If you dream big enough and work hard, there’s a pretty good chance your dreams will come true. One little girl named Angelica Hale from Atlanta believes this with all her heart and dreams of being the next Whitney Houston!
Falling ill with double pneumonia at 4 years old, her condition worsened quickly as her kidneys started shutting down. It was so bad that a Chaplin was brought in to talk to her parents. Thankfully, her mother donated one of her kidney’s to save her daughter and this helped her make a full recovery.
Now at 9 years old, she is ready to start chasing her dreams! She performed for America’s Got Talent 2017 judges with one of the most amazing auditions you will ever see. With her amazing voice and her charming personality, I think a star is born.
Watch Angelica Hale perform at America’s Got Talent 2017 auditions…
At only 9 years old, Angelica Hale has her entire life ahead of her and you’ll definitely want to keep an eye out for this rising star by following her Facebook page. If you missed it, here is Hale performing ‘Girl On Fire’.
Please share this jaw-dropping audition by little Angelica Hale at America’s Got Talent 2017 with your friends and family.