Most animals are great parents and it’s incredible how they instinctively know how to care for their young. Lizzy the rescue cat was brought to a shelter with her new litter of four kittens and she was already proving to be an excellent mommy.
Her owner received a phone call two days later from a friend who mentioned she had five orphaned kittens and wondered if Lizzy would take her in as her own. Within moments of introducing the orphaned kittens, Lizzy was already cleaning them and treating them as though they were her own kittens.
Lizzy the rescue cat recently had a litter of 4 kittens and she is a proud mommy.

Her foster mom is Stacey and she received a phone call two days later from a friend who had 5 orphaned kittens.

The adorable kittens were being fed with bottles but they needed a mother to take care of them.

They are so cute and all they needed was a mother cat to love and care for them.

Stacey and her friend agreed to introduce the kittens to Lizzy the rescue cat and see if she would adopt them as her own.

Moments after introducing them to Lizzy she began cleaning them.

And Lizzy the rescue cat then began to feed them as though they were her own kittens.

Lizzy the rescue cat now takes care of 9 kittens! She is one exceptional mommy and gives so much unconditional love to her new family.

Watch the video of Lizzy the cat caring for orphaned kittens…
H/t: LoveMeow
Cats are so awesome and Lizzy has such a huge heart for welcoming these orphaned kittens and caring for them. Please share this amazing rescue cat adopting orphaned kittens with your friends and family.