When you think of abandoned animals, the first ones that probably come to mind are dogs or cats but they are not alone. Over 200 neglected, abandoned, and homeless horses were rescued and now can live a life in peace at the Duchess Sanctuary in Oakland, Oregon.
The Duchess Sanctuary, a 1,120-acre facility established in 2008, is an oasis for abused, abandoned, neglected, and homeless horses. Jennifer Kunz has helped save the horses and know each one of them by name. Not only does she know their names, she knows what they like or doesn’t like. She also knows how to personally care for them based on their individual personality.
Watch these rescued horses lovin’ life at Oregon, Duchess Sanctuary…
When you watch how happy all of the horses are, it nearly brings you to tears. Please share the heartwarming devotion that Kunz has for all her horses with your friends and family.