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What’s better than spending an afternoon playing Pokémon games on your Nintendo system or Pokémon Go on mobile? Looking at funny Pokémon memes, of course! I remember when Pokémon Red and Blue was released in September of 1998 and how everybody was so excited about its release. I recall parents scrambling to get a copy to ensure their kid(s) had a copy for Christmas.
Fast forward over 20 years and Pokémon is still as popular as ever, especially after the release of Pokémon Go in the summer of 2016. Everything from Pokémon costumes to memorabilia is available and fans can’t get enough of it. To celebrate our love of everything Pokémon, here are some of the best memes you’ll ever find.
1) Let the Pokémon memes begin!

“A compliment. Boys.”
2) Only in Pokémon memes could you get away with mixing He-Man with Diglett.

“A wild Dugtrio appeared!”

“Back then: 151 Pokémon. Catch all the pokémon! Now: 649 Pokémon. Catch all the Pokémon?”

“Bidoof, they outnumber you, 5 to 1, ‘Then it is an even fight.'”
5) Pokémon memes are full of surprises.

“? Pokémon: It’s Bulbasaur. Pikachu Pokémon.”

“Come at me, bro.”

“Cramorant is a Flying and Water-type Pokémon that will swallow absolutely anything that looks hearty enough. It also has its own exclusive ability. Gulp Missible. Watch it use Surf or Dive in battle as it rises from the water, along with its catch. Swallow absolutely anything: R34 and Deviant artists.”
8) Chuck Norris in Pokémon memes just made my day.

“Defeats all the legendary Pokémon with Magikarp.”

“Disguises: I have no idea who these people are.”
10) Gotta love wholesome Pokémon memes.

“This dude letting his Squirtle play on his phone while riding the subway is the backbone of our society.”
11) Relatable Pokémon memes.

“Father in every Pokémon game: All right imma head out.”

“Pokémon Go Expectation: I will travel across the land searching far and wide. Pokémon Go Expectation: I really shouldn’t be in here…but there’s a Diglett in here somewhere!”

“Pokémon for beginners #1: Weaknesses. 1) Water beats fire. 2) Fire beats grass. 3) Grass beats water.”
14) Dirty Pokémon memes.

“Girls when they wake up. Boys when they wake up.”
15) Pokémon memes everywhere!

“Pokémon Go everywhere!!!!”

“Then: When I grow up I’m going to be big and strong! Ooh, me too! I can’t wait to evolve! Now: Remember when we had arms? Yes. Good times.”
17) The reality of Pokémon memes.

“Has an IQ of 5,000. Can only learn 4 moves.”
18) Pokémon memes that give me the creeps.

“Hey kid, there’s Pokémon down here.”

“Pikachu is holding a Sitrus Berry…Do you wish to take the Sitrus Berry from Pikachu? Yes. Received the Sitrus Berry from Pikachu.”
20) Pokémon meets Twilight memes.

“How old are you? Ten. And how long have you been ten? Awhile.”

“Pokémon: I need to lower this Pokémon’s HP so my trainer can catch it. Pokémon to Pokémon: Do a critical hit.”
22) Pokémon memes are not for babies!

“I’ll have you know that I was told Pokémon was for babies, and I only cried for 1 hour.”

“In Soviet Russia Pikachu catches you.”

“Inside of a Pokeball! Now I can die in peace.”
25) Deep thoughts about Pokémon memes.

“Is it just me or do the trees from Pokémon look like angry men flexing…”

“It’s still hysterical that Blissey’s best-attacking option is seismic toss like imagine this thing just yeeting you into oblivion.”
27) Parents just don’t understand…Pokémon memes.

“Kid: ‘Yay! I’m 10 years old now!’ Parents in Pokémon: I”m gonna give you a Pokeball to [censored] off.”

“Why does Charmander have noodles on his head? I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.”

“Me watching TV while mashing the A button trying to level up my Pokémon. My Pokémon: I’m fighting for my [censored] life.'”

“Mom says it’s my turn on the Xbox.”

“9-year-old me: Mom, I want Pokémon Stadium 2! Mom: No. You will have grown tired of this Pokémon thing in a few months. 9 year old me: I will remember this. 21-year-old me: Mom, do you remember the time you thought I’d grow tired of Pokémon? Mom: Not this [censored] again.”
32) Pokémon memes featuring Pikachu are the best!

“More like Pokémon Go away.”

“One does not simply gotta catch ’em all.”

“Biker: You only live once, so I love. He said YOLO before it was cool.”

“When people say that they play the original Pokémon on their computer, all I can say is: You shall never experience Pokémon as I did.”

“Person: Hey, how’s life? Me: Never-Ending Nightmare.”

“Pika pika Pikachu. Balba bal-basour. Chama char-mander. Maybe we could just speak normally.”

“Pokémon CEO: We need to design a new Pokémon, what should it look like? Pokémon employee: Nut.”

“Team Rocket’s disguises. Ash and all his friends since Gen 1.”

“Scientifically crafted Pokémon medicine: +20 HP. A regular bottle of water: +50 HP.”

“*shake* *shake* *more shaking* Wild ONIX appeared!”
42) Pokémon memes are definitely not dead.

“Someone: If the Pikachu meme is dead, all Pokémon are dead. Me:”

“I spent my whole life researching Pokémon. Take my Pokedex with you. It’s empty.”
44) It wouldn’t be Pokémon memes without Team Rocket.

“Team Rocket: Teaching kids about animal cruelty since 1998.”

“You opened up the Key Items Pocket and put the Pink Petal away inside. That’s not a pink petal Mina.”
46) Pokémon memes can get a little cringy.

“I think I know why my dad had his eye on you now. Tell your dad I’m ten.”

“How to kidnap a 28-year-old in 2016: Rare Pokémon inside.”

“High attack and defense stats. Versatile move pool. A mix of different species. Excessive purity and cuteness. Bulbasaur.”
49) More dirty Pokémon memes?

“Wait a sec…”

“I wanna be: Loved. The very best like no one ever was.”

“What is my purpose? You bone Pokémon. Oh my God.”

“When she asks you if you go to the gym.”
53) Just chillin’ with Pokémon memes.

“When you hang with the coolest kids in school. You. Them.”

“Whenever I take a shower, I fill my mouth with water and then I spit it out and pretend I’m a Squirtle using a water gun.”
55) Patrick understands Pokémon memes.

“Why don’t we take auto-save and put it in Pokémon?”

“Wild Delibird appeared! Run. Can’t escape. Wild Delibird fled! Wut.”
57) Professor Willow and Pokémon memes.

“Hello there! I am Professor Willow. Yes, but can I catch Professor Willow?”

“Your mamma’s so fat when she gets in the pool her splash attacks actually do damage.”
59) Breaking bad Pokémon memes.

“When you bump into someone on the street playing Pokémon Go: Stay out of my territory.”
60) Only Pokémon fans will understand Pokémon memes like this one.

“You’ve heard of Elf on the Shelf, now get ready for:”
61) Legendary Pokémon memes.

“Can we be legendaries now?

“Dad: *doesn’t want cat* Family: *gets cat anyway* Dad and the cat:”

“Enemy Pokémon: Uses fly. My slower Pokémon: Also uses fly.”

“I want the national dex back!!! You always use the same 6 Pokémon!! They can’t take away hundreds of Pokémon!! You won’t ever use them!! I want the opportunity to use them!!!”

“Me and the boys not storming Area 51 because Pokémon Go says not to trespass.”

“No matter what legendary. No matter what starter. No matter what generation. Pokémon has brought us all together and the older something becomes, the more adventures we have. Thank you, Game Freak.”

“Rich people. Poor people. People who don’t catch the main legendary in their master ball.”

“Step 1 – Catch a male and female Zubat. Step 2 – Breed a colony of Zubats. Step 3 – Release them into a nearby cave. Step 4 – Open up a repel shop.”
69) Oh no! We’ve almost reached the end of Pokémon memes…

“Ash Ketchum is 10 years old for 15 years: Everyone complains. [Spider-Man] 28 after almost 50 years:”
70) Who doesn’t like Pokémon memes?

“You can’t make a meme out of Pokémon and expect people to like it! Me:”
71) I never thought I’d see Gordon Ramsay in Pokémon memes.

“When your Pokémon has been asleep for 4 turns: Stop it and wake up!”
I hope you enjoyed these Pokémon memes!

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