39 Starbucks Secret Menu Items You Probably Didn’t Know About Until Now

Every restaurant has secret menu items and some secret items are so good they end up being part of the menu permanently. With so many ingredients that Starbucks baristas have at their disposal, the limits are endless when it comes to Starbucks drink combinations so it’s only natural that Starbucks has to limit what is on the menu. Enter Starbucks’ secret menu drinks!

39 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks and Recipes

These Starbucks “secret menu” drink recipes were developed by employees of Starbucks or passionate Starbucks fans that developed their own drinks. Either way, they’re all delicious but please be courteous and don’t order any of these if lineups are long as they may require extra time for preparation. If you love Starbucks, don’t forget to check out this artist that draws on Starbucks cups or these funny memes.

Starbucks secret menu drink #1: Spiced Apple Chai

39 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks - Spiced Apple Chai recipe.

This drink is great iced or hot and it is basically just apple juice with a chai infusion. You can try ordering an apple chai and the barista might know how to make it. Make sure to add whipped cream and caramel drizzle for a special treat!

Starbucks secret menu drink #2: Banana Chocolate Chip Frappuccino

39 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks - Banana Chocolate Chip Frappuccino recipe.

Bananas and chocolate are a perfect pairing for flavors and this duo makes this drink taste awesome.

Here is the Starbucks recipe for banana chocolate chip frappuccino:

  • Vanilla bean frappuccino
  • Java chips (3 scoops for venti, 2 scoops grande, or 1 scoop for tall)
  • One banana, blended

Starbucks secret menu drink #3: Banana Split Frappuccino

39 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks - Banana Split Frappuccino recipe

Get that iconic banana split taste in your frappuccino.

Here is the Starbucks recipe for a banana split frappuccino:

  • Strawberries and creme frappuccino
  • One banana, blended
  • Java chips, blended
  • Vanilla bean powder
  • Topping: Whipped cream and mocha drizzle

Starbucks secret menu drink #4: Blackberry Cobbler Frappuccino

39 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks - Blackberry Cobbler Frappuccino recipe.

Blackberries are so delicious and make an excellent fruity frappuccino when Starbucks has refreshers available.

Here is the Starbucks recipe for a blackberry cobbler frappuccino:

  • Vanilla bean frappuccino
  • White mocha syrup (2 pumps for venti, 1.5 for grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • One scoop of freeze-dried blackberries, blended
  • Topping: whipped cream

Starbucks secret menu drink #5: Black Forest Frappuccino

39 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks - Black Forest Frappuccino recipe.

How delicious does this look? The best part is it only requires substituting raspberry syrup for vanilla syrup!

Here is the Starbucks recipe for Black Forest frappuccino:

  • Mocha cookie crumble frappuccino
  • Raspberry syrup (2.5 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, or 1.5 pumps for a tall) (instead of the usual vanilla syrup in a mocha cookie crumble)

Starbucks secret menu drink #6: Dark Caramel Espresso Frappuccino

39 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks - Dark Caramel Espresso Frappuccino recipe.

This frappuccino is the ultimate dessert drink and is sinfully rich and thick. It requires a lot of preparation so I wouldn’t recommend ordering it on a busy day.

Here is the Starbucks recipe for a dark caramel espresso frappuccino:

  • Use heavy whipping cream (not regular whipped cream) and blend with only ice and cream base
  • Add Dark caramel sauce (4 pumps for venti, 3 pumps grande, or 2 pumps for tall) to the bottom of the cup, then pour the blended cream mix into the cup
  • Add a shot of espresso
  • Topping: whipped cream and cookie crumbles on top

Starbucks secret menu drink #7: Butterbeer Frappuccino

39 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks - Butterbeer Frappuccino recipe.

This one is a personal favorite and is a popular secret drink that most baristas will know how to make.

Here is the Starbucks recipe for a Butterbeer Frappuccino:

  • Creme Frappuccino base with whole milk
  • Toffee nut syrup (4 pumps for venti, 3 pumps grande, or 2 pumps for tall)
  • Caramel syrup (4 pumps for venti, 3 pumps grande, or 2 pumps for tall)
  • Add caramel drizzle

Starbucks secret menu drink #8: Cadbury Creme Egg Frappuccino

39 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks - Cadbury Creme Egg Frappuccino recipe.

Cadbury Creme Eggs are special at Easter but now you can get that great taste all year long.

Here is the Starbucks recipe for Cadbury Creme Eggs frappuccino:

  • Java chip frappuccino
  • 2 shots of espresso for venti and grande, or 1 shot for tall
  • Vanilla bean powder (4 scoops for venti, 3 scoops grande, or 2 scoops for tall)
  • Caramel syrup (1 pump for venti, or .5 pumps for grande and tall)
  • Vanilla syrup (2 pumps for venti, 1.5 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • Topping: whipped cream and caramel drizzle on top

Starbucks secret menu drink #9: Cake Batter Frappuccino

39 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks - Cake Batter Frappuccino recipe.

Almond flavoring isn’t always available but when it is, try this creamy and simple drink.

Here is the Starbucks recipe for a cake batter frappuccino:

  • Vanilla bean frappuccino
  • Almond flavoring

Starbucks secret menu drink #10: Caramel Apple Frappuccino

39 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks - Cake Batter Frappuccino reccipe.

Caramel apples remind me of Fall and this drink would definitely be a great alternative to pumpkin spice.

Here is the Starbucks recipe for Caramel Apple Frappuccino:

  • Apple juice to the first line
  • Whole milk to the second line
  • Cream base (4 pumps for venti, 3 pumps grande, or 2 pumps for tall)
  • Dark caramel (3 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • Cinnamon dolce syrup (3 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • Topping: Whipped Cream, Caramel Drizzle, Caramel Ribbon Crunch, and Cinnamon Dolce topping

Starbucks secret menu drink #11: Caramel Macchiato Frappuccino

39 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks - Caramel Macchiato Frappuccino.

A caramel macchiato is my favorite standard menu drink and it tastes great in Frappuccino form too.

Here is the Starbucks recipe for a caramel macchiato frappuccino:

  • Vanilla bean frappuccino
  • 2 shots of espresso
  • Topping: whipped cream and extra caramel drizzle on top

Starbucks secret menu drink #12: Caramel Nut Crunch Frappuccino

39 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks - Caramel Nut Crunch Frappuccino recipe.

If you go crazy for caramel, you love this tasty and crunchy caramel nut crunch cappuccino!

Here is the Starbucks recipe for a caramel nut crunch cappuccino:

  • Vanilla bean frappuccino
  • Toffee nut syrup (3 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • Caramel syrup (3 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • Before pouring in the blended mix, add caramel ribbon crunch pieces to the bottom of the cup
  • Topping: whipped cream, caramel drizzle, and caramel crunch pieces on top

Starbucks secret menu drink #13: Caramel Popcorn Frappuccino

39 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks - Caramel Popcorn Frappuccino recipe.

This one is so simple to make and tastes just like caramel corn.

Here is the Starbucks recipe for caramel popcorn frappuccino:

  • Toffee nut frappuccino
  • Topping: caramel drizzle, whipped cream, and sprinkled with sea salt

Starbucks secret menu drink #14: Caramel Snickerdoodle Macchiato

39 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks - Caramel Snickerdoodle Macchiato recipe.

If you can’t get enough of caramel-covered snickerdoodle cookies, this drink is for you.

Here is the Starbucks recipe for a caramel snickerdoodle macchiato:

  • Iced soy caramel macchiato
  • Vanilla syrup (2 pumps for venti, 1.5 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • Cinnamon dolce syrup (2 pumps venti, 1.5 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)

Starbucks secret menu drink #15: Cinnamon Roll Frappuccino

39 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks - Cinnamon Roll Frappuccino recipe.

If you have a craving for a cinnamon bun, try this easy drink instead!

Here is the Starbucks recipe for a Cinnamon Roll Frappuccino:

  • Vanilla bean frappuccino
  • Cinnamon dolce syrup (3 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • White chocolate mocha syrup (3 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • Topping: Cinnamon Dolce powder sprinkled on top

Starbucks secret menu drink #16: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Frappuccino

39 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks - Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Frappuccino recipe.

Get the taste of chocolate chip cookie dough in your next Starbucks drink.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for chocolate chip cookie dough frappuccino:

  • Chai creme frappuccino with soy milk
  • Blend in some whipped cream and java chips
  • Cinnamon dolce syrup (3 pumps for venti, 2.5 pumps grande, or 2 pumps for tall)
  • Topping: Chocolate whipped cream with a Mocha drizzle

Starbucks secret menu drink #17: Cotton Candy Frappuccino

39 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks - Cotton Candy Frappuccino recipe.

Relive childhood memories of eating cotton candy at the carnival or order this sweet drink for the kids.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for a cotton candy frappuccino:

  • Vanilla Bean Frappuccino
  • Raspberry syrup (2 pumps for venti, 1.5 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)

Starbucks secret menu drink #18: Ferrero Rocher Frappuccino

39 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks - Ferrero Rocher Frappuccino recipe.

You can now enjoy these sinfully delicious foil-wrapped treats in this drink.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for Ferrero Rocher Frappuccino:

  • Double chocolate chip (or java chip) frappuccino
  • Hazelnut syrup (2 pumps for venti, 1.5 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • Mocha syrup (3 pumps for venti, 2.5 pumps grande, or 2 pumps for tall)
  • Topping: Hazelnut drizzle
  • Bonus topping: Purchase Ferrero Rocher chocolates and crumble one or two on top

Starbucks secret menu drink #19: French Vanilla Frappuccino

39 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks - French Vanilla Frappuccino recipe.

Sweet and creamy French vanilla is always delicious.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for a French vanilla frappuccino:

  • Vanilla bean frappuccino
  • Toffee nut syrup (3 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • Vanilla syrup (3 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • Extra caramel drizzle, blended
  • Topping: whipped cream

Starbucks secret menu drink #20: Horchata Frappuccino

39 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks - Horchata Frappuccino recipe.

A traditional Horchata is made with sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, and rice milk and it is perfect for a frappuccino.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for a Horchata frappuccino:

  • Chai creme frappuccino
  • Cinnamon dolce syrup (3 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • Vanilla syrup (1.5 pumps for venti, 1 pump grande, or 0.5 pumps for tall)
  • Chai (4 pumps for venti, 3 pumps grande, or 2 pumps for tall)
  • Topping: sprinkle cinnamon on top

21) Key Lime Pie Frappuccino

Key Lime Pie Frappuccino recipe.

The sweet and tart flavors of key lime pie are perfect in this frappuccino but this one is only possible if refreshers are on the menu.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for key lime pie frappuccino:

  • Cool lime juice to the bottom line
  • Whole milk to the second line
  • Vanilla syrup(3 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • White mocha (3 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • Cinnamon dolce syrup (1.5 pumps for venti, 1 pump grande, or .5 pumps for tall)
  • Whipped cream, blended in
  • Topping: whipped cream with toasted coconut flakes on top

22) Mint Chocolate Chip Frappuccino

Mint Chocolate Chip Frappuccino recipe.

Mint and chocolate are a killer combination and this drink is awesome any time of year.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for a mint chocolate chip frappuccino:

  • mocha frappuccino
  • peppermint syrup (1-4 pumps, according to your taste)
  • java chips (1-4 scoops), blended

23) Neapolitan Frappuccino

Neapolitan Frappuccino recipe.

Three flavors make up this delicious drink.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for Neapolitan frappuccino:

  • Strawberries and cream frappuccino
  • Mocha syrup (3 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • Vanilla bean powder (1.5 scoops for venti, or 1 scoop for grande and tall)
  • Topping: Chocolate or regular whipped cream with chocolate drizzle on top

24) Nutella Frappuccino

Nutella Frappuccino recipe.

I’ve been a fan of Nutella for as long as I can remember so this one is a definite winner.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for Nutella Frappuccino:

  • Coffee Frappuccino
  • Hazelnut syrup (1.5 pumps for venti, 1 pump grande, or 0.5 pumps for tall)
  • Mocha syrup (3 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • Blend in some whipped cream

25) Nutter Butter Frappuccino

Nutter Butter Frappuccino recipe.

This drink is inspired by those delicious peanut-shaped sandwich cookies.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for nutter butter frappuccino:

  • Hazelnut frappucino
  • Blend in a whole banana
  • Cinnamon dolce syrup (3 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, or 1 pump for a tall)
  • Toffee nut syrup (3 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, and 1 pump for tall)
  • Topping: whipped cream

26) Orange Creamsicle Frappuccino

Orange Creamsicle Frappuccino recipe.

Forget the ice cream truck and get your creamsicle fix with this summertime refresher.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for Orange Creamsicle Frappuccino:

  • Orange mango juice to the first line
  • Milk (soy, dairy) to the second line
  • Cream base (4 pumps for venti, 3 pumps grande, or 2 pumps for tall)
  • Classic syrup (4 pumps for venti, 3 pumps grande, or 2 pumps for tall)
  • Add a scoop of ice, then blend together
  • Topping: whipped cream

27) Oreo Frappuccino

Oreo Frappuccino recipe.

Who can resist a creamy drink with crumbly chocolate goodness?

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for an Oreo frappuccino:

  • Double chocolate chip frappuccino
  • White chocolate mocha syrup instead of the usual regular mocha syrup

28) Peach Cobbler Frappuccino

Peach Cobbler Frappuccino recipe.

Get all the fruity and delicious taste of a peach cobbler in this icy drink.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for peach cobbler frappuccino:

  • Vanilla bean frappuccino
  • Cinnamon dolce syrup (2 pumps for venti, 1.5 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • Peach syrup (4 pumps for venti, 3 pumps grande, or 2 pumps for tall)
  • Whipped cream, blended in
  • Topping: Cinnamon Dolce drizzle and whipped cream on top

29) Peach Ring Tea

Peach Ring Tea recipe.

If you love peach candies with powdered sugar on top, you love this.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for the peach ring tea:

  • Half Valencia orange refresher and half passion tea
  • No water
  • Peach syrup (6 pumps for Trenta, 5 pumps for venti, 3 pumps for grande, or 2 pumps for tall)

30) Pumpkin Hot Chocolate

Pumpkin Hot Chocolate recipe.

Pumpkin lattes are a perfect treat around the holidays but when you’re in the mood for hot chocolate, try it with pumpkin.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for pumpkin hot chocolate:

  • Hot chocolate
  • Pumpkin spice sauce (3 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)

31) Rainbow Sherbet Frappuccino

Rainbow Sherbet Frappuccino recipe.

Rainbow sherbet is a refreshing treat during the summer and this is a terrific drink to order when Starbucks has refreshers.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for rainbow sherbet frappuccino:

  • Strawberries and cream frappuccino made with orange refresher (instead of strawberry purée)
  • Cream base (4 pumps for venti, 3 pumps grande, or 2 pumps for tall)
  • Raspberry syrup (1.5 pumps for venti, 1 pump grande, or .5 pumps for tall)
  • Peach syrup (1.5 pumps for venti, 1 pump grande, or .5 pumps for tall)
  • Vanilla bean powder, 1 scoop
  • Blend in crushed ice

32) Red Velvet Frappuccino

Red Velvet Frappuccino recipe.

This drink is so delicious yet simple, that you’ll wonder why it’s not on the menu permanently.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for a red velvet frappuccino:

  • Half white chocolate mocha, half regular mocha frappuccino
  • Raspberry syrup (3 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • Topping: whipped cream

33) S’mores Frappuccino

S’mores Frappuccino recipe.

That perfect campfire treat can be recreated starting with a java chip frappuccino.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for s’mores frappuccino:

  • Java chip frappuccino (or double chocolate chip)
  • Toffee nut syrup (1.5 pumps for venti, 1 pump grande, or .5 pumps for tall)
  • Cinnamon dolce syrup (1.5 pumps for venti, 1 pump grande, or .5 pump for a tall)
  • Whipped cream, blended in
  • Topping: whipped cream and cinnamon dolce sprinkled on top

34) Snickers Frappuccino

Snickers Frappuccino recipe.

Nothing satisfied more than this chewy candy bar-inspired drink.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for a snickers frappuccino:

  • java chip frappuccino
  • Toffee nut syrup (3 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • Line the cup with caramel drizzle
  • Topping: whipped cream, caramel drizzle, and mocha drizzle on top

35) Warm Sugar Cookie Hot Chocolate

Warm Sugar Cookie Hot Chocolate recipe.

Sugar cookies and hot chocolate go together wonderfully and this drink marries these flavors.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for a warm sugar cookie hot chocolate:

  • White Mocha Hot Chocolate
  • Hazelnut syrup (3 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • Vanilla syrup (3 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • Topping: sprinkle raw sugar on top

36) Teddy Graham Frappuccino

Teddy Graham Frappuccino recipe.

Replicate the taste of crunchy Teddy Grahams with this modified coffee frappuccino.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for a Teddy Grahams frappuccino:

  • Coffee Frappuccino
  • Cinnamon dolce syrup (1 pump)
  • Vanilla syrup (1 pump)
  • Honey

37) Turtles Frappuccino

Turtles Frappuccino recipe.

Turtles, Turtles, Rah, Rah, Rah! Replicate the taste of these tasty chocolates in your next Frappuccino.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for a turtles frappuccino:

  • Java chip frappuccino
  • Toffee nut syrup (3 pumps for venti, 2 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • Topping: whipped cream with caramel and mocha drizzles on top

38) Twix Frappuccino

Twix Frappuccino recipe.

Cookies, caramel, and chocolate go great together just like the famous candy bar.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for a Twix Frappuccino:

  • Caramel Frappuccino
  • Hazelnut syrup (2 pumps for venti, 1.5 pumps grande, or 1 pump for tall)
  • Java chips, blended
  • Whipped cream, blended
  • Coat the cup with caramel sauce
  • Topping: whipped cream and mocha drizzle on top

39) …and the final Starbucks secret menu drink: Zebra Frappuccino

Zebra Frappuccino recipe.

White and dark chocolate combine to create a luscious drink full of chocolate flavors.

Here is the Starbucks secret menu recipe for zebra frappuccino:

  • Mocha frappuccino made with half white chocolate mocha and half regular mocha
  • Java chips

Starbucks has a terrific menu but when you need something different, try asking your favorite barista for one of these Starbucks secret menu drinks, and please tip generously.

Please share these great Starbucks secret menu drinks with your friends and family.