The following brands are very successful because they create awesome products and services but sometimes their slogans might not reflect how some of their customers feel about them. Clif Dickens, a professional graphic designer, has his finger on the pulse of most consumers and how they feel toward some of these brands. He creates hilariously honest company slogans that many of us will relate to if we’re a fan of the company or its products.
If you love funny company slogans, don’t miss these other slogans! While we’re on the subject, did you also know that some company logos have hidden messages within them?
No time to scroll through the list? Watch the video instead!
Honest Company Slogans #1: Auntie Anne’s – The Smell of Regret.

Honest Company Slogans #2: Ritz – Tiny Edible Plates.

Honest Company Slogans #3: Under Armour – Wear It to Feel Athletic.

Honest Company Slogans #4: Old Spice – Smell Like Grandpa.

Honest Company Slogans #5: Crayola – The White One Is Useless.

6) Halls – Candy With Directions.

7) Tostitos Scoops – Mouth Cutters!

8) Marks-A-Lot – Take a Big Whiff Every Time You Open It.

9) Kraft Macaroni & Cheese – This Tab Will Not Open the Box.

10) Bic Wite-Out – There’s a Dried-Out Bottle in Your Junk Drawer.

11) Chick-Fil-A: You Always Crave It on Sundays.

12) Axe: Makes All the Women Flock…Away From You.

13) Slinky: Transforms Into a Tangled Metal Mess Within Minutes!

14) Hollister: Consider Bringing a Flashlight.

15) Twister: Spin Your Way to Second Base!

16) Froot Loops: They Are All the Same Flavor!

17) Fiji: The Shape of the Bottle Makes It Taste Better.

18) Guilt Trip Cookies.

19) The North Face: For Outdoor Adventures Across School Campus.

20) Taco Bell: Also Open When You’re Sober.

21) Tic Tac: Feel Like a Pill Popper.

Make sure to visit for more hilarious company slogans.
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