas ornament sees before it dies!”

“Love it on Christmas Day when a label on a present says ‘From Mom and Dad’ and you just know that dad has absolutely no idea what’s inside, so you watch his reaction as well when you open it.”

“I made a gingerbread house for Christmas. Let me know if you want the recipe.”
48) Funny Christmas gift memes.

“Me: I should probably start Xmas shopping for the fam. Also me: Mine, mine, and mine.”

“My mom put a Christmas tree up for the spider that built a web in her living room.”
50) Funny and Cute Christmas dog memes.

“My dog’s favorite toy is Santa, so we brought her to see him.”

“I noticed you said Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays. I also like to live dangerously.”

“November’s too early to start listening to Christmas songs. Me:”

“*one snowflake falls* Mariah Carey:”

“CHRISTMAS DRINKING GAME: Place a Santa hat on the corner of your TV and every time someone wears it…DRINK.”
55) Really nice “Christmas Vacation” memes!

“Really nice!”

“How ready are you for Christmas on a scale of 1-10?”

“Dear Santa…Nuts please!!!”

“Christmas season starts the day after Thanksgiving. False. The Christmas season is known as Advent which begins on December 2nd.”
59) A funny Christmas gift meme is the gift that keeps on giving.

“She wanted ‘Frozen’ stuff for Christmas…”

“Christmas shopping by myself when I pass a mother scolding her daughter. Mother shouts ‘If you don’t behave, that man is gonna take you with him!'”

“So this year we bought a 20 ft Christmas tree and cut it in half so it goes through the roof.”

“When someone makes you mad but it’s Christmas time.”
63) Going all out with funny Christmas decorating memes.

“Sometimes you have to admit your defeat.”

“Thank goodness you’re home…The Christmas tree fainted.”

“The older I get, the more I wonder what Kevin McAllister’s dad did to afford this house and a vacation to Paris for 9 people.”
66) Funny “Christmas Vacation” memes!

“Save the neck for me, Clark.”

“I think I’m easily the worst sister alive: I couldn’t afford a present this year so I got you this box.”
68) Funny Christmas decorating memes are genius.

“This person is a genius. Minimal work, still fully decorated for Christmas.”

“Dashing through the snow. Dad stop. But I’m trying to sing a Christmas Caaarl. Get it, Carl? A Christmas Caaarl.”

“11:59 November 30 vs. 12:00 December 1.”

“Christmas tip: Put your Christmas trash in your neighbor’s bin so they get robbed instead of you.”

“Christmas tree O Christmas tree, your ornaments are history.”
73) We’re almost at the threshold of funny “Christmas Vacation” memes!

“Take a look around here, Ellen. We’re at the threshold of hell!”

“Me trying to fit Christmas into my budget…”
75) Funny Christmas gift memes when you’re broke.

“When you wanna buy gifts for all your friends because they’re amazing but you only have like $4.”

“Watching my kid put ornaments in a big clump on one section of the tree.”
77) Ok, one more funny “Christmas Vacation” meme.

“You serious, Clark?!?!?”

“When the weather outside is frightful But the fire is so delightful.”

“When your gingerbread house fails…add dinosaur.”

“Works one day a year. Spends the rest of it judging you.”
81) Funny Christmas gift memes.

“Christmas tip: Wrap empty boxes and put them under the tree. Every time your child acts up, throw one in the fireplace.”


“December 14, 11 shopping days to Christmas: This year, I’m writing my thank you notes in advance, so people know what to get me.”

“When you run out of Christmas wrapping paper.”
85) Oh no! We’ve almost reached the end of funny Christmas memes.

“When your friend asks if you’re gonna get them a gift for Christmas: I am the gift.”

“You’re bringing friends? We’re Christmas lights…When one of us goes out, we all go out.”

“THE TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS: And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them and the glory of the Lord shone round about them and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: For behold. I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men’. Luke 2:8-14”
I hope you enjoyed these funny Christmas memes!

Please share these funny memes with your friends and family.