75 Funny Introvert Memes That Are Even More Hilarious in 2020

The year 2020 has been strange thus far. With everything from lockdowns to social distancing, people around the world are being asked to avoid physical contact and to stay home. Many introverts are probably wondering what the problem is since it’s daily life for many introverts, including me! Introvert memes have never been more relatable!

For that reason, many of these funny memes will be 100% relatable for introverts. I hope you enjoy these 75 memes that celebrate staying at home and social distancing. While extroverts may find it difficult to stay home and avoid physical contact, you, on the other hand, have been training for this moment your entire life!

1) Let the funny introvert memes begin!

75 Introvert Memes - "When you're just a naturally distant person who requires a lot of alone time in order to function properly but your loved ones keep taking it personally: I love you so much."

“When you’re just a naturally distant person who requires a lot of alone time in order to function properly but your loved ones keep taking it personally: I love you so much.”


75 Introvert Memes - "Introverts after hearing we go another 30 days on lockdown:"

“Introverts after hearing we go another 30 days on lockdown:”


75 Introvert Memes - "I don't always go to parties, but when I do, I don't want to be there."

“I don’t always go to parties, but when I do, I don’t want to be there.”


75 Introvert Memes - "CDC: To prevent coronavirus stay home, avoid physical contact and don't go into large crowds. ME: I've been training for this moment my entire life."

“CDC: To prevent coronavirus stay home, avoid physical contact, and don’t go into large crowds. ME: I’ve been training for this moment my entire life.”

5) Putting on a brave face with introvert memes.

75 Introvert Memes - "When your friends are making plans and you gotta act like you're down when you know you'll be asleep at that time."

“When your friends are making plans and you gotta act like you’re down when you know you’ll be asleep at that time.”

6) Introvert memes from Reddit: “Introverts in a nutshell.”

75 Introvert Memes - "Introverts around strangers vs Introverts around people they know."

Funny introvert memes: “Introverts around strangers vs Introverts around people they know.”


75 Introvert Memes - "As an introvert, you crave intimate moments and deep connections - and those usually aren't found in a crowd."

Introvert meme with a quote by Jenn Granneman: “As an introvert, you crave intimate moments and deep connections – and those usually aren’t found in a crowd.” – Jenn Granneman, The Secret Lives of Introverts

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8) Relatable introvert memes.

75 Introvert Memes - "When you're at a party and you only know one person."

“When you’re at a party and you only know one person.”


75 Introvert Memes - "When being in quarantine: Extroverts vs Introverts."

Quarantine introvert memes: “When being in quarantine: Extroverts vs Introverts.”

10) The best things are also introvert memes.

75 Introvert Memes - "The best things in life are silent."

“The best things in life are silent.”


75 Introvert Memes - "Me: I better leave, I'm going to be late. Inner me: The later you are, the less time you gotta be there."

“Me: I better leave, I’m going to be late. Inner me: The later you are, the less time you gotta be there.”


75 Introvert Memes - "Bored. Extrovert's definition: Not frantically busy. Introvert's definition: Stuck making small talk and unable to escape politely."

“Bored. Extrovert’s definition: Not frantically busy. Introvert’s definition: Stuck making small talk and unable to escape politely.”

13) Introvert memes #36

75 Introvert Memes - "Changing your direction just to avoid walking past people."

“Changing your direction just to avoid walking past people.”


75 Introvert Memes - "I could be home on the internet right now."

“I could be home on the internet right now.”

15) Introvert memes #56.

75 Introvert Memes - "I curse when the telephone rings."

“I curse when the telephone rings.”


75 Introvert Memes - "Don't invite me anywhere last minute. I enjoy doing nothing so I need to know ahead of time if my plan to do nothing needs to be changed."

“Don’t invite me anywhere last minute. I enjoy doing nothing so I need to know ahead of time if my plan to do nothing needs to be changed.”

17) “Social distancing is easy” introvert memes.

75 Introvert Memes - "When everyone keeps talking about 'social distancing' but you have been socially distant your whole life:"

“When everyone keeps talking about ‘social distancing’ but you have been socially distant your whole life:”


75 Introvert Memes - "My extroverted friends panicking about quarantine at home. Me as an introvert:"

Introvert memes featuring the Carlton Dance!: “My extroverted friends panicking about quarantine at home. Me as an introvert:”


75 Introvert Memes - "Extroverts: Oh, look! Other people! Introverts: Oh. Look. Other people."

“Extroverts: Oh, look! Other people! Introverts: Oh. Look. Other people.”

20) Social isolation is easy with introvert memes.

75 Introvert Memes - "My favorite part of social isolation is that I no longer have to think of excuses on why I can't go to social events."

“My favorite part of social isolation is that I no longer have to think of excuses on why I can’t go to social events.”


75 Introvert Memes - "My friends tonight. Me tonight."

“My friends tonight. Me tonight.”


75 Introvert Memes - "Gee can't wait to wake up tomorrow and spend another day alone with my [censored] thoughts."

“Gee can’t wait to wake up tomorrow and spend another day alone with my [censored] thoughts.”


75 Introvert Memes - "Gets unexpected call. Doesn't pick up because not mentally prepared."

“Gets unexpected call. Doesn’t pick up because not mentally prepared.”

24) Party with funny introvert memes instead.

75 Introvert Memes - "When I go to a party and start acting weird because I don't know anybody: Ignore me, I'm afraid."

“When I go to a party and start acting weird because I don’t know anybody: Ignore me, I’m afraid.”

25) Party with introvert memes.

75 Introvert Memes - "I'm going to have a party, and no one's invited but me."

“I’m going to have a party, and no one’s invited but me.”

26) Introvert memes from Reddit: “I feel this.”

75 Introvert Memes - "The government: I'm sorry I locked you in your room. You're free to go if you wish. Introverts: You locked me in my room?

“The government: I’m sorry I locked you in your room. You’re free to go if you wish. Introverts: You locked me in my room?


75 Introvert Memes - "Confessions of an introvert: When you're hanging out with friends and your social battery dies."

“Confessions of an introvert: When you’re hanging out with friends and your social battery dies.”


75 Introvert Memes - "Me when I host something: Please leave by 9."

“Me when I host something: Please leave by 9.”


75 Introvert Memes - "How I plan on spending my Friday night..."

“How I plan on spending my Friday night…”

30) Funny introvert memes and human interaction.

75 Introvert Memes - "Me: Human interaction. Me: Emotional attachment."

“Me: Human interaction. Me: Emotional attachment.”


"When I see somebody I know so I have to hide and wait until they leave."

“When I see somebody I know so I have to hide and wait until they leave.”

32) I’d rather be reading more introvert memes.

"I'd rather be in bed."

“I’d rather be in bed.”


"If thought bubbles appeared above my head, I'd be screwed."

“If thought bubbles appeared above my head, I’d be screwed.”


"I'm busy."

“I’m busy.”

35) Introvert memes from Reddit: “I could write a manual on it.”

"Introverts watching the phrase 'social distancing' trend in 2020."

“Introverts watching the phrase ‘social distancing’ trend in 2020.”

36) More funny introvert memes about social distancing.

"I just absolutely adore staying home and not talking to strangers."

“I just absolutely adore staying home and not talking to strangers.”


"You know you're an introvert when you need alone time...during the quarantine."

“You know you’re an introvert when you need alone time…during the quarantine.”


"When lockdown ends."

“When lockdown ends.”


"When you make plans to be social earlier in the week but when the day comes you're like:"

“When you make plans to be social earlier in the week but when the day comes you’re like:”

40) Opening up to someone with funny introvert memes.

"Me opening up to someone."

“Me opening up to someone.”


"My thoughts vs My words."

“My thoughts vs My words.”


"I don't need another friend. I already have two."

“I don’t need another friend. I already have two.”


"Netflix: Are you still there? Me: I don't know anymore."

“Netflix: Are you still there? Me: I don’t know anymore.”


"Oh, so you like to point out to quiet people that they're quiet? Please tell me more about how that will make it less awkward for them."

“Oh, so you like to point out to quiet people that they’re quiet? Please tell me more about how that will make it less awkward for them.”

45) Funny Netflix and chill introvert memes.

"When you go outside for more than 5 seconds: Should we go back and watch Netflix. Yeah."

“When you go outside for more than 5 seconds: Should we go back and watch Netflix. Yeah.”


"People who call instead of text. Me."

“People who call instead of text. Me.”


"When you're polite to someone and they think it's a green light to tell you a half-hour story about their life."

“When you’re polite to someone and they think it’s a green light to tell you a half-hour story about their life.”


"Pull up at the same time as the neighbors. I'll just mess with stuff in the car until they go in."

“Pull up at the same time as the neighbors. I’ll just mess with stuff in the car until they go in.”


"Ready for a night in."

“Ready for a night in.”

50) Introvert memes from Reddit: “Stay at home? Well, that’s what I do every day!”

"Corporate needs you to find the difference between this picture (regular day's routine) and this picture (quarantine day's routine). Introverts: They're the same picture."

“Corporate needs you to find the difference between this picture (regular day’s routine) and this picture (quarantine day’s routine). Introverts: They’re the same picture.”


"I always know the right thing to say, after the right time to say has passed."

“I always know the right thing to say, after the right time to say has passed.”


"I see dead people."

“I see dead people.”

53) Funny Arthur introvert memes.

"Me watching some of y'all pretend to miss [censored] y'all wasn't even doing anyway."

“Me watching some of y’all pretend to miss [censored] y’all wasn’t even doing anyway.”


"When someone shows up without letting me know they're coming over."

“When someone shows up without letting me know they’re coming over.”


"When you take a selfie with your extrovert friend."

“When you take a selfie with your extrovert friend.”


"When someone's talking too much and u can't leave, so u just sit there and slowly lose your mind because they don't make sense."

“When someone’s talking too much and u can’t leave, so u just sit there and slowly lose your mind because they don’t make sense.”


"Texting is the reason why mobile phones were invented. The fact that they can also be used for making phone calls can safely be ignored. Word."

“Texting is the reason why mobile phones were invented. The fact that they can also be used for making phone calls can safely be ignored. Word.”

58) Relatable introvert memes

"The silent ones are the most observant ones."

“The silent ones are the most observant ones.”


"Me when someone tries to get to know me: We are open the door is just heavy."

“Me when someone tries to get to know me: We are open the door is just heavy.”


"When my friends try to get me to go out after I've already settled in for the night: No."

“When my friends try to get me to go out after I’ve already settled in for the night: No.”


"When you're trying to love people but you're also an introvert and have boundaries."

“When you’re trying to love people but you’re also an introvert and have boundaries.”


"When two introverts meet and ironically act like extroverts with each other."

“When two introverts meet and ironically act like extroverts with each other.”


"When the vodka hits you and ur not shy anymore: Let's get naked!"

“When the vodka hits you and ur not shy anymore: Let’s get naked!”


"Me: Wanna hang out? Friend: Sure. Us:"

“Me: Wanna hang out? Friend: Sure. Us:”

65) Relatable introvert memes about avoiding voice calls.

"Me watching my phone ring till I miss the call."

“Me watching my phone ring till I miss the call.”


"The first day of school: We are going to go around the room in alphabetical order. Tell us a little about yourself."

“The first day of school: We are going to go around the room in alphabetical order. Tell us a little about yourself.”


"What if I told you I actually enjoy staying home."

“What if I told you I actually enjoy staying home.”


"When someone calls you instead of just texting back."

“When someone calls you instead of just texting back.”


"Me whenever I leave my house...I'm sick of people. They're everywhere!"

“Me whenever I leave my house…I’m sick of people. They’re everywhere!”

70) Funny introvert social distancing memes.

"When your whole life has been social distancing but now you're not a weirdo because it's trendy."

“When your whole life has been social distancing but now you’re not a weirdo because it’s trendy.”


"My favorite winter activity is going back inside where it's warm and putting pajamas on."

“My favorite winter activity is going back inside where it’s warm and putting pajamas on.”

72) Oh no! We’ve almost reached the end of introvert memes…

"Yeah, I can't come out tonight. Super busy."

“Yeah, I can’t come out tonight. Super busy.”

73) Introvert memes from Reddit: “Quarantine is not a problem.”

"When you find out your normal daily lifestyle is called 'quarantine'."

“When you find out your normal daily lifestyle is called ‘quarantine’.”


"When your friends take you hostage and force you to go outside and be social: (Confused screaming)."

“When your friends take you hostage and force you to go outside and be social: (Confused screaming).”


"When you're tired of people standing too close to you."

“When you’re tired of people standing too close to you.”

I hope you enjoyed these introvert memes!

I live life on the edge...of my couch. I hope you enjoyed these introvert memes!

Please share these funny memes with your friends and family.

Last update on 2025-03-28 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API