Life moves pretty fast and keeping up can tire anyone out in the long run. When you’re feeling tired or exhausted, the best thing is to sit back, relax, and take a well-deserved nap. Here are 37 of the best-exhausted memes that any tired person will instantly relate to.
1) Let the exhausted memes begin!

“Current mood.”
2) Exhausted mom memes with Kim Kardashian.

“Am I exhausted? Yes. Will I go to bed early? No.” She should read more exhausted memes then…

“Apart from being exhausted, fat, financially unstable and nearing a mental breakdown, work is going great thanks.”

“Are you tired? No, I’m exhausted…memes”
5) Let’s not forget exhausted mom memes!

“Both kids finally napping and I’m like.”

“I drank coffee and I’m still tired.”
7) Also, don’t disturb me while I’m enjoying exhausted memes.

“If you disturb me during my nap, I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you.”

“You know the nap was good when you see this.” Naps are as satisfying as exhausted memes.

“How is it possible that I want to do so many things and travel the world but I’m trapped in the body of someone who just wants to sleep 24/7.”

“I know I’m exhausted because this made me tear up sitting in an airport: When they were trying to bring Puffins back to islands on the US east coast they decided to so with dummies. Puffins are very social, and as a result, would to land on islands that already have puffins. The dummies looked real from a distance, but were seriously lacking up close, held up by a single peg. Puffins, being social and wanting to fit in, followed suit…”

“I’ll be there in 5 mins! U ready? Me:”
12) Classic exhausted pigeon memes.

“I’m not an early bird or a night owl, I’m some sort of permanently exhausted pigeon.”

“I’m so tired, I’m going to fall asleep as soon as my head hits my pillow. 3 am.”

“I need some sort of away message for texts that say something like: ‘Hi! I am exhausted from human interaction. I know I am posting on social media, but I currently just don’t have the energy to hold a conversation. I still love you and will get back to you in 3-5 business days.'”

“Leave me alone. I’m tired.”
16) Doing the bare minimum with exhausted memes.

“Me after doing the bare minimum at work all day.”

“All pretty women snore because they’re exhausted from playing games and reading memes all f**king day.”

“Me in bed exhausted after a long day of being in bed exhausted.”

“The nap attacked…and won.”
20) Taking a nap with exhausted memes.

“I will nap…here.”

“I noticed you’re taking a nap in the middle of the day without an alarm. I too like to live dangerously.”

“I am not tired.”

“Internet, please let me sleep. I like sleep.”

“Tired, I am. Sleep, I must.”
25) Reading exhausted memes and I’m still tired…

“I spent all day sleeping…now I’m tired.”

“I’m just so tired.”


“Too tired for noms.”

“Too tired to stay awake. Too awake to fall asleep.”
30) Dogs don’t understand exhausted memes.

“Ugh, finally home, I’m exhausted. Now it’s time to sit and do nothing. Finally! She’s home! I’ve been doing nothing all day and now it’s time to get hyper.”

“Bathtub cut from a single piece of quartz. This is how I’m tryna luxuriate. Like an exhausted witch.”

“When adulthood is physically, emotionally and financially exhausting u and the only way u know how to cope with it is to party but then u wake up sick, depressed and even more physically, emotionally and financially exhausted.”

“When I get home.”

“When you get home from work exhausted and it’s too late to nap but too early to go to bed.”
35) Even caffeine doesn’t help exhausted memes.

“When you try to caffeinate yourself and just end up increasing your heart rate while remaining exhausted.”

“When you wake up late on Sunday and immediately take a nap.”
37) Are you tired of reading exhausted memes yet? No? Here’s one more…

“Me after doing the bare minimum at work all day.”
Somebody send this poor girl some exhausted memes!

If you’re tired or exhausted and it’s only Monday, you may need some Monday memes too! Please share these funny exhausted memes with your friends and family.