It’s that time of year again when people are playing April Fools’ jokes on each other at home or at work. If you’re not familiar with the tradition, it basically involves messing with other people’s expectations in a humorous way. There are tons of April Fools’ Day memes that offer great ideas for pranks or that simply celebrate the day we can be a little mischievous.
In honor of this, I’ve gathered 29 of the funniest memes out there to get you in the spirit! Whether you’re planning to prank someone at work with an office prank or just enjoy a good laugh, these memes will definitely do the trick! Happy April Fools’ Day!
1) Let the April Fools’ Day memes begin!

“I don’t always play a joke on April Fools’ Day. Just kidding, I do.”

“An easy, cheap, and funny April Fools’ idea. You can thank me later.”

“Anyone who tries April Fools on me during these times: So you have chosen…Death.”

“It’s April. Fools.”
5) April Fools’ Day memes when your birthday is on April 1st!

“Birthday is on April 1st. Nobody believes me.”

“Brace yourselves. April Fools’ memes are coming.”

“April Fools, but seriously, Happy Anniversary! Love, mom and dad.”

“April Fools’ Day brown E’s.”

“My face when I see these April Fools’ Day posts.”
10) April Fools’ Day memes everywhere!

“April Fools. April Fools everywhere.”

“Go ahead, April Fools me. I double dare you.”

“I don’t think women will ever laugh at this one: April Fools.”

“My face every time someone tells me something on April Fools’ Day.”

“April Fools: Put a piece of cling wrap under the cap of a shampoo bottle so it won’t pour.”
15) Get ready for more April Fools’ Day memes!

“I’m retiring!!! April Fools!!”

“Say ‘April Fools’ one more time.”

“Sets birthday to April 1st. Haha OMG guys April Fools!!1! Totally got you!”

“Since Easter falls on April Fools’ Day.”

“I sold my mansion to feed the poor. April Fools.”
20) Get your pranks ready with April Fools’ Day memes!

“Some people just want to watch the world burn.”

“The best office prank I pull on April Fools’ Day is pretending I like being here.”

“This is the evilest April Fool prank I’ve ever seen!”

“Y’all too old to be talking about April Fools’ Day. Today is April 1st, I hope y’all got that rent money.”

“Best office prank award goes to…Warning…Huge aggressive spider under cup…! Do not pick up until ready to squish it!”
25) Gotta love funny April Fools’ Day memes!

“What if April Fools’ Day doesn’t exist and it’s been the longest prank in history?”

“My face whenever someone tells me something on April Fools’ Day.”

“Who needs April Fools when your whole life is a joke.”

“Yeah, April Fools’ Day is canceled due to social distancing.”

“The face you make when someone pranks you on April Fools’ Day.”
I hope you enjoyed these funny April Fools’ Day memes!
Please share these funny memes with your friends and family.