Do you love cheese? Do you love memes? Well, we’ve got the perfect post for you! Check out our 35 funny cheese memes – they’re sure to make you laugh out loud. Whether you’re a fan of cheddar, brie, or gouda, these memes will have you cheesin’ from ear to ear.
Personally, I can’t get enough cheese. I’m not sure if it’s the texture or the taste but I think it’s a combination of the two that makes cheese so irresistible. Putting together this list of cheese memes sure made me hungry! I’m going to take a break to enjoy some cheese but I recommend you also take a break from your busy day and enjoy some cheesy laughter. Trust me, it’s worth it!
1) Let the cheese memes begin!

“A life without cheese is no life at all.”

“According to a box of mac and cheese, I’m a family of four.”

“Aged for 7 years. Molds in your fridge after a week.”
4) Mac and cheese memes are such a beautiful thing…

“Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.”
5) And, there’s no such thing as too many cheese memes!

“Because they’re no such thing as too much cheese.”

“Can I eat all this macaroni? Probably. I can. I went on a journey of self-discovery today.”
7) For me, this is 100% relatable cheese memes.

“The cheese I spilled in the bottom of my oven watching me bake more stuff instead of cleaning it out.”

“Cheesiest pickup line ever.”

“Family: Stress-causer. Invades your privacy. Tells you what to do. Non-bendy and unable to tear. String cheese: Drama free. Gives you space. Keeps quiet. Bendy and able to be torn.”
10) Can’t get enough cheese-eating memes…

“The 4 stages of eating cheese: Eating cheese. Still eating cheese. Ate too much cheese. A bit more cheese.”

“Cheese has holes. More cheese = more holes. More holes = less cheese. More cheese = less cheese.”

“Have you ever seen something so beautiful?”

“How much do you like cheese? Me:”

“I notice you have cheese. I also enjoy cheese.”
15) Coincidently, this is also how shredded cheese memes are made…

“Is this how shredded cheese is made?”

“Cheese is just a loaf of milk.”
17) Cheese grater memes when you’re feeling grate.

“I know it’s cheesy but I feel grate.”

“A little something to take the edge off.”

“You can’t make everyone happy. You’re not cheese” – Anonymous
20) So…do you like cheese memes too?

“Me trying to flirt like: So…do you like cheese?”
21) A big bucket of cheese memes.

“My girlfriend: What do you want for dinner? Me: Bring me the bucket. Her: The bucket? The bucket: Costco is now selling a 27-pound bucket of macaroni and cheese.”

“No photos. Just buy the cheese. The fact that we’re seeing this means that someone broke the sacred rule.”

“Say ‘People!'”

“When someone asks where the shredded cheese is and u remember what u were doing at 3 am last night.”
25) The price we pay to enjoy funny cheese memes.

“Something needs to be done about the price of cheese wtf.”

“Stan! The sun is setting over the ocean. Tell me…Oh, tell me the three words every woman longs to hear! Cheese is available. What?! Who…You’re supposed to say I love you. Oh my god is that camembert?! This is such a beautiful moment.”

“Stuff I’m afraid of: Serial killers and people who eat string cheese like they’re taking a bite out of a carrot.”

“The pupil can expand as much as 55% when you look at something you love.”

“There are two types of people…”

“Waiter: *grating cheese* say when. Me: Waiter: Sir that was the entire block of cheese. Me: *leans in way too close* Go get another.”

“When you just love cheese.”

“Why wouldn’t the cheddar hang out with the knife? He had grater plans!”

“You win this round cheese. Actually, that is a rectangle cheese.”

“I wish I cried macaroni because I would get free macaroni and that would make me so happy that I would cry from happiness and make more macaroni. Are you okay?”

“You can control white people by giving them cheese. Cheese is so good tho. I got one.”
I hope you enjoyed these funny cheese memes!
Please share these cheese memes with your cheese-loving friends and family.”