As you drive along, you are bound to notice vehicles with bumper stickers. Some will be lame, others will be offensive, but many will be so funny that you’ll want to give the driver a thumbs up.
One trend that has taken off is stick family car stickers but there are still a lot of classic bumper stickers. These 27 funny bumper stickers are so clever that I’m sure they will have you laughing. Also, if you enjoy these funny bumper stickers, don’t miss these 31 funny truck signs.
1) Say it with pride!
“I’m so gay I can’t even drive straight.”
2) Funny bumper stickers like this one are so true.

Reddit / CrispyNectar
“Nobody cares about your stick figure family.”
3) Don’t judge chickens.

Reddit / bobbyfbrown
“I believe in a better world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned.”
4) Instead of fossil fuel, they should call it what it is!
“Fueled by recycled dinosaurs.”
5) This favorite LOTR quote just begs to be on funny bumper stickers.

Reddit / Twentyhundred
“You shall not pass!”
6) Wait until you see the front!

Facebook / Drayton Kia
“This is the back of my car.”
7) I see what you did there!

Facebook / Country 103, Great Lakes Country
“If you can read this, I’m not impressed. Most people can read.”
8) This could relate to so many things.
“Barely holden together.”
9) No kids.

Reddit / Great_Horny_Toads
10) Lots of cats.

Instagram / @wot_u_sayin_tho
11) Three words you will never hear.

Reddit / Tevshko
“Cool PT Cruiser – Nobody ever.”
12) I think we can all get behind this one.

Reddit / KahNight
13) Literally!

Reddit / Schway_
“Baby on board.”
14) When the time comes to buy a minivan…
“I used to be cool.”
15) That’s one way to do it.

Reddit / abyssalheaven
“No baby on board!”
16) Yeah, that sounds about right.
“Huge financial burden on board.”
17) EVERY Saturn owner should have this bumper sticker!

Reddit / Myfriendme
“My other ride is Uranus.”
18) There goes the neighborhood.

Reddit / yomamascolin
“Your stick figure family was delicious.”
19) Sounds like something a parent would say.

Imgur / elegantwino
“The fact that no one understands you doesn’t mean you’re an artist.”
20) Me too!

Reddit / Karrespo
“Caution – I’ve learnt to drive from GTA Vice City.”
21) That’s a good question.

Reddit / Rbeplz
“Do you follow Jesus this close.”
22) I think he/she deserves it.

Imgur / t1l3ro
“I’m 70, leave me the hell alone.”
23) That’s a good reason, officer.

Reddit / EvergreenMeadows0924
“I’m only speeding because I really need to poop.”
24) Clever.

Reddit / permanant_throwaway_
“Adults on board. We want to live too.”
25) Look at the cute Doge. Every Dodge owner should do this!

Reddit / galactictides
26) A tasty play on words.

Reddit / stevenashattack
“I’m into fitness. Fitness whole pizza in my mouth.”
27) The force is strong with this one.

Reddit / ShrimpieTheKid
If you spend a lot of time in your car, noticing a clever and funny bumper sticker can make your day. Please share these funny bumper stickers with your friends and family.