Do you remember the good old days? When life was simple and carefree? It seems like only yesterday that baby boomers were young and invincible. But now, everyone around is getting younger and younger. It seems like everywhere I look there are baby boomers – people born between 1946 and 1964 – being replaced by millennials – people born between 1981 and 1996. Because millennials grew up with computers and the internet, you can bet that there are plenty of boomer memes!
There’s no denying that baby boomers have had a huge impact on our culture. In honor of those born before us, we’re taking a look at 21 of the best baby boomer memes out there. So take a break from reality and enjoy some good old-fashioned fun with memes! LOL, enjoy!
Let the Baby Boomer memes begin!
1) “Boomers: Millennials are overly-sensitive snowflakes. Millennials: Ok, boomer. Boomers:”

2) “Baby boomers: Millennials are entitled! Also baby boomers: Looking for Ph.D. with 30+ years of social media experience. MUST be fluent in Mandarin and Japanese. Candidates MUST ALSO be proficient in R Python SQL C++ Java HTML. Salary: Maybe?”

3) “Boomer, are you ok? So, boomer are you ok? Are you ok, boomer? Boomer, are you ok? So, boomer are you ok? Are you ok, boomer? Boomer, are you ok? So, boomer are you ok? Are you ok, boomer? You’ve been hit by. You’ve been struck by. A smooth millennial.”

4) “Baby boomers always wanna talk about respect as if they haven’t treated planet earth like a 6th-period class with a substitute teacher on a Friday for the last 60+ years.”

5) “I bought a Michael Jackson album…Then he died. I bought an Amy Winehouse album…Then she died. I bought an iPhone…Then Steve Jobs died. HOLD on a second!!! I should buy a Justin Bieber album.”

6) “How to confuse a millennial: Destroy the housing market. Replace grad jobs with unpaid internships. Tell them to buy a house.”

7) “I can’t get any Wi-Fi on this thing…Boomers:”

8) “If I had a dollar for every time a Baby Boomer complained about my generation, I’d have enough money to buy a house in the market they ruined.”

9) “This just in: Millennials aren’t making enough money to buy the houses they can’t afford for the families they can’t have because they’re spending too much on luxuries like rent to live somewhat close to the job that doesn’t pay enough for the education they’re in debt for.”

Blame it on the millennials!
10) “‘Kids these days have it too easy’ said the generation that could buy a house on a wage from unskilled work at age 21.”

11) ‘Millennials are idiots’ – The generation that made a millionaire out of the creator of the pet rock.

12) “I’m not old I just need some WD-40.”

13) “Old people will call us ‘special snowflakes’ for protesting but then post a ten-paragraph review on a restaurant because they had to wait ten extra minutes for their food.”

14) “Baby boomers on vacation starter pack.”

15) “70 years in ice. Result. 20 years with wife. Result.”

16) “Someone should really clue the Baby Boomers into the fact that they are the ones who gave us the stupid participation trophies in the first place.”

17) “Boomer starter pack.”

18) “The term ‘boomer’ is being used by Millenials and stupid little kids as an ageist slur against older, mature people. Considering this is the equivalent of the n-word, should it be banned on Facebook? If no, explain: I love democracy.”

19) “They always say, ‘Ok boomer,’ but they never say ‘You ok, boomer?'”

20) “This generation and their god damn cell phones.”

21) “How to confuse a millennial: Crash their economy and then condescendingly ask why so many of them are living with their parents.”

22) “Want to know the secret of turning $40 into $400? Put the $40 into your gas tank, then drive to work.”

23) “We should legalize cannabis in all 50 states, use the taxes to repair roads and highways, and call it operation pothole.”

I hope you enjoyed these boomer memes!
“To start, press any key. Where’s the ‘any’ key?”
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