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Dogs are incredibly cute but sometimes the things they do will either make us happy, angry, or sad. Here are 30 things that nearly all dog owners will understand!
If you can relate to some of them, don’t miss 20 more things only dog owners will understand.
1) 30 things only dog owners will understand: They will always find the most comfortable place to sleep.

“I have so many things to do today. But I can’t bring myself to wake her…”
2) They will be your best friend no matter what kind of day you’ve had.

“After receiving bad news (and taking it badly), I found my waiting outside my room like this, slowly wagging her tail. Then she walked up and licked my hand. I love my dog.”
3) 30 things only dog owners will understand: They love food but who doesn’t?

“Going camping this weekend and our dog made sure to pack her true love.”
4) They also love treats!

“Hold a treat in your hand and you’re basically a dog whisperer.”
5) They also love food that doesn’t belong to them. 

“Every snack you make, every meal you bake, every bit you take, I’ll be watching you.”
6) 30 things only dog owners will understand: They will hog your bed.

“I am not sorry that I am a pillow hog and I’m too cozy to feel bad about it.”
7) 30 things only dog owners will understand: They’ll fart WHENEVER they want.

“Oh c’mon! My mouth was open.”
8) They’ll be the cutest alarm clock ever.

“Good morning. I’m just gonna wag my tail against noisey stuff until you wake up because I love you.”
9) They will try anything to get an extra treat.

“Him? No, he doesn’t want a cookie. He says I can have two.”
10) 30 things only dog owners will understand: They’ll get themselves caught in the most hilarious places.

“Uh oh”
11) They don’t mind getting dirty if it means having fun.

“The very moment I let him off the leash…”
12) Did I already mention they fart? 

“Stink-o-meter. Fart…Loading…Please open doors while waiting.”
13) They love getting into trouble.

“I love chasing skunks. I’ve been sprayed by them 4 different times. Mom says I’m a slow learner. Dad says I’m a douche bag.”
14) Nothing stands in their way of getting close to you. A special thing that only dog owners will understand.

“I thought you were never ever ever ever coming home ever. So I panicked.
15) 30 things only dog owners will understand: They love playing outside.

“This is my dog’s reaction to ‘Do you want to go outside?'”
16) It’s difficult to enforce rules when you’re this cute.

“Sometimes, it’s hard to enforce the ‘no pets on the bed’ rule.”
17) You are the most important thing in their life.

“He might be only part of your life, for him, you are his everything, the only person in his whole life.”
18) Improvising pays off.

“This is what I have to do to my dog so I can cut his nails with no sass.”
19) Maybe it’s the bubbles?

“Loves to swim. And play in the water. Acts like it’s the end of the world when it’s bath time.”
20) 30 things only dog owners will understand: They will stay close to their human.

“This is how I know where my girlfriend is…”
21) Fetching is an acquired skill. 

“I want him to throw the ball…but I don’t want to give it to him.”
22) They’ll try to find something that works.

“My human won’t give me some of his dinners? Maybe if I move to his other side, he’ll change his mind.”
23) They’re just hoping some of the food hits the ground.

“Whenever I try to eat, my shoulder instantly gets heavier…”
24) 30 things only dog owners will understand: They love looking out the window.

“Our windows aren’t dirty…That’s our dog’s nose art.”
25) Well, that’s considerate of them… 

“Makes gagging noise before puking…so you have to time to move him off the carpet.”
26) Dogs love kids.

“She’ll bite they said…9 months later still only kisses.”
27) Get ready for dog smooches.

“The house dog will continually creep closer to you if you don’t acknowledge her. This is what happens if you ignore her.
28) They still don’t like thunderstorms.

“My girlfriend’s dog hates thunderstorms.”
29) Wait…is that a treat you’re holding?!

30 things only dog owners will understand: “Don’t want it. Gotta have it!!!!!”
30) 30 things only dog owners will understand: They truly will make your life happier.

“Happy life is just in front of you. :)”
Dogs are a gift that keeps on giving and the unconditional love they provide is immeasurable. Please share these hilarious things that only dog owners will understand with your friends and family.