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Even at an early age, we seek out friendships with nearly every person we meet. It’s in our nature to be curious and find people we have things in common. While family members give us the love and support we need, friends are different. Best friends (and funny friend memes!) become part of your life just like family and you laugh, cry, and share your inner secrets with them.
Having a best friend is someone to be cherished and sharing your life experiences with friends is one of the gifts of life. The following 65 funny friend memes celebrate the friends in our lives. Make sure to share these funny friend memes with your besties to let them know how happy you are that they’re in your life.
1) Let the funny friends memes begin!

“Trying to stop your BFF from drunk texting her ex.” If you love cats, don’t miss these equally funny cat memes.

“A good friend calls you in jail. A great friend bails you out of jail. Your best friend sits next to you and says ‘wasn’t that fun?’.”

“We’ll always be friends because you match my level of crazy.”
4) Emotional funny friend memes.

“When you and your best friend start venting and talking about how much y’all love and appreciate each other.”

“You are the sister I got to choose.”
6) Nothing like best friends memes about reuniting.

“When you and ur childhood bestie took different paths in life but you still have a strong bond with them whenever you reunite.”

“When you are your bestie are tight AF.”

“Better to have a friend that can pray you through your mess rather than one who keeps you in the mess.”

“Bff: I can’t find him on social media, I only know his first name. Me:”
10) Funny friend memes for best friends.

“When you and your friend both have terrible ideas and consistently encourage each other to act on them.”
11) One friend is a lot different than no friends. One friend is plenty.

“You don’t need too many friends to be happy. Just a few real ones who appreciate you for who you are.”

“My friend’s faces when I tell them I’m f***in’ with my old boo again.”
13) Funny friend memes for dog lovers.

“On facetime with your best friend like.”

“When you find someone who is just as dead inside as you are.”
15) Funny friend memes forever!

“Friends forever.”

“When your best friend says what you were thinking.”
17) When funny friend memes get real.

“When your best friend’s parents say ‘you’re not a guest anymore, you’re family’.”

“Friendship is so weird. You just pick a human you’ve met and you’re like ‘yup I like this one’ and you just do stuff with them.”

“Gently touching your friend’s hand because you’ve spotted someone acting like an arsehole and you want to talk about it later.”
20) Funny friend memes are relatable no matter what age you are.

“When me and my best friend get old…You look nice. Who dressed you, the Great Depression? You look lovely, Helen. I’m so sorry I couldn’t attend your funeral last year.”
21) Cute funny friend memes…

“When ur friend gets upset and you get upset too because that’s the kind of friend you are.”

“How many males are there in the world? Current male population is 3,780,217,700. Good morning love. Look, 3,780,217,700 boys in the world. And you’re crying over 1. Just 1. One that doesn’t deserve your pretty arse. OMG, I love you.”
23) One best friend meme is just as good as many best friends memes.

“I don’t have a lot of friends but I have the best ones. Because I choose quality over quantity.”

“How I say bye to my friends. How I say bye to my best friends.”

“I have 2 best friends I go to for advice. One rationalizes, uses logic and the other one hypes me up to do ratchet crap…balance.”
26) Or make fun of funny friends memes.

“If you don’t have anything nice to say, come sit by me and we can make fun of people together.”

“I’m just sure that one of these days someone will read the text messages we send each other and offer us our own sitcom.”
28) Funny friend memes featuring a new take on the bottle cap challenge.

“Me. My friend’s insecurities.”

“When my best friend introduces me to her other best friend: If you don’t get rid of Linda, I’m gonna throw her out the winda.”

“When your friend is about to do something stupid but u kinda want to see what happens.”

“It’s hard to find a friend who’s cute, loving, generous, sexy, caring, and smart. My advice to y’all is, don’t lose me.”
32) Funny friend memes forever.

“Vice President Biden: Happy 55th, Barack! A brother to me, a best friend forever.”
33) Funny friend memes are always a great idea.

“Best friend: Let’s do tequila shots. Me: That sounds like a great idea! Narrator: It was not a great idea…”

“When you and your friend lurking together and you find out something juicy.”

“When ur friend makes a mean joke but you love it cuz ur also an evil b***h.”

“When a man tries to approach you on Girl’s Night.”
37) Relatable funny friend memes.

“Me and my BFF looking for a decent man.”

“That moment when your friends find out that you have MONEY.”
39) Smart friends memes.

“When my friend is drunk and wants to talk to their ex.”

“I never let my best friend do stupid things…alone.”
41) Funny friend memes for pet lovers.

“No, I don’t want to come to your dog’s birthday party…freak. My cat is getting married that weekend.”

“When ur not a morning person but ur best friend is.”

“On facetime with your best friend like.”
44) Getting more information with funny friends memes.

“When one of your friends says they met a new boy: Okay ladies now let’s get information.”

“How other best friends eat vs how my best friend and I eat.”

“When people call my best friend their best friend.”
47) Funny friend memes for Instagram lovers.

“Me and my friends posing for an Instagram picture.”

“My reaction when my husband asks how much my best friend and I have had to drink.”
49) Is there such a thing as stalker friends memes?

“When your best friend wants to make sure your first date goes well.”

“When you and your best friend say the same thing at the same time.”

“When your friend says to get ready at her house.”
52) Funny friend memes for fans of Stranger Things.

“How my friends introduce me: She’s our friend and she’s crazy!”

“When your best friend gets sloppy drunk and starts throwing around bad decisions like confetti and everyone else is pissed but you’re just like, ‘I love that f***ing b***h.'”
54) Don’t mess with funny friend memes.

“When ur soft but someone hurts ur friends.”
55) Relatable friends memes.

“How I spoke to my best friend when we first met vs how I speak to her now. So I’m not leaving until you laugh. Hey, panini head, are you even listening to me?”

“When you tag your friends on funny friend memes and they don’t respond.”

“Taking selfies with your best friend like…”

“Teacher: If you have 12 apples and you give your friend 6, what do you have? Me (through tears): A friend.”
59) More relatable funny friend memes.

“When you tell your friend to look at the person behind them but don’t make it obvious.”
60) Funny friend memes to say, “thanks for being a friend”.

“To that friend who has never been tired of listening to my dramas. Thank you. I owe you a lot!”

“That look you give your friend when you both catch onto something that no one else gets.”
62) Oh no! We’ve almost reached the end of funny friend memes…

“The look you give your friend when the teacher says ‘find a partner’.”
63) Friends memes for life.

“There’s always that one friend…”

“I think we’ll be friends forever because we’re too lazy to find new friends.”
65) Tagging your friend memes.

“When u tag your friend in a meme and they respond in 0.5 sec: Dats mah b***hhh.”
I hope you enjoyed these funny friend memes!

Please share these funny friend memes with your friends and family.