When you think of college sororities and fraternities, the image that comes to mind is probably a group of students drinking and partying all the time. But if you ever belonged to a sorority or fraternity, you probably know that this stereotype is misleading to the true purpose of a college sorority or fraternity.

Mitchell Woerner, a brother of Beta Theta Pi, was tired of the boring lectures about drinking. He attended many of the lectures during his school’s “Hazing Prevention Week” awareness program and didn’t feel they went far enough. Out of frustration, he created this poem entitled “A Fake Conversation”…
Watch “A Fake Conversation” by Mitchell Woerner
Via Upworthy
His personal response to drinking, hazing, and bullying made me rethink my assumptions about frat boys and sorority girls. Please share “A Fake Conversation” by Mitchell Woerner with your friends and family.