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English is the most popular language in the world; therefore, it makes sense to learn to read and write in English properly. While the Chinese language has the most native speakers, English is universal and is used throughout the world and especially in grammar memes.
But like any language, learning its intricacies can prevent embarrassing grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes. Here are 57 funny grammar and punctuation memes that highlight some of the funniest instances of bad grammar.
1) Let the grammar and punctuation memes begin!

“A woman, without her man, is nothing. A woman: without her, man is nothing. Punctuation is powerful.”

“Alot is not a word. You do not write alittle, abunch, acantaloupe, or aporkchop. Stop writing alot.”
3) Grammar memes are my worst enema.

“Autocorrect has become my worst enema.”

“Your grammar is bad, and you should feel badly.”
5) Funny grammar memes about the Oxford Comma.

“You can have my Oxford Comma when you pry it from my cold, dead, and lifeless hands.”

“The cannons be ready captain. ARE.”

“Difference between a cat and a comma? One has claws at the end of its paws, the other is a pause at the end of a clause.”
8) …And afraid of grammar memes!

“Please, no dogs wer’e afraid. The goats.”
9) Are these grammar memes or grammar quotes?

“Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” – Anton Chekhov

“Dude, me and Nick are about to go to a Giants game! Box seats wanna go?? Nick and I…What?? It’s Nick and I. Me and Nick is not proper grammar dude. You are right! It is Nick and me because you are no longer invited.”

“Employee’s must wash there hands before returning to work.”
12) English grammar memes…

“English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.”

“If I ever use ‘there’ instead of ‘they’re’ and ‘your’ instead of ‘you’re’ in the same post, I’ve been kidnapped and am signaling for help.”

“Every time I see someone write ‘tho’ I think ‘ugh”. Which happens to be exactly what’s missing.”
15) Don’t get it wrong with grammar memes.

“Grammar. The difference between knowing your shit and knowing you’re shit.”

“He texted me, ‘your adorable’. I responded with, ‘no, you’re adorable’. Now he thinks I like him when all I did was point out his grammar mistake.”
17) Don’t get any ideas from these grammar memes!

“How to torture your sister.”

“Hyphenated. Non-hyphenated. The irony.”

“I like cooking my family and my pets. Use commas. Don’t be a psycho.”
20) Grammar memes proving punctuation is important.

“If you don’t think punctuation is important, try forgetting the semicolon when you tell someone, ‘I’m sorry; I love you.'”

“I’m not in fighting shape but this will be no problem.”

“Imagine a world where people know the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’.”

“Irony is when someone writes, ‘Your an idiot’. Learn grammar. Insult properly.”

“Is it true that we use ‘each other’ when we’re talking about two people? Yes! For more than two people, we use ‘one another’. Tom and Jane fell deeper in love as they confirmed their knowledge of grammar with each other.”
25) B4 there was grammar memes.

“It’s b-e-f-o-r-e, not b4. We speak English, not bingo.”

“I don’t judge people based on race, creed, colour, or gender. I judge people based on spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.”

“You know your a writer if you just flinched.”

“Let’s eat grandma! Let’s eat, grandma! Punctuation saves lives!”

“Misuse of ‘literally’ makes me figuratively insane.”
30) More grammar memes proving grammar is important!

“No! More rape. This is why grammar is important.”

“Zombies want brains. Your safe. No my friend, I think YOU’RE safe…”

“Opps!! We baked to much.”

“The past, the present, and the future walked into a bar. It was tense.”

“Please use tongue or tissue paper when making your selection, thank u.”
35) Incorrect grammar memes with some humor.

“Punctuation is important. Is this a squirrel eating pumpkin, or a squirrel-eating pumpkin?”

“Semicolons. Me. Just ending the damn sentence.”

“She said, ‘You can get on the airplane.’ I said, ‘No thanks. I’m getting IN the airplane.'”

“Grammar. So much more than the wife of gramper.”

“Sometimes the thoughts in my head get bored and go for a stroll out through my mouth. This is never a good thing.”
40) Grammar memes for Subway customers.

“I spent 5 minutes trying to figure out who Tom is, and what his onion picking skills have to do with my sandwich.”
41) Bad grammar memes make all the difference.

“Tables are for eating customers only. No loitering.”

“10 signs you are a grammar nerd: 1) You use standard spelling, capitalization, and punctuation when you text. 2) You have appointed yourself as an ‘honorary proofreader’ of your friends’ Facebook posts. 3) You know how and when to use ‘affect’ and ‘effect’. 4) You feel compelled to correct poorly written public signs. It isn’t vandalism if you’re correcting it, right? 5) The thought of posting a writing error online mortifies you. 6) You have an opinion about the Oxford Comma. 7) You follow Grammarly on Facebook and the #grammar hashtag on Twitter. 8) The sound of a double negative makes you cringe. 9) You mentally correct all the books and magazines you read. 10) You believe that interest writing and correct grammar are not mutually exclusive.”

“Tense? Moody? Irregular? You must be a verb.”

“The number of people who don’t know the difference between their, there, and they’re is too damn high.”
45) Don’t mess with memes about grammar!
!["You think grammar is a [censored] game?"](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/grammar-punctuation-memes-45-720x862.jpg?resize=720%2C862&ssl=1)
“You think grammar is a [censored] game?”

“Every time you use ‘your’ for ‘you’re’, you make Batman cry.”

“How to write good. 1) Avoid alliteration. Always. 2) Prepositions are not words to end sentences with. 3) Avoid clichés like the plague. They’re old hat. 4) Comparisons are as bad as clichés. 5) Be more or less specific. 6) Writers should never generalize. Seven: Be consistent! 8) Don’t be redundant; don’t use more words than necessary; it’s highly superfluous. 9) Who needs rhetorical questions? 10) Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.”

“Today, the dining room closed at 6:00 pm. Sorry for your incontinence.”

“Unnecessary Punctuation: Employee must ‘wash hands’.”
50) Bad grammar memes proving education IS important.

“We don’t need no education. Obviously, you do since you just used a double negative.”

“We’re going to learn to cut and paste kids! Commas paste.”

“When someone tries to correct the grammar in my meme. Super nerd wants to fight!”

“Whoever put the ‘b’ in ‘subtle’ was a genius.”

“Why I still use the Oxford Comma. With: I had eggs, toast, and orange juice. Without: I had eggs, toast and orange juice.”
55) Oh no! We’ve almost reached the end of bad grammar and punctuation memes…

“I wonder what people who type ‘u’ instead of ‘you’ do with all their free time.”

“You had me at the proper use of ‘You’re’.”

“Your dinner v. you’re dinner: One leaves you nourished, the other leaves you dead. Correct grammar: It saves lives.”
I hope you enjoyed these funny grammar and punctuation memes!

“You’re means you are. Your means your.”
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