I’d like to think that I’m a pretty calm person and nothing really stresses me out. When a bad situation presents itself, you just have to roll with the punches and make the best out of it like other positive people.
The following 31 positive people had things happen to them that would have frazzled almost anybody; however, they kept their cool and turned a negative into a positive in the most creative ways. Unlike these people that got a visit from karma, these positive people have nothing to worry about.
1) His beard was so refined.

2) This background couldn’t be more fitting for this broken iPhone screen.

3) Taxi drivers are positive people while playing chess during a gridlock.

4) I hope they read his license plate earlier next time.

5) It’s not the years, it’s the mileage but these positive people and their cars have lots of life left.

6) If you can laugh about it, you’ve already won.

“Give me money or I’ll kick you in the face.”
7) Positive people taking a nap on the ride home.

8) Positive people frolicking with hurricane Sandy.

“Me and James just had to go frolic in the hurricane. That’s called making lemonade out of a bunch of lemons people!! OMG-we didn’t see you! That is hysterical. Who took the pic? Kelly did. Do you want to borrow my umbrella??? No thanks. I have a [censored].”
9) A heater melted his trash can so he got creative.

10) I like the way positive people think.

“Pensacola is up to 10.90 inches so far today; now 4th-wettest on record, wettest day since 1979. Flash flood EMERGENCY in effect.”
11) This strip mall reads like a country song.

12) Stay frosty positive people!

13) If you have to go, might as well be comfortable.

14) Snowed in? Positive people make the best of it.

15) When your city gets a record snowfall, positive people forget the regular commute and ski to work!

16) I wonder if everything is half price?

17) “You didn’t get me a pony for Christmas!?”

Actually, the driver was involved in a minor car accident and took a photo of his daughter pretending to break the windshield.
18) I don’t even want to know.

19) He plans to be on crutches for a few months, might as well enjoy it.

20) If you’re gonna lose, lose gracefully.

21) When Christmas dinner gets forgotten in the oven.

22) When an apartment complex gets flooded…positive people go swimming!

23) Or, positive people relax by the pool and go fishing.

24) When someone drives through your store window, have a door crashing sale!

25) Positive people making a hospital stay a little more enjoyable.

“Hello ladies. May I interest you in some oxygen, or maybe some saline?”
26) Now, that is funny.

27) I like it!

28) When the city puts a hydro pole in your driveway, play basketball!

29) That’s open for discussion.

“High way: I think it is just terrible and disgusting how everyone has treated Lance Armstrong, especially after what he achieved winning sever Tour de France races while competing on drugs. When I was on drugs, I couldn’t even find my bike – Tricky.”
30) Riding the waves…

31) I see what you did there!

People will always see their cup as half empty or half full and the following people definitely choose the latter. Please share these positive people making the best out of a bad situation with your friends and family.