When you turn on the news, it can sometimes seem that there isn’t any good news anymore but the following people performing acts of kindness will help restore your faith in humanity. Whether it’s a stranger down the street or a company you’ve been loyal to for years, many of them will surprise at how caring they can be.
No time to go through the list? Watch the video instead!
I believe that being good to other people is hard-coded in our DNA and it’s something most people do and those that don’t, just need to look inside themselves and find it. I hope the following acts of kindness inspire and remind us that people are still great.
1) If you’re out of work, an act of kindness like this is a bonus.

“If you are unemployed and need an outfit clean for an interview, we will clean it for free.”
2) Love makes people do incredible things.

“Has only one full limb. Still manages to build a deck for a child with severe disabilities.”
3) Reporter shows his support for a boy who was suspended for a silly reason.

“Reporter wears a grape costume to defend boy suspended for a banana suit.”
4) This restaurant gives a hand up instead of a handout.

“Allows a homeless man to sweep and mop the floor every night. Gives him a free sub and the manager drives him to a shelter every night.”
5) Some people don’t need to show off.

“Wears a shirt at the beach so other guys don’t feel insecure.”
6) This gas station knows the value of providing customer service and random acts of kindness.

“87 regular out of service. Due to inconvenience, we are selling 91 premium for the same price of 87 regular.”
7) Showing some hospitality with acts of kindness.

“Dear girl passed out on our couch…please don’t panic! Everything is okay! We think you came over with our next-door neighbor’s friend last night. You passed out, then they dipped. Please help yourself to water in the fridge. We are broke, please don’t rob us. Thanks! Sincerely, Jonathan.”
8) Nothing is worse than learning stick shift and having someone ride your bumper.

“Learning stick shift. Keep your distance, please. Still scary.”
9) The city of San Francisco rocks.

“5-year-old boy is battling leukemia and is a huge Batman fan. San Francisco is turned into Gotham City for a day so he can go fight crime around town.”
10) People with disabilities only want to be treated equally and this was awesome.

“Real-life good guy Greg helps a friend with limited use of arms play Magic The Gathering.”
11) Some companies go above and beyond for their customers and that is why they are successful.

“Good guy Zippo repaired my 53-year-old lighter for free and gave me $5 in stamps!”
12) Can’t get a better recommendation for a job than this.

“This woman was on the phone being interviewed for a job and this guy (Mayor of Chicago) randomly grabbed her phone to put in a good word.”
13) This is a thoughtful truck owner…

“Good guy large truck owner.”
14) …and thoughtful motorcycle owners with acts of kindness.

“Five motorcycles…one parking spot.”
15) Nothing is worse than forgetting your window open and it starts raining. This neighbor’s acts of kindness are awesome.

“Left my car window down during a rainy weekend while I was out of town. Good guy neighbors surprised me with this…”
16) Doctors like this deserve a hug.

“Knows you don’t have medical benefits and struggle to pay for your subscriptions. Gets you 12 months’ worth of samples for all your meds.”
17) This store takes care of its customers.

“116 degrees. Have water on us free.”
18) What goes around comes around. He/she was only given a warning instead of a parking fine. Leave it to Karma and acts of kindness.

“Please, please, please don’t give me a ticket. I was late for my midterm and there is no parking anywhere. Good karma.”
19) A neighbor performing acts of kindness with a heartfelt apology.

“Hello neighbors, my name is David and I live behind you guys in apartment #4. Let me just say that I sincerely apologize for being loud and waking you guys up, especially with finals week coming up. These walls are pretty thin and my voice tends to carry sometimes. My cell phone number is (785) XXX-XXXX. Please don’t hesitate to call or text me in the future if the noise ever becomes an issue. I’ve enclosed $10.00 and a Chipotle coupon as a peace offering. So unless you truly don’t like Chipotle, please enjoy dinner on me. Again, my deepest apologies for the disturbance, and don’t ever hesitate to let me know if we’re bothering you guys again.”
20) This is one of the most thoughtful acts of kindness I’ve ever seen.

“Once again, we have come to the beginning of the “Holiday Season.” For so many years now, we have had a tradition of helping a little during the last month of the year when many people start getting ready for Christmas. We feel fortunate to be able to extend that tradition this year as well. To that end, we offer each of you our holiday present. Please deduct $70 from your regular rent for the month of December and perhaps use those monies to purchase a gift for someone special in your life. Thank you very much for your continued residence with us. It means a great deal. From our family to your family, wishing you the happiest and healthy holiday season.”
When you feel the world has let you down, just remember that it is made up of awesome people and sometimes they will surprise you with acts of kindness
Please share these epic acts of kindness from awesome people with your friends and family.