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We all have our ups and downs and sometimes all it takes is one thing to make us smile and help turn things around. For me, that’s happy memes and funny pictures and I personally hope these 85 memes help brighten your day and make you smile.
1) Let’s start the happy memes!

“I’m so happy I could die.”

“That makes me so happy!”

“And that class is how to keep a woman happy.”

“And then I said to the farmer, your chicken must have ran away.”
5) Cute happy memes.

“Beware of dog. This is a risk I’m willing to take.”

“Don’t ruin other people’s happiness just because you can’t find your own. Unless ruining other people’s happiness is what makes you happy. In which case, carry on.
7) No need to worry with happy memes on your side.

“Don’t worry, be happy.”

“Earth? Yes, this is cow.”

“Family asking me what I’d like for my 20th birthday since it’s a milestone birthday. I just want to get my first girlfriend and be happy.”

“Happy cat’s sone, Euphorikat. Yoo knows whut I lubs to do BEST? EBBRYFING!”
11) Happy memes, happy memes!

“Happy place, happy place! Go to my happy place, go to my happy place!”
12) That is some serious tail wagging.

“Have you ever been so happy? You became a peacock?”
13) Happy memes and pizza? Yes, please!

“Here is some pizza because we want you to be happy.”
14) Relatable happy memes.

“‘I don’t need a guy to be happy’. Needs a guy to be happy.”

“I don’t think I will ever be this happy…”
16) Happy memes for insomniacs.

“If I could just sleep through the night, I would be so happy.”
17) If you like happy memes, clap your…oh.

“If you’re happy & you know it, clap your…oh.”
18) Boop! Happy memes made you smile!

“Boop. I got your nose.”
19) Reading happy memes is a start!

“I just want you to be happy.”
20) Adorable happy memes.

“I know…I know. I’m so freaking adorable that I instantly make you happy.”

“I’m just…so happy…”
22) Happy memes will do that.

“I’m just so happy.”

“I’m way too happy!!!!”
24) Happy memes that make you go, WTF?

“RAWR!!!!! Just kidding. I’m only a turtle.”

“I just pooped a little.”
26) Have fun with happy memes.

“Life is too short to worry about what others say or think about you. So have fun and give them something to talk about.”

“Making everyone happy is impossible. Pissing them off is a piece of cake. I like cake.”

“My milkshake brings all the goats to the barn.”
29) Happy memes Friday face that is!

“My happy Friday face.”

“Oh my God, I’m so happy.”
31) Happy memes = Super Happy.

“Super happy.”

“Waffles are just pancakes with abs.”
33) Cute happy memes!

“What happens when you stand between two llamas? You get llaminated!”

“When someone forces you to go out and you actually have fun.”

“When you do nothing on your day off and you don’t feel bad about it at all.”
36) Or, when you’ve just found new happy memes!

“When you’ve just found a new show to binge-watch.”

“Why are frogs so happy? They eat whatever bugs them.”

“Y U make me so happy, I get nothing done!”
39) VERY happy memes.

“You guys make me very happy!!”

“Am I happy because I’m wet or wet because I’m happy?”

“I’m so happy right now…”

“Me leaving work today. Happy.”

“If you would stop constantly telling us how great your life is because of the pyramid scheme you’re involved with, we would all be so happy.”

“It’s a baby otter. Smile, dammit.”

“You make me smile every time I talk to you.”
46) Even grumpy cat likes happy memes!

“Don’t worry. Be happy? Are you new here?”
47) Happy memes don’t get cuter than this!

“Possibly the cutest mlem ever.”

“If you’re feeling overwhelmed and anxious today, remember that this is Leland Melvin’s official NASA picture.”

“She’s too precious for this world.”

“My parents are at Disneyland and just sent me this.”

“If you’re feeling down, just look at these.”

“That friend that always makes sure you fit in.”
53) Happy memes for besties.

“This is what besties look like.”

“Happy panda.”

“Dis mai happy face.”

“I’m so happy I could poop!”
57) Thanks, happy memes!

“Me: I’m finally starting to feel happy. My depression: You WHAT?!”

“Just a dog with a watermelon wishing you a happy day.”

“Being happy never goes out of style.”

“Wi-Fi + Food + My Bed = Happiness.”

“No matter what happens in your life, you will never be this happy…”

“Oh no, somebody spilled all of their puppies.”

“Someone: ‘Don’t be sad, be happy!’ Me: My goodness. What an idea. Why didn’t I think of that.”

“Bob Ross is drawing a nice picture. Bob Ross decides to draw a huge line through the center of the picture, ruining the masterpiece. Bob Ross makes a beautiful tree out of the line, making the whole picture a lot better.”

“How to be happy memes.”
66) Happy memes is music to my ears.

“Be happy. Not because everything is good, but because you can see the good side of everything.”

“I’m so excited, I just can’t hide it!”

“I have great news, honey! So do I! I won the lottery! I’m pregnant! Awesome! We will use this money to give our child a wonderful life.”

“Me: Hey, I like your hoodie. Him: Thanks, I really needed that today.”

“Follow your dreams. You can be anything you want. I did it.”

“Me: I’m gonna start eating healthy. Also me: Treat yourself one more time, you deserve it.”

“What are you doing? Just trying to make the world a little nicer.”

“When you get home and see your dog and they see you and you’re just both happy to be with each other.”

“Despite “one-in-a-million” odds, Jeremy the lonely snail has found a lover. Jeremy and Lefty are a one-in-a-million match. The two snails both have rare backwards left-aligning anatomy which makes it impossible for them to mate with other garden snails.”

“When you sleepover at his house and in the morning, he says ‘good morning beautiful’ and you there all happy.”

“Bob Ross: *draws a branch* Me: Nice. Bob Ross: *Draws second branch* cause everyone needs a friend. Me: Nice.”

“So you’re little Bobbie; well, Rex here has been going on and on about you for the last 50 years.”

“You swerve to avoid a squirrel. Unknown to you, the squirrel pledges a life debt to you. In your darkest hour, the squirrel arrives.”

“Barber: What do you want? Him: To be a good boy. Barber: Say no more.”

“A boy just ran up to the live truck and said ‘Can you report my smile?’ Yes, we can Cameron.”

“I just hope both teams have fun.”
82) Oh no! We’ve almost reached the end of happy memes…

“My grandpa just got a new dog and had his caregiver take pictures of him to send to me.”

“When u ask ur mom to stop for food and she actually says yes.”

“My girlfriend’s Golden HAS to bring a gift to anyone who comes to the door. If she can’t find a toy, she’ll grab her whole bed and drag it across the house or pick up the shoe you just took off and give it back to you.”

“When you’re feeling a little fragile and all your wonderful friends say it’s okay, here are some memes.”
I hope you enjoyed these happy memes!

Please share these memes with your friends and family and help bring a smile to their day.