If you’re a fan of Star Wars, then you know that the prequel trilogy is often the butt of jokes. I’m a HUGE Star Wars fan but if you’re like me, you can’t help but laugh at the ridiculousness of these movies sometimes. But having said that, the prequels were necessary to tell the entire story of the Star Wars saga but the prequel memes from fans came fast and furious!
Even over a decade later after The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith hit theatres, there are countless memes out there poking fun at those movies, and it’s hard not to laugh. I hope you enjoy these 47 funny prequel memes! Credit goes to @theprequelmemes on Instagram for some of these memes.
1) Let the Star Wars Prequel memes begin!

“Anakin flirting in Clone Wars: I look upon the magnificence of your highness, whose beauty would make the brightest star seem dull by comparison. Anakin flirting in Attack of the Clones: I don’t like sand.”

“When you’re at KFC and the guy in front has order number 65.”
3) The tragedy of prequel memes that is…

“When I become a dad: The tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise for babies.”

“When the boy you trained to become a Jedi becomes the final boss in the last episode of the prequel trilogy:”
5) When every scene reminds you of prequel memes.

“When you can no longer watch the prequels properly because every scene became a meme: What have I done?”

“CDC: In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 practice social distancing. Me an introvert: I will do what I must.”

“The prequel characters. The prequel story. The prequel dialogue. The prequel memes.”
8) Prequel memes wouldn’t be complete without Jar Jar Binks!

“Don’t claim to be a true fan of the Super Bowl if you don’t remember this legendary catch.”

“Darth is to Sith lords what Lil is to rappers. Darth Wayne. Lil Plagueis. Ever heard the beats of Lil Plagueis the Fresh? Though so. It’s not a mixtape the Jedi would share.”
10) Obi-Wan prequel memes are great!

“Obi-Wan is a great role model: Drives under the speed limit. Says no to drugs. Friendly and polite. He does not hesitate to chop the legs off his youngling-slaying Padawan.”

“When the final bell rings on the last day of school but the teacher says, ‘I dismiss you, not the bell’. The entire class: I’m sorry, sir, we are no longer required to follow your orders.”

“The 4 horsemen of eargasms in Star Wars: Lightsaber sounds. John Williams’ music. Seismic charges. Obi-Wan saying hello there.”
13) Teaching kids morals with prequel memes.
![47 Star Wars Prequel Memes - "George Lucas creating The Clone Wars (Circa 2008, Colourised): Teaching kids morals. Well-written characters. Unique animation style. [censored] war crimes in nearly every episode."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/star-wars-prequel-memes-13.jpg?resize=720%2C710&ssl=1)
“George Lucas creating The Clone Wars (Circa 2008, Colourised): Teaching kids morals. Well-written characters. Unique animation style. [censored] war crimes in nearly every episode.”

“Going to tell my kids this is Jesus.”
15) We found some sand in these prequel memes…

“You have allowed this dark lord to twist your mind, until now…Until now, you have become the very thing you swore to destroy. Don’t make me kill you.”

“Having a party with the boys during Coronavirus outbreak:”
17) Hello there, prequel memes!

“Hello there. General Kenobi…A surprise, to be sure, but a bold one.”

“Hey, do you play Fortnite? No…Why asking?! LOL, your bio says ‘stormtrooper’ it’s a skin on Fortnite. Kill him, kill him now.”
![47 Star Wars Prequel Memes - "How to train an impatient [censored] 101."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/star-wars-prequel-memes-19.jpg?resize=720%2C720&ssl=1)
“How to train an impatient [censored] 101.”
20) More prequel memes covered in sand…

“I can’t leave her! Anakin, she’s covered with sand!

“Ironic. He could save others from death. But not himself. I mean, he could just clone himself whenever he wants and put his spirit in that clone. He didn’t learn how to do that because some random mouse makes up plot rules.”
!["The Jedi Order is no more, not even the younglings survived. Good. Wait you killed younglings? Who the [censored] kills children? I'm mean I'm evil but damn...Hold on. This whole operation was your idea."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/star-wars-prequel-memes-22.jpg?resize=720%2C869&ssl=1)
“The Jedi Order is no more, not even the younglings survived. Good. Wait you killed younglings? Who the [censored] kills children? I’m mean I’m evil but damn…Hold on. This whole operation was your idea.”

“Me: It’s just a cough. Parents: It’s just a cough. The doctor: It’s just a cough. Google: This is the end for you, my master.”

“Lunch is ready. What are we having? Jabbacado toast LOL. I’m leaving you.”
25) Who knew people texted in Star Wars prequel memes?

“Me after reading my girlfriend‘s texts: You turned her against me! Her girlfriends’ group chat: You have done that yourself.”

“My friend: You’re telling me that the events of all the Star Wars movies took place because Qui Gon was just trying to fix his ship? Me: It’s an oversimplification of events, but, yes.”

“Order 66? Didn’t you mean to order a coffee?”

“Others when they see Grievous: Dies. The whole race dies. Obi-Wan when he sees Grievous: LMAO asthmatic robot.”

“Breaking News: Palpatine cancels Order 66. Concerns about coronavirus postpone the genocide of the Jedi to October.”
30) I hope queen approves these funny prequel memes!

“The queen will not approve. The queen doesn’t need to know. Padmé:”

“Teacher: The Rule of Two states that in order to add a Sith apprentice, you must subtract one. Dooku: Makes sense. Teacher: And you helped convince Anakin to join the dark side. Dooku: I did. Teacher: Do you see now that by adding Anakin you were subtracting yourself?”

“Science: Teens need 8-10 hours of sleep. School: Oh, I don’t think so.”

“Scientists have developed the first telescopic contact lens. This lens is capable of zooming your vision up to 3 times. This means that now you will be able to see through the lies of the Jedi.”
34) Prequel memes that don’t suck.

“Stop quoting Star Wars, the movies suck. It’s treason then. It is only natural.”

“Teacher: Who is the president of the United States? Me: Joe. Teacher. Joe Who? Me: I shouldn’t. My brain: Dew it.”

“Teenagers in real life. Teenagers on Netflix.”

“The reports are correct. Skywalker was one of the Jedi order’s most skilled generals. What happened to him?”

“They could actually…Save people from death? Essential oils are a pathway to many abilities some consider to be natural.”

“Things may be tough now but there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. The light at the end of the tunnel:”
40) These prequel memes could use some Flex Tape.

“To show you the power of No products found., I cut this Sith Lord in half!”

“2020: Valentine’s Day is on a Friday. February has 29 days. Cinco de Mayo is on taco Tuesday. The 4th of July is on a Saturday. Halloween is on a Saturday. Christmas is on a Friday. New Year‘s begins on a 3 day weekend. Us: You were the chosen one. 2020: I hate you.”

“I used to be a Jedi, then I took a lightsaber to the knee, and the other knee, and both my arms. Then I took some lava to the face.”

“Was still a Padawan at age 25 and was perfectly fine with it. Was the youngest Jedi ever put on the council at 22 but isn’t made a master so her turns to the dark side.”

“Anakin we gotta pet puppies! If she is over 6 months she’s not a puppy! All dogs are puppies Anakin!”
45) Oh no! We’ve almost reached the end of prequel memes…

“When your young Padawan makes a good call: Good call, my young Padawan.”

You shouldn’t worry so much, Anakin. I hear it can age you for a lifetime. Padmé’s pregnant and I’m the father. Oh, not good.”

“AEIOU: You are on this council…But we do not grant you the rank of Master. Y: What?”
I hope you enjoyed these Star Wars prequel memes!
“Execute Order 66.”
Please share these funny prequel memes with your friends and family.
Last update on 2025-03-27 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API