Black Friday is the perfect time to score amazing Black Friday deals on gifts for your loved ones… and to have a little fun too! Check out these 43 funny Black Friday memes that are sure to get you laughing. From creative signs and clever puns to hilarious shopping fails, there’s something for everyone in this collection.
Whatever your opinion on Black Friday, there’s no denying that it’s a huge event. So whether you’re braving the crowds or staying home with your feet up, enjoy a good chuckle at these witty takes on America’s busiest shopping day. Happy holidays and happy Black Friday shopping!
1) Let the Black Friday memes begin!

“All this spending on Black Friday…Better pay your electric bill first, or next Friday will be Black Friday too.”

“I am the one who shops.”
3) Be polite and enjoy more Black Friday memes?

“Black Friday in the U.S. be like…Black Friday in Canada be like…I’m sorry. No, you were next. Pardon me. After you. Thank you. No, after you. Excuse me.”

“Brace yourselves, Black Friday is coming.”
5) Black Friday memes are the gift that keeps on giving.

“Your Christmas present will be all the more meaningful to me if you had to pepper spray someone in order to get it.”

“When Black Friday comes.”

“Discounts. Discounts everywhere.”
8) Expectation vs. reality Black Friday memes.

“Black Friday: Expectation vs. Reality.”

“First rule for Black Friday shopping? There are no rules.”
10) Shopping for Black Friday memes, that is…

“Black Friday shopping. You’re doing it right.”

“Get out of the way Fluffy, sardines are half-price at Walmart.”

“How many people got trampled on Black Friday this year? Not enough.”

“I think that Black Friday should be televised just like the hunger games.”

“First in line for Black Friday. Trampled to death.”
15) You can’t have Black Friday memes without Rebecca!

“It’s Friday.”

“It puts the Xbox in my cart or it gets the pepper spray again.”
17) Black Friday memes featuring frantic shoppers!

“I don’t know what it is but it’s on sale!”

“Black Friday like a boss.”

“Look at all these sales I don’t care about.”
20) Make out like a bandit with Black Friday memes!

“Made out like a bandit.”

“Me and my family planning which stores to hit for Black Friday.”
22) Be thankful for Black Friday memes.

“Oh, you’re going to the Black Friday sale? Didn’t you say you were thankful for everything you had yesterday?”

“It’s only a matter of time until ‘Security Cameras of Wal-Mart’ is a hit reality show.”

“People are thankful on Thanksgiving for what they have then Black Friday comes the next day and people run off and buy what they don’t have.”
25) Get the advice you need with Black Friday memes.

“Pro tip: Always go full pads for Black Friday shopping.”

“Risk your life for a TV you don’t need.”

“Section of the store I need to get to. The rest of the store.”

“Seeing all these Black Friday deals but you’re broke AF.”

“Black Friday shoppers. Yeah, it’s kinda like that.”
30) Gotta love Black Friday shopping memes.

“Black Friday shopping. Cyber Monday.”

“So you can get up early to stand in line on Black Friday but you can’t get up early to go to the gym?”

“When somebody gets the last flat-screen TV on Black Friday.”

“Starts camping out Monday so they can save $50 on a TV.”

“When I tell my friends I’m not waiting in line outside Target at 6 am: Black Friday is just another example of capitalism undermining traditional values and customs. 15% off inflatable tubas.”
35) The difference between Thanksgiving and Black Friday memes.

“Thanksgiving. Black Friday.”

“The look on your husband’s face when you walk through the door with all of your Black Friday deals.”

“Me: These Black Friday sales are a good opportunity to buy gifts for people I love. Inner me: You need a new TV.”

“This is me not caring about Black Friday.”

“To the people working as security on Black Friday. Cheers to you.”
40) Saving a dollar with Black Friday memes.

“What if I told. you if you spend more than 8 minutes trying to save a dollar, you are working for less than minimum wage.”

“When tennis balls are 70% off.”

“Yo Adrian, I got a telly.”

“You think Black Friday is your ally? You merely adopted the day. I was born in the mall, molded by it.”
I hope you enjoyed these Black Friday memes!
Please share these funny memes with your friends and family.