Do you ever feel like your job is just a big, huge mess? Like everything you do is wrong and pointless? Like management doesn’t know what they’re doing, and no one else in the company has any idea what’s going on either? If so, then you’re definitely not alone. In fact, there’s a whole bunch of us out there who feel the same way and the only prescription is more cowbell…umm, I mean, more ‘I Hate My Job’ memes!
And for some reason, we get a lot of satisfaction out of bashing our horrible careers on the internet. So if you’re feeling down about your work today, scroll down and enjoy 41 of the funniest memes ever! You might just feel a little bit better about yourself after seeing them. Enjoy!
1) Let the “I hate my job” memes begin!

“My face after I give instructions and someone asks what to do.”
![41 Funny I Hate My Job Memes - "It's almost time for the 'new year, new me' [censored]. I just want to assure everyone I'm going to continue to be the [censored] I've always been."](
“It’s almost time for the ‘new year, new me’ [censored]. I just want to assure everyone I’m going to continue to be the [censored] I’ve always been.”
3) The only prescription is “I hate my job” memes.

“I don’t always hate my job…No, wait, I do.”

“When you’re asked to do something three minutes after your shift ends.”
5) Getting paid with “I hate my job” memes!
![41 Funny I Hate My Job Memes - "When you're at work and wondering if getting paid is even worth the [censored]."](
“When you’re at work and wondering if getting paid is even worth the [censored].”

“Boss: When you have a moment, I need to see you in my office. Well, I only have one thing to do today.”
7) “I hate my job” memes that speak the truth!

“I hate my job but I get paid too much to quit.”

“Controlling my tongue is no problem. It’s my face that needs deliverance!”

“Customer: Hi. Me:”
10) Gotta love funny quotes about hating work…
![41 Funny I Hate My Job Memes - "How did work go? Take a [censored] guess."](
“How did work go? Take a [censored] guess.”
!["Describe your boss in one word: Stupid, worthless, no good, goddamn, freeloading [censored], retarded, big mouth, know-it-all, [censored], jerk."](
“Describe your boss in one word: Stupid, worthless, no good, goddamn, freeloading [censored], retarded, big mouth, know-it-all, [censored], jerk.”
12) Bosses and “I hate my job” memes go hand in hand.

“My face every time my boss opens his mouth.”

“My face when people say I love my job.”

“How I feel going to work…I hate Mondays!!!!”
15) “I hate my job” memes when you’re short-staffed.

“Getting to work and finding out you’re short-staffed.”

“I hate my job.”

“I’ll have you know I’ve only been at work a few hours and I’ve only considered quitting 57 times.”
!["How close I am to quitting my job and cooking [censored]."](
“How close I am to quitting my job and cooking [censored].”
!["I hate it when I lose things at work, like my favorite pen or my [censored] will to live."](
“I hate it when I lose things at work, like my favorite pen or my [censored] will to live.”
20) Going to hell with “I hate my job” memes.

“If I died and went straight to hell it would take me at least a week to realize I wasn’t at work anymore.”

“My job is: Rewarding, satisfying, slowly crushing my soul.”

“Just the thought of work in the morning.”

“My face when the laziest co-worker complains about working too hard…”

“Managers be like ‘Hope you’re ok. You still coming in for 9 tho right?'”
25) Work meetings can make anyone relate to “I hate my job” memes!

“Me, during work meetings.”
!["I don't mind coming to work, but waiting 8 hours to go home is [censored].](
“I don’t mind coming to work, but waiting 8 hours to go home is [censored].
!["My swear jar could finance the [censored] space program."](
“My swear jar could finance the [censored] space program.”

“Not sure if I hate my job or I just hate working.”

“Nothing helps you unwind after a stressful workday quite like a few sips of your favorite adult beverage.”
30) 100% relatable “I hate my job” memes.

“I purposely mash the mute on my phone so customers think something is wrong with the call and hang up.”

“Sometimes I think, ‘Screw this job I’ll just quit and be a stripper’. Then I remember I’m fat and can’t dance.”

“Sympathy cards as resignation letters are the best way to quit your job. I can’t even begin to understand the depth of your loss. It’s me. I leave in three weeks.”

“The number of times I think ‘I don’t care’ while people are talking to me is really getting out of hand.”

“Things I hate about my job? 1) Getting out of bed. 2) People. 3) Working.”
35) Sarcastic “I hate my job” memes brought to you by the Count.

“This day at work was brought to us by the letters ‘F’ and ‘U’.”

“When it’s time for you to go to work, but you start wondering how hard would it really be to go rob a bank?!”

“I don’t always tolerate stupid people. But when I do, I’m probably at work.”

“What you hope to see every morning when you pull up to the office.”
39) Oh no! We’ve almost reached the end of “I hate my job” memes…

“When they try to call you in to work on your day off.”
40) Ready for the weekend after reading all of these “I hate my job” memes?

“Yeah, I’m about ready for the weekend.” – Me, Monday, 9:14 am

“When you find out someone who just started at your job already makes more money than you.”
I hope you enjoyed these funny “I hate my job” memes!
Please share these funny “I hate my job” memes with your friends and family.