In 1983, Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton released their beautiful duet ‘Islands in the Stream’. You could immediately feel their incredible chemistry whether you heard the song on the radio, or seen them perform it live. Over the years, they have had an incredible friendship and they remain good friends to this day.
37 years later after their first duet, they collaborated on this heartwarming duet a couple of years ago called ‘You Can’t Make Old Friends’ and you can still feel the amazing bond they have together. Dolly Parton has a heart of gold and so does Kenny Rogers and they are true soul partners. Friendships as close as theirs are rare in the music industry or any entertainment industry for that matter and together they make an incredible team.
Watch this duet performance of ‘You Can’t Make Old Friends’ by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton…
They are entertainment giants in the music industry but they remain humble and deserve all of their success. Please share this incredible duet by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton with your friends and family.