When it comes to personalities, there are basically two types of people: extroverts and introverts. Extroverts love being around people and get their energy from being social. Introverts on the other hand get exhausted being around people and often recharge by spending time alone.
While extroverts might feel lonely when they find themselves alone, introverts are actually happiest when spending time alone. In fact, they may actually feel lonely in a crowd of people. Here are 7 special personality traits of people who prefer to be alone.
1) Introverts are loyal.

While some people feel the need to be the center of attention, people who prefer to be alone are uncomfortable when in the spotlight. They don’t crave attention from a lot of people. For them, spending quality time with a close friend is always better than spending time with a group of friends.
They value their self-worth and if they find people who are worthy of being in their life, they will be there for them without hesitation. If you have a friend who prefers spending time alone, you’ll have a loyal and trustworthy friend for life.
2) Introverts are open-minded.

While some people would assume that people who enjoy being alone would be close-minded and rigid, the opposite is true. People who prefer spending time alone are extremely open-minded and will often jump at any opportunity for new adventures or experiences as long as it is at their own pace.
3) Introverts have high levels of self-awareness.

Many people can get caught up in the frantic pace of modern life and let their minds get overrun by people and events in their daily lives. People who prefer being alone tend to live life in the slow lane and are always in touch with their inner thoughts, emotions, and feelings.
They are always self-aware and have the ability to examine themselves and the people around them with incredible clarity.
4) They exercise firm boundaries.

People who prefer to be alone understand that there needs to be clear, healthy boundaries and value the roles that others play in their lives. If those same people cross those boundaries, they will be the first to let them know. They respect the boundaries of others and expect the same in return.
This alone time also is an opportunity they use to find motivation for their passions in life. When there are no distractions, new ideas flow more easily and it enables them to stay focused.
5) They are level-headed.

Because they enjoy spending time alone, this provides the perfect opportunity to always reflect on any problems in their lives and easily find solutions. They rarely get overwhelmed and don’t panic or run when a bad situation arises. instead, their self-reflection and high level of confidence allow them to assess any problem in a calm, rational way.
If they get stressed or overwhelmed about something, their calm nature allows them to seek a place without distractions and recharge their batteries.
6) They value your time…and theirs.

People who prefer to be alone understand the importance of time. For this reason, they will never waste your time, nor will they let anyone waste theirs. They are never late and prioritize their time to get the most satisfaction out of their day.
7) They are very empathetic.

By spending time alone, they are always in touch with their inner feelings. At the same time, they are in touch with the emotions, thoughts, and feelings of people around them. Being able to identify and experience the emotions of everyone around them might sound like a burden; however, it comes naturally to them. Because introverts don’t panic or overanalyze a situation, they are usually the best friend to talk to when you’re having a bad day.
Do you prefer spending time alone or have friends that do? If so, you are blessed either way. Please share these special personality traits of people who prefer to be alone with your friends and family.