2020 has been one hell of a year. Understandably, lockdowns and not being able to spend time with family and friends, made a lot of people angry. Add a presidential election and the uncertainty with the economy, and I’m thinking it’s time for a Snickers bar and some angry memes!

Memes are a great way to let people know how you feel and these memes are no different. If you’re feeling a bit of anger or simply need to blow off some steam, share the following memes on social media with the realization that things will get better. Enjoy!
1) Let the angry memes begin!
![43 Angry Memes - "When a song describes exactly how you feel. Go [censored] yourselves."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/angry-memes-01.jpg?resize=720%2C750&ssl=1)
“When a song describes exactly how you feel. Go [censored] yourselves.”
2) I think Grumpy Cat just has an angry meme face.
![43 Angry Memes - "I am not grumpy. I just have a 'censored] resting face."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/angry-memes-02.jpg?resize=720%2C887&ssl=1)
“I am not grumpy. I just have a ‘censored] resting face.”
3) When you speak your mind.
![43 Angry Memes - "Because, [censored] you. That's why."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/angry-memes-03.jpg?resize=720%2C822&ssl=1)
“Because [censored] you. That’s why.”
4) When you’re a regular guy.

“Behind every angry woman stands a man who has absolutely no idea what he did wrong.”
5) The Incredible Hulk reacts to angry memes too.

“But that’s my secret, I’m always angry.”
6) When you wear your heart on your sleeve.

“Call me biodegradable because I break down really easily.”
7) When you see veins bulging, it’s the real deal.

“Children: Wow! We can’t wait to see The Lion King. Millennials: This is not for you!”
8) Angry memes that perfectly describe 2020.
![43 Angry Memes - "My daily motto: I know everything happens for a reason but what the [censored]?"](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/angry-memes-08.jpg?resize=720%2C700&ssl=1)
“My daily motto: I know everything happens for a reason but what the [censored]?”
9) When you’re doing your best.
![43 Angry Memes - "Me dealing with my coworkers, family, and life in general like: I'm tryin' so hard not to be an [censored] to you guys, okay? Just please work with me here."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/angry-memes-09.jpg?resize=720%2C548&ssl=1)
“Me dealing with my coworkers, family, and life in general like: I’m tryin’ so hard not to be a [censored] to you guys, okay? Just please work with me here.”
10) This meme also applies to angry girlfriends.

“The eyes are the windows to the soul. Me:”
11) When your face says it all.

“How my face looks when I’m either happy or pissed off.”
12) When you realize John Wick REALLY loves dogs.
!["The first dog to test positive for coronavirus has died in Hong Kong. [angry John Wick has entered the chat]"](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/angry-memes-12.jpg?resize=720%2C1233&ssl=1)
“The first dog to test positive for coronavirus has died in Hong Kong. [angry John Wick has entered the chat]”
13) When you can’t beat them, join them.
!["Have you ever been so angry that you hit a [censored] with another [censored]?"](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/angry-memes-13.jpg?resize=720%2C720&ssl=1)
“Have you ever been so angry that you hit a [censored] with another [censored]?”
14) When perception really matters.

“How I think I look when I’m angry. How my boyfriend thinks I look when I’m angry.”
15) Anger management memes?

“I do not need anger management. They need to stop hiring stupid people.”
16) When you’re just “ANGERY.”

“If you spam ANGERY it makes me ANGERY so don’t do it.”
17) There is no shortage of angry cat memes!

“I’m not angry, I’m happiness challenged.”
18) When you can’t believe your ears.

“Listen to Billie Eilish. No, I don’t like Billie Eilish.”
19) When you’re just frugal.

“Me walking back into McDonald’s after they forgot the napkins that I planned on using as toilet paper.”
20) Angry memes for momma.
!["My momma may have raised an alcoholic single forever foul-mouthed [censored] but she ain't raise no [censored]."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/angry-memes-20.jpg?resize=720%2C653&ssl=1)
“My momma may have raised an alcoholic single forever foul-mouthed [censored] but she ain’t raise no [censored].”
21) When your mood says it all.
!["Mood all 2020: That [censored]. Me."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/angry-memes-21.jpg?resize=720%2C716&ssl=1)
“Mood all 2020: That [censored]. Me.”
22) Relatable angry penguin memes.

“My body: *Gives me signals to sleep the entire day* Me: *Goes to bed* My body: Well now I am not doing it. Relatable 100%.”
23) When the word NO means NO.

24) Angry wife meme? Too early?

“I am not mad. Just very, very angry.”
25) Single and angry memes.

“When people ask me why I’m single: I’m not interested in caring about people.”
26) When you’re not ready yet.

“Put me back…”
27) When you have your morning routine.

“I set my alarms extra early to make sure I have enough time to lay in bed and be angry about having to wake up.”
28) When you have to draw the line.

“I still can’t see us ever being friends.”
29) When honesty is a good policy.
!["Stop being a [censored]."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/angry-memes-29.jpg?resize=720%2C1200&ssl=1)
“Stop being a [censored].”
30) There are also different types of anger memes.

“People telling me to do something that I’m already doing gives me a different type of anger.”
31) Don’t mess with angry dog memes.

“The human, he dies tonight.”
32) When you are your own worst enemy.

“Therapist: Have you considered maybe not sabotaging your own life? Me: Boring!”
33) When you’re about to explode.

“There is a tantrum brewing in me the likes of which this house has never seen.”
34) When you shut down the haters.

“They see me rolling. They hating.”
35) Angry cat memes!

“This is my happy face.”
36) I want angry kid memes!

“I want my food.”
37) When you run out of meme ideas.

“When Spooktober has started but you can’t think of any memes to make about it.”
38) When you’ve been warned.

“I will find you and I will poop in your shoes!”
39) This reminds me of angry mom memes.

“How women under 5 feet 5 inches look mad.”
40) When you can’t take a hint.

“Yep, despite the look on my face, you are still talking.”
41) Angry Yoda memes, like them you will.

“Yoda Hulk: When angry I am, like me, you will not.”
42) When your dog is mad.

“When you get home and hear your dog barking from the room you locked him in and you finally let him out.”
43) Let’s not forget angry bunny memes!

“Your death will be very painful.”
I hope you enjoyed these angry (and funny) memes. Now, have a nice day!
Please share these angry memes with your friends and family.