Black bears are abundant in Ontario, Canada with a reported 105,000 black bears in the province alone. To help ensure a sustainable population, the province reinstated the bear hunt from May 1 to June 15 until 2020 and hunters understand the risks of hunting bears.

One hunter, Richard Wesley was hunting with a bow near a logging road in Fire River, Ontario when he encountered a bear. With a GoPro camera capturing the video, we see the black bear slowly walking towards him. As he waits for the bear to get closer so he can take a shot, it starts charging towards him and you can almost feel the hunter’s fear in his voice.
Please note: video contains strong language.
Watch a black bear charge towards a hunter (Richard Wesley) in Fire River, Ontario…
This incident could have been tragic but thankfully, the bear simply knocked him over and fled. In his video description, Wesley writes, “No wounds except a bruised elbow and ego where the bear threw me down. Genuinely happy that this was a non-fatal or tragic outcome. Proving that the black bear is a wild and unpredictable animal. Again so happy with the outcome.”
Here are some of our favorite YouTube comments from the video, “Black bear charge(attack) fire river Ontario spring 2017” by Richard Wesley:
- “I’m surprised the bear didn’t pick up the camera and finish the vlog.” – Mbuna Marcus – Aquariums, Cichlids and More
- “That right there is a death cry. The overwhelmed sound of a man that knows that’s it.” – Mike Goldberg
- “gets attacked by a huge bear, finds the lost camera, walks away. np at all.” – 2012isRonPaul
- “So what did the bear do? Just jump on the guy then walk away? Bear was a bully lol.” – Jeff M
Please share this amazing video of a black bear charging a hunter with your friends and family.