While animals eat to live, we can safely say that humans live to eat. A family gathering, a dinner date at a 4-star restaurant, or even a cute dinner date with our dog, we love to eat. Let’s face it, we’re surrounded by delicious food. What to do? Grab a spoon and dig into these 37 funny food memes!
1) Let the funny food memes begin!

“When the pizza delivery said 45 minutes but it’s been 48.”
2) When you can’t decide…

“When there ain’t a damn thing I wanna eat in the fridge but I just stare and stare…hoping that something appears.”
3) When sharing is caring.

“When someone asks me for a piece of my food.”
4) When you notice the same thing happens with mushrooms.

“Cooking spinach.”
5) Food memes and diets don’t mix.

“I’m on a diet, I used to eat 6 slices of pizza, but now I eat 3.”
6) When you finally realize what spoilers are for.

“Finally I understand why cars have these things…”
7) When you get the gift that keeps on giving.

“What did you get for Christmas? Fat. I got fat.”
8) When you laugh at silly baking directions.

“Allow cookies to cool for 10-15 minutes. [Giggles]”
9) Get ready for food coma memes…

“Me: Don’t cook too much I’ve already eaten. Grandma: Ok love, just a snack. Grandma:”
10) Food memes that are worth it.

“2 hours of prep and cooking. Totally worth it.”
11) When self-control is not in your vocabulary.

“*Watches fast food documentary* I’m never eating fast food again. 2 hours later: I’m a failure.”
12) Always ready for good food memes.

Me: “I really need to start eating healthier.”
Friend: “Wanna go out to eat?”
13) When biking means an entirely different thing.

Someone: “Do you go biking?”
14) When you’re hungry for more.

“How your girl is looking at your food when y’all eat out.”
15) Funny food memes with kale.

“Pro tip: If you stir coconut oil into your kale, it makes it easier to scrape it into the trash.”
16) When all you want is a piece!

“When your friend has your favorite food for lunch and doesn’t want to share with you: Could you be any more selfish.”
17) When you better be sharing.

“Bruhhhhhhh u better be sharing.”
18) Hungry for food memes that is.

“Single. Taken. Hungry.”
19) When you even wrote your name on it.

“Coming home and seeing that somebody ate the food you’ve been thinking about all day.”
20) When the fridge is empty.

“Fridge, y u no spawn something new every time I look inside?!”
21) You’ll never starve with food memes.

“No food at home. Too lazy to go outside. Starve.”
22) When stress eating is worth it…especially if it’s cake!

“Me: I have to start eating healthier. Me: Feeling even the slightest amount of stress.”
23) When you’re pizza is tasty AF.

“*Cooks a frozen pizza successfully. Italian AF Pizza.”
24) When there is a plot twist.

“Plot twist: Maybe eating tacos wasn’t cheating on my diet. Maybe going on a diet was cheating on my tacos.”
25) Funny food memes when you’d rather have a pizza instead.

“I’d rather have pizza than have a hamburger. Then….”
26) She’s probably looking for junk food memes.

“There is nothing to eat.”
27) Junk food memes will do that.

“It started out with a kiss how did it end up like this.”
28) When bible verses make you hungry.

“This bible verse always keeps me going.”
29) When you just love food.

“This is me when someone says ‘food’.”
30) Good food memes.

“I love sleep because it’s like a time machine to breakfast.”
31) When you eat with your mouth full.

“Every time the waiter checks on my table.”
32) When donuts, pizza, cake, and burgers are your 4 food groups.

“A well-rounded diet.”
33) When you really want some.

“Hey. Whatcha eating? Give me some…I won’t like it…but give me some.”
34) Oh no! We’re almost at the end of this list of food memes!

“When you’re trying to stay healthy but your demons still haunt you.”
35) Question is, will there be more food memes?

“Question. Will there be food?”
36) When you’re being practical.

“The international symbol for ‘Maybe I’ll make two sandwiches, I’m not sure yet.'”
37) When you’re ready for primetime cooking shows.

“Me after watching 12 minutes of MasterChef.”
I hope you enjoyed these funny food memes!
Please share these funny memes with your friends and family.